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Rod Gold

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Posts posted by Rod Gold

  1. I believe there is a shift in the mood of Thailand when it comes to foreigners living in THEIR country.  Less smiles and more frowns.   What's next? 


    But, but, Thailand is still the most wonderful place on earth, leave if you do not like it here, and go home cause you would not be happy anywhere, you fat old ex-pat looking for a young thing to share your bed.


    For you easily offended and quick to hit the "report" button serious TVF posters who have no sense of humor, satire often has a calming affect on a serious subject.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Neurath said:

    Sounds more heaven than hell really,  but that' s just me and who am I to begrudge you your dystopian sex nightmare. Might I add just one little thing? You've forgotten the animals. There are always animals in this type of straight man night sweat. The kind that get and give rectal abuse and are then  married to sex warped bipeds. No, I've seen it in my dreams.


    You wanna speak to Guillerom Del Toro about this scenario - maybe he can develop it into one his movies. One like Pans Labyrinth. Be sure though to ask Donald if he can come to the US.

    I will give you credit to being true and open about your moral decay.

  3. For any other politician and officer of the state, this exposure would end their career and likely result in jail time.  Not so for Hillary, cause as everyone has been conditioned to believe, it is just another Right Wing Nut conspiracy, nothing to see here folks, move along please.


    Obama administration has done irreparable damage to the value of the Rule of Law and Justice System by protecting their political cronies at the expense of US citizens losing confidence in the system. 

  4. Let's just cut to the chase.  Declare that all people must become bi-sexual, anyone refusing sex with a same sex suitor or a person of different ethnicity will be arrested and treated at a sexual promiscuity treatment center, there will be only one toilet to be used by all, toilet areas have official approval as an acceptable place for consenting adults to engage openly in sex, (no more hiding behind stall doors), people having children will be severely taxed and have to take their children to the nearest wooded area to use the toilet, and women who become pregnant need only contact a local abortion doctor for an in-home procedure. 

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