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Rod Gold

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Posts posted by Rod Gold

  1. 4 hours ago, Galactus said:


    you are either misleaded or trying to mislead others.

    law is not changed. old law continues. Constitution Court just asked law makers to revise it and law stays the same until the revision is done. if revision is not done within 6 months, old law again continues.

    and reason for Constitution court to do that is, current law gives offenders same sentence for abusing a minor at age 15 and age 12. Constitution court want the law revised as the want higher punishment for the offenders of minors at age 12 then offenders of minors at age 15.


    and if you say, old man lines up for minors etc, you will be at the same group of that Swedish minister, stating facts you have zero idea.

    and if you say all believers of islam do not allow their woman to show their faces, again, you are stating facts with prejudice and stating facts you have zero idea again.

    "all believers of Islam"   You are putting words into my post that I did not say.   I seldom, if ever use the word "all" as it is too broad a brush to paint a subject.  What the heck difference does it make if a girl is 12 or 15?  Bedding these young women is just wrong on every level.

  2. Are you really that easily offended?   Try not looking for something to complain about.  Life is wonderful for those who look for it's wonders.  Try being positive and complimentary, you may live longer and be happier.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    trump the actual man is much more bizarre and clownish than any artistic representation. I wonder what the effect would be if a Superpac sent a postcard and email to every U.S. address just of that sculpture. Not Hillary's campaign of course. A superpac. I'm just wondering as obviously that won't happen, whether that would help, hurt, or be neutral for Hillary.

    There are no US Presidential Candidates, only mediocre un-incarcerated buffoons.

  4. Paper, be it cash, bonds, securities and so on, are all becoming suspect as the world slides slowly into a financial abyss.


    Be smart and place at least some of your wealth in commodities that can not be devalued like paper.


    Precious metals, real estate, antiques, art and so on will continue to hold their value as the world's financial giants become insolvent and the world as we now know it changes from paper to digital.   Even more suspect as a store of wealth.

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