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Posts posted by pwllgrgn

  1. Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

    Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.



    Just wondering if Immigration in other parts of Thailand are going to do the same? We are going to be heading for Chiang Mai in the near future and would like some clarification.

    Thanks :o

  2. I need help with finding a hotel near Hua Hin that allows pets. I'm planing to take my dog down to Phuket to go to dog school and as we are travellig all the way from Isan we need to stop over somewhere. Please can someone help me :o .





    I hope one of these is suitable. Apparantly they are all doggy friendly

    Coral Keys at Hua Hin

    Evason Hua Hin & Six Senses Spa

    The Doghouse bar and guesthouse :D

  3. "I can see your point but do you really believe that having to show 800k in a bank account ... to get a 1 year extension of stay is difficult?"

    Yes, comparatively, Thailand is easy to retire in. I believe that in order to qualify for a retirement visa in Malaysia, one needs to document a monthly income of $2500. U.S.

    Again, keep in mind that for Retirement Vsa extension, it is the combination of bank deposit(s) plus yearly retirement income which must equal or exceed 800,000. Baht.

    Completely incorrect about Malaysia. You can qualify on a one time deposit alone to get a visa for 5 or 10 years. Yes, it is a rather large deposit. No pension or income needed to show. A large chunk of this deposit can be withdrawn after one year to buy housing or for medical care.


    The requirements for Malaysia are;

    Over 50 initial deposit of £21,428 (approx 1478103 baht)

    Under 50 initial deposit of £42,857 (2956275 baht)

    A vast majority of the property that can be bought is either condos, semi-detached or terrace houses with small gardens. They also look more expensive than Thailand.

    You also have to prove that you have liquid assets of at least £50,000 (3449000 baht)

    If you live in Sarawak the minimum price of the house you can purchase is £50,000 (3449000 baht))

    Other states £35,714 (2463551 baht)

    Cars are very expensive to buy even with the incentive of no sales tax. :o

  4. Hello

    Are you using the services of a pet relocator? I am taking my dog on the same aircraft as myself but he is travelling as cargo as he is to heavy for excess baggage with Thai Airways. I was going to go down the DIY route but I am hitting a brick wall concerning the Import Permit. All the other requirements ssm to be quite simple. If not it seems that you will have to get the Import Permit yourself from Thailand before you leave the UK. I don't know if this is a new requirement. I was under the impression that this could be obtained at your destination airport in Thailand. I have made enquiries with the Department of Livestock in Bangkok who say it has to be obtained from the Animal Quarantine Officer in Chiang Mai with no further details and now they will not answer any of my emails. Thai Airways have given me two different answers. It seems to depend on who you speak to. Apparantly they will not fly my dog unless I have this document.I have even contacted the Royal Thai Embassy in London who just directed me to a page on their website which doesn't even mention an Import Permit. I'm not sure where to go with this now. :o

    OK pwllgrgn, I have to be in the neighborhood of the AQO anyway today, and will pass by and ask. Hopefully they give me the paper rightway and I can send it to you. Will PM later.

    Your an angel, I would be very very grateful. :D


  5. Hello

    Are you using the services of a pet relocator? I am taking my dog on the same aircraft as myself but he is travelling as cargo as he is to heavy for excess baggage with Thai Airways. I was going to go down the DIY route but I am hitting a brick wall concerning the Import Permit. All the other requirements ssm to be quite simple. If not it seems that you will have to get the Import Permit yourself from Thailand before you leave the UK. I don't know if this is a new requirement. I was under the impression that this could be obtained at your destination airport in Thailand. I have made enquiries with the Department of Livestock in Bangkok who say it has to be obtained from the Animal Quarantine Officer in Chiang Mai with no further details and now they will not answer any of my emails. Thai Airways have given me two different answers. It seems to depend on who you speak to. Apparantly they will not fly my dog unless I have this document.I have even contacted the Royal Thai Embassy in London who just directed me to a page on their website which doesn't even mention an Import Permit. I'm not sure where to go with this now. :o

  6. Hello

    A friend of mine who lives in Chiang Mai has received some information from an long term resident of Chiang Mai who has brought four dogs into Thailand over the years. He says that since several years ago the strict standard way of doing this as regards Customs duties and clearance for animals and luggage from international points of origin has been applied at Chiang Mai airport, but that Bangkok Airport is still using a degree of flexibility. Has anyone any recent experience of this? :o

  7. Hello

    I have found out the following information which I think will clarify this matter:

    From Bangkok Airport Customs Office/Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok

    Assuming that you are bringing your pet(s) into Thailand for 6 months or more by air as one of accompanied baggage:

    Authorization to import your pet arriving by air can be obtained at the Bangkok airport.

    At the airport, you will need to obtain an authorization to bring into, or transit animals via Thailand (Ror 6 form), and a permission to bring animals into Thailand (Ror 7 form), and fill out application for special importation form (Kor Sor Kor 102)


    From Royal Thai Consulate Hull

    On arrival you then need to take your pet(s) to the Animal Import Desk located in the airport where you will complete Import Documents.

    If anyone thinks that this info is incorrect please let me know :o

  8. Hello

    I have had a look at the Department of Livestock Development website and it is not very clear. It says the Documents required for Application of Import , Export or Transit Licence of Live Animals and/or Animal Remains. Individual person

    1.A copy of identification card of an importer/exporter

    2. A letter of representative appointment , and a copy of identification card of the representative ( in case the application cannot personally submit application , he should appoint a representative )

    3. A copy of house registration certificate .

    I am coming from the UK I don't have a ID card and I won't have a represenative in Thailand or a house registration certificate. Is there any other way of obtaining the permit?

  9. Hello

    I have had a look at the Department of Livestock Development website and it is not very clear. It says the Documents required for Application of Import , Export or Transit Licence of Live Animals and/or Animal Remains. Individual person

    1.A copy of identification card of an importer/exporter

    2. A letter of representative appointment , and a copy of identification card of the representative ( in case the application cannot personally submit application , he should appoint a representative )

    3. A copy of house registration certificate .

    I am coming from the UK I don't have a ID card and I won't have a represenative in Thailand or a house registration certificate. Is there any other way of obtaining the permit?

  10. As I said your husband does not qualify for a retirement extension of stay (it is not a visa) and unless he puts 800k baht into his own bank account will not qualify next year any more than he does this year. But that does not matter as long as you are married to him and agree that he is your husband. He can obtain matching extension of stay to yours on the basis of order 7.19

    You obtain extension of stay for retirement under section 7.21 - five minutes later he obtains extension of stay under 7.19 using below

    1. Application form

    2. Copy of passport of the applicant

    3. Copy of passport of the foreigner

    who is granted permission to stay in


    4. Copy of documents showing the

    relationship such as the evidence of

    marriage, copy of birth certificate,

    evidence of the registration of

    ordinary child adoption, certificate of

    the registration of adopted child

    adoption or other papers issued by

    other related government


    Can I just ask, does the person applying for the extension on the grounds of being a dependent not have to complete a form TM7

  11. Hello

    I have read on this forum previously that an import permit for your pet can be obtained at the airport where the pet arrives and there is no need to obtain one prior to arrival. On the website of the Department of Livestock Development it says:

    1.An importer or any person wishing to import live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand should receive an Import Permit from the Department of Livestock Develpoment (DLD) prior to an importation.

    2.The importer should contact a veterinary official at the International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at the port of entry , and request for information on a protocol and an animal health requirement of importation of live animals into Thailand.

    3.The importer should personally submit an application request (Form No 1/1) to import live animals into the country to an AQS veterinary offical , at least 15 days prior to an importation

    Also I have read it is advisable to let the resident vet at the airport know your flight number and time of arrival, as he will have to perform an examination and study your paperwork before admitting your dog

    Can anyone please clarify please :o

  12. Hi Nienke

    I am so pleased that you have found him a good loving home. I have been worrying about him since I read the thread. I hope you can now find a loving home for the other German Shepherd.it is a good job that there are people like you in the world :D

    I'm just doing my job.

    Most credit should go to the people of:

    http://carefordogs.org/index2.php who are busy day and night in rescueing and caring for ill and injured dogs and cats, and

    http://www.lannadog.net who are presently working their guts out to clean up the mess in another dog shelter.

    Maybe some volunteer work for you in near future? :o:D:D


    Yes I and my husband would be happy to do volunteer work when we arrive. I 'll let you know when I arrive :D

  13. Hi Nienke

    I am so pleased that you have found him a good loving home. I have been worrying about him since I read the thread. I hope you can now find a loving home for the other German Shepherd.it is a good job that there are people like you in the world :o

  14. Hi

    I know this does not help poor Moses, as unfortunately I am still in the UK and will not be arriving in Chiang Mai until later this year or maybe early 2008. I would have defintely offered him a home, my own dog is a German Shepherd whose owners were breeders and because his ears did not stand up they were going to put him to sleep. He is the most loyal and loving dog you can imagine. I hope you do find him a loving home soon. Keep up the good work.

  15. Wow, there have been some strong opinions made here by some. And solely opinions they are, as there are many examples where dogs and cats have made it through the trip very well and are living a happy life with their owners here. In some cases even more happy than in their home country as they have the freedom of both inside and outside the house at all times, instead of being inside the house with merely 3 walks a day, because in their home countries it's too cold and/or too wet to roam the garden during the day.

    In the past several years I've seen too many dogs being rehomed once their owners left the country. This is not always in the benefit of the animal. Several of them developed seperation anxiety due to changing owner a couple of times in their lives.

    Personally, I respect those who make a commitment to their animal to take care of it for its whole live, no matter what may pop up during this period.

    Of course, there always can be circumstances that it is better for the well-being of the animal to rehome it. This completely depends on the individual case.

    In answer to OP's questions:

    To my knowledge pet animals only arrive on the luggage carrousel if it travels with the owner/s on the same flight as excess luggage. (And yes, observer21, dogs and cats do arrive on the luggage carrousel when flying as excess luggage)

    If the animal is send by cargo (a different plane), then you have to collect it from the cargo terminal. Where that is in BKK I do not know, but there have been threads where this is explained (read the pinned subject first. If it's not there, then I suggest you do some search on this forum with words like 'import' and 'dogs'). In these threads you can also read that sedating the dog during travel in NOT recommended and why.

    Recently there has been a thread on importing a dog from England, where crate training has been explained. Worth while looking at this thread. As proper crate training can reduce the stress level enormously.

    In my opinion, please, do bring your dog, IF your dog does not show abnormal anxious behavior already and depending on his/her overall health. If your dog has a thick double coat, then also bring proper grooming gear. You can bet on it that especially the undercoat will shed within a week after arrival. Meaning that you will spend most of your day grooming this undercoat out. Shaving the dog is not recommended, unless it has a medical reason (or with shih tzu's, other very long-haired dogs or poodles in boarding with me, a complete selfish reason :o )

    Another recommendation is to have a small pond/swimming pool or the like in your garden for the dog to jump in and cool down.

    Having several St. Bernards and huskies in boarding, at my kennel, I see this is very important for them to cool down. And not only for them, of course, almost all other (mix) breeds enjoy the water, if it was only to sit in it and not swim.

    As for germs and the like in Thailand. Thailand is a hot and humid country where germs etc play party time. But it's up to the immune system of your animal whether it is susceptible to these germs or not. Therefore, it is the same as anywhere in the world: give your animal the diet that provides the proper nutrients.

    If you read this forum than you can read that I, based on several years of experience and research, prefer to give my dogs raw food. Not everyone prefers to do so, and for those there is fairly good quality dog food brands on the market. These are not cheap as they are all imported. The cheap ones are locally made and will NOT provide your animal with the proper nutrients. Another option is to cook the food for your dog.

    Depending on where you are going to live, there are for sure in BKK and Chiang Mai good vet's. Other places I'm not familiar with, but you can ask on this forum for a start. And you can PM Bambina, who is the forum vet, and so far i know always willing to answer questions on animal's health issues.

    As in all countries there are good and bad vets and Thailand is no exception. Also, even good vets can make mistakes or aren't always right. You've have to find yourself a vet in your neighborhood that you feel comfortable with.

    One last thing I would like to add: ticks and heartworm is very common here. Therefore, it is advisable to give heartworm prevention by pill or injection, and try to prevent ticks on your dog at all times, which is very hard, and therefore I advise to do a SNAP test every half a year. For this the vet draws some blood of your animal and put that with some solution in a little testkit. 5 Minutes later you receive the answer whether your dog is positive (has antibodies against a certain tick parasite) or not. If positive, your dog will be prescribed an antibiotic cure. If the disease is caught in the acute stage, the parasite can be killed with antibiotics. If the disease has become chronic, the only thing that remains is to keep the dog's immune system optimal with GOOD food.

    Hope this will be of some help to you,


    Well said. Excellent advice as usual :D

  16. I want to do a run at Mai Sai in 2 wks and re-enter with a visa on arrival (will take my onward air ticket from Thailand with me!).

    What transport options are there to get from Chiang Rai to Mae Sai; either companies taking travellers to the border purely for the visa run or public buses, taxis etc.?

    Do you just walk over and come back? What is the fee to get into Burma, are there any requirements e.g. photos..?



    Have a look at the following thread on the Chiang Mai forum, I think that it will answer your question.


    Regards :o

  17. Hi

    If your visa is a Multi Entry Non Immigration type O visa and you need a re-entry stamp for a further 90 days what would the procedure be for this at Mae Sai? :o

    Very simple. Walk out of Thailand into Burma, pay the 500 baht Burmese fee, then walk back into Thailand. They will give you a 90 day stamp coming back in.


    This will probaly sound really thick. Do I get off the bus before it crosses the border into Burma or just get off the bus in Burma and then walk back into Thailand? And if I do this will the bus let me back on? :D

  18. Hi

    I have just been on the Royal Thai Consulate Hull website and there is a notice which states:


    A) The following is the procedure for someone who is residing in the UK to apply for a UK Police Clearance Certificate for presentation to the Thai authorities for the purposes of applying for either retirement status in Thailand or to take up a job which involves working with children (teaching, etc).

    All foreign nationals living outside Thailand who wish to enter Thailand to become a teacher or to retire need to provide a Police Clearance Certificate. In the case of a British national living in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland they need to contact their Area Police Force and request a “Subject Access Report” application form (used to be known as the £10 Police Check). Information about all UK Police Forces is available through the internet at www.police.uk. Please note it can take up to 40 days to receive your report. The report must be submitted to the Thai authorities within 3 months of the date of issue.

    I will be applying for a Multi Entry Non Immigration type O visa in the UK and then extending this on the grounds of retirement once in Thailand. I am sure that I have read on other threads that a police clearance check is not required or asked for at Immigration. Should I apply for one to be on the safe side and if so do I need to send it to Bangkok for verification? :o

  19. 1. An O-A visa is obtained from a Consulate overseas and is designed to be extended by Immigration inside Thailand. If you have to obtain a new O-A visa do not believe the medical requirement as been rescinded. If you apply for extension of stay from Immigration there is no longer a requirement for it.

    2. Don't understand the 2 days late part. If you arrive after the date on your re-entry permit you will have to start over - but it appears you meet the 65k monthly income requirement so that should not be a problem.

    3. Don't know why you would wire 2M baht unless you buying condo and if that is the case you need to observive special considerations - the reason must be stated and special paperwork involved.

    4. The reason not to send large sums is the new requirement to withold 30% and place in Bank of Thailand account for one year if the bank does not know it is not for investment. Make sure you check with bank first if you do not want to risk a paperwork chase.


    Not sure if I understand No 4 correctly. I am correct in assuming that if you wire the 800,000 baht required for the retirement extension to your Thai Bank account it should be done in small amounts over a period of time or if it is wired in one lump sum the bank will withold 30% for 1 year. If I have read it incorrectly please don't shout at me :o


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