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NorthernRyland last won the day on September 22 2020

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  1. thanks I'll try Manifreshto next time since it's the least difficult for me to access. 👍
  2. I went there over the weekend. Good food and good value for money. The guy did a pretty convincing replica of a classic American diner.
  3. I went there last year for the first time and I saw this too. It was hectic and the beaches filled up with families and single people playing music and making lots of noise etc... Not very peaceful, which is what I wanted. I actually had to abandon a hotel I reserved because it was next to a bike bar. They probably all ride down in packs from Bangkok every weekend.
  4. Surely they'll give you problems if you do this enough? I'd happily pay 2000 baht year to not do a 90 day reports or even think about it.
  5. yeah right, It's over an hour drive for me and them costs hours of not working. Wife works in the city and can do it at lunch break with much less effort.
  6. I'm still new on this visa and I simply forgot. My plan was to set a calendar reminder but this time I forget. I forget many things and I'm sure I'll forget this again. 😂
  7. This isn't even Pai! It's outside of Mae Hong Son on the Myanmar border.
  8. Yes indeed! So my wife calls them today and asks if she can do it. They say NO because I must be present to sign the late fee receipt. I'm going to Krabi on Friday and the airport is near immigration so I can go then.
  9. yeah my wife was having none of that so she'll go in next week when she's free. Thanks.
  10. very well I didn't think they were so lenient. I'll just do it whenever.
  11. ok well in that case I'll have my wife go tomorrow or when she's next available. I'm in the city now but I don't want to stay another day if I don't have to.
  12. Next time I need to be there is in 90 days. 🙂 Can't imagine you can be late for so many days...
  13. I'm late on my 90 day before by 10 days past the 7 day grace period, is my wife still able to do it for me? There's just a 2000 baht late fee I think but not sure if they'll complain I didn't show up because of the late fee. This is the Chiang Mai immigration office.
  14. Yeah I'm sure this is happening too but I'm seeing some REALLY young kids, not much older than 18 with little babies and they seem to be a family unit. This used to be normal if you go back in time far enough. This is not the norm at all though and birth rates have collapsed in the cities so it's not like this is all of Thailand.
  15. A few years ago at my wife's place of work there was a 30 year old Thai men that moved up from other regional office to work. One day he goes out on the motorbike and gets into a little crash not far from his house so calls his coworkers to come help him. They find him with minor injuries crying on the side of the road like a baby. 😂 Then recently a 20-ish Thai guy in school to be a nurse comes up to rent a house where I live in the mountains so he can train at the local hospital. He's from Udon Thani I think and never left the family house before. Lasts one night and moves out because it was too dark and quiet and he was afraid. 😂
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