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Posts posted by crudy21

  1. Although i am English and live in England i can't help but wonder what is to become in Thailand, even if the troops went in and cleared the main site in Bangkok well surely it would spring up again somewhere else?

    On a pesonal level it has no real effect on me apart from my usual 2 or 3 yearly trips to Thailand (which really are getting fewer because of the exchange rate) are put on hold but it is truly heartbreaking to see what is happening. I have many friends in Thailand and many Thai friends in my own country and they all seem to be unsure of what the future holds.

    Lets say it ends semi peacefully in the next day or 2, can anyone see a peacefull future? I honestly can't.

    So sad!

  2. I was planning to book a flight to come to BKK next week, then travel by road/bus/car to Ratchaburi, and Pattaya. Is this area safe? Are there any travel restrictions? Your advice and recommendations are appreciated.

    Who knows, im guessing Pattaya is safe right now but by next week the whole country could be in civil war. I would seriously be looking at changing my plans if i were you.

  3. I for one will certainly be giving Thailand a wide birth this year (first time in 15 years), its being reported now on Twitter that Dusit Thani Hotel in Sala Daeng is under attack. Then theres the report of the foriegner in KK being attacked. Think i will still go to Cambodia, not sure which route though, who knows what could happend at BKK. Sad situation indeed.

  4. Birdy iced coffee, those white doughy balls with minced pork in, Sang Som, 100km ride in a taxi for £20, Leng Kee's roast dack/duck with gravy, full BBQ chicken from that cart outside Sutus Court (does 2 or 3 meals), washing my smalls and them being dry in an hour, I could go on all day!

  5. OP wrote:

    "Taking in to account the exchange rate a beer on say Soi Cowboy or Nana in Bangkok at 150 Baht equates to a whopping £6 a pint!"

    Better re-check your math, mate.

    Hmm not so sure mate, 150 baht = £3, 2 x bottles of beer = 1 pint, therefore 2 x 150 bottles = 1 pint = 300 baht = £6, surely?

    1 pint = 568.26 ml = 1.722 bottles of beer of 330 ml each ~ £5.30

    + obligitory tip!

  6. OP wrote:

    "Taking in to account the exchange rate a beer on say Soi Cowboy or Nana in Bangkok at 150 Baht equates to a whopping £6 a pint!"

    Better re-check your math, mate.

    Hmm not so sure mate, 150 baht = £3, 2 x bottles of beer = 1 pint, therefore 2 x 150 bottles = 1 pint = 300 baht = £6, surely?

  7. male, UK, around 30

    i thought the only place this strata was allowed in thailand was soi post office , pattaya (i.e., the dog's bullox)

    These are rural Northern lads, not your average Soi Post Office clientelle. Just looking for a good time without breaking the bank.

    I wouldn't recommend The Dogs <deleted> to my worst enemy!

  8. Quick lowdown, 4 of my friends (male, UK, around 30) are planning a trip to Thailand for their first time. As i have been to Thailand many times they keep asking me for advice, i can advise on Bangkok and Pattaya but i have don't have much idea about the islands.

    Their questions range from price of a beer, a room and other nocturnal activities that i would really have no idea about. I know you can get a beer in various bars on Soi 7 Pattaya for 35 Baht and a draught in a gogo for around 50 baht but how are the Samui and Phuket prices? Also a half decent hotel room in Pattaya is very easily found for 500 Baht, would this be a case on the islands?

    Taking in to account the exchange rate a beer on say Soi Cowboy or Nana in Bangkok at 150 Baht equates to a whopping £6 a pint! These are the prices they are looking to avoid basically.

    Also apart from one or two nicer beaches on the islands, is there anything else much different from Pattaya?


  9. I was in Cantebury Tales about 4 weeks ago and the Dave from there was secretly filming Crazy Dave's ranting through the foilage! I bet he can tell a tale or two of his own!

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