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  1. yosib157


    You're totally correct. Most Isaan Provincial capitals are the same. I've found that most places have small expat groups but hard to find 'em
  2. yosib157


    Good idea but I did that years ago around the Victoria snooker place.
  3. yosib157


  4. yosib157


    Same as yours really. Did you get many replies? Yours is the first for me
  5. yosib157


    I have 3 nights alone in Mahasarakham. Any suggestions where to go for an hour or so entertainment?
  6. yosib157


    My village council had a meeting last week with many other villages from the surrounding area in Roi Et Province to discuss this terrible yabba epidemic. My wife was invited and as you say, this problem is huge throughout Isaan and probably same the whole country. That said, my immediate concern is for my wife's 40 year old brother. Their older brother dropped dead around 3 years ago after years of alcohol abuse. The younger brother, 40 with a 12 year old son, is obviously heading in the same direction. Although he has a good job, he is on the white whisky at every opportunity and on Sunday, his day off, he and his drinking buddies start at 7.30 am. I have expressed concern with other family members but they don't seem concerned that the 12 year old nephew will follow his Dad's example but I can't see him ever getting a job so will only work rice -- and drink white whisky. In my 23 years with this family I can only claim credit for helping to straighten one young man many years ago. He is also around 40 and working/living north Bangkok with a lovely wife and baby. When he visits the village he always makes a beeline for me as he remembers our heated exchanges from that long time ago and appreciates how he recovered. So, one out of two is half but I cannot think of a solution to the yabba problem which some say can be bought from 5 thb to 50 per tab. I suppose the price varies with demand and availability.
  7. I met up with Nookie a few years ago at his house and also made roadside collections near Buriram. Similar sense of humour to mine and a real nice guy. Must have supplied hundreds of hungry expats along his way. RIP Peter, Now in Roi Et
  8. 5/December was the birthday of the last King, Rama 9. It is also the official Fathers' Day in Thailand and a public holiday.
  9. Trying not to be cynical, but 'my' adopted family and all other locals I know have only a little or no knowledge of world events nor any geographical perspectives. Most are not even aware of what's happening in the next village. I don't have a 6 month reserve but same as Hummin wrote, we can cut many corners if necessary and almost live off the land.
  10. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Thanks for that. 4 Dutchmen eh? That's really a rare site. At out previous home for 18 years I had a few Dutch friends. My best mate returned to the Netherlands the same week we moved here. At Satmat is around 25 km from us so a little far to make arrangements.
  11. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Thanks for your reply Andy. At the moment we have a lot of garden work in progress which we need to finish before taking a weeks driving holiday starting on Sunday. I will send you a personal email on our return and maybe meet up.
  12. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Thanks Aha, that's the best info I've received so far. As I remember, the guy I met briefly also mentioned they sometimes meet up for coffee so things are now clicking into place. Until a few weeks ago, I used to meet up with another Aussie guy for coffee a few km back along the road to Roi Et but he has moved away. Plus 2 other Brits but they are only around every few months as they are both still working. There are no others until nearer PP. Ban Kham Hai also rings a bell and the guy I met maybe lives there. I'll probably call in at the Amazon place next Friday. We actually live 12 km the opposite direction from PP but only 15 minutes now the roads have been improved -- slightly. Thanks for the invite to Roi Et. We'll be there in 2 weeks, but as soon as I get my Visa extension business completed, we'll be off on a 4 day break towards Loei Province.
  13. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Thanks for your reply BARNET. I was asked by another guy to add the Province --- so I did. I know all those bars in Roi Et but unfortunately they are about 55km from my village and I'm not looking for an all night session as they finished years ago. My alcohol intake is somewhat restricted by a variety of medical issues and the place I'm talking about is only 15 minutes from me. I know the Riverside and I heard they have quite a following by many Nationalities. I was looking for an hour or so once a month locally chatting in English. After 23 years living in Isaan I have enough Thai language to get by, but any conversation with Thai village folk is rather limited and not the same as having a crack with other foreigners about world issues etc. Contrary to others thinking I need empathy or sympathy, we have a beautiful new house with plenty of space inside and out to sit with a can of beer watching the sunset which I can continue to do alone or occasionally with others.
  14. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Its difficult for me to reply to your comments without getting personal. However, it's not the fact that the guy was Australian but more that he spoke English. My 10 minutes chat with him was the only English conversation I'd had since our New Year's party which was coincidentally with another Aussie. I am the only foreigner for miles and just to sit down with others for an hour or so would be a real treat even without alcohol. Incidentally, I've met and chatted with more Aussies in my 3 years in this area than any other nationality and they've all been fine. Unfortunately, the two guys I got to know best are no longer around. In my 24 years living here I've never met 2 foreigners who live the same so my motto is best to live and let live.
  15. yosib157

    Phanom Phrai

    Thanks for your input although I can't find another. The Phanom Phrai I mean is in Roi Et Province maybe 12 km from Yasothon. I doubt that this added information will produce any results as 55 members read my original posting within the first few hours then it sort of fizzled out. That said, I was pleased yesterday when someone added a 'thumbs up'
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