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  1. As they say: '' Don't turn a misdemeanor in a felony ''
  2. It depends on what kind of arrhythmia. There are so many different kinds and most of them aren't dangerous. I myself have non-sustained extrasystoles (pvcs-pacs -- I'm 36), but they're actually harmless since I have a normally structured heart. Not dangerous but extremely annoying, and they can take a toll on mental health. However, I do suggest to anyone who hasn't been checked to undergo an ECG to ensure that their heart is structurally normal because it can be potentially dangerous with an unhealthy heart. (That's actually how young football players die—they had congenital heart issues that they weren't aware of because they never tested for it).
  3. I HIGHLY suggest you check-out ''Let's Get High'' in Chiang Mai.They are in Chiang Mai but they deliver everywhere in Thailand. Here's their link: https://weed.th/shop/90b4cfa8-e274-41b1-873d-43da4a30544e/chiang-mai/lets-get-high-cnx I'm not living there at the moment but everytime I'm there I buy from them (no -- I'm not affiliated in any way shape or form with them I just like their bud). They have promotion for both 3A-5A weed (2A have no promotion but at 150b/g it's understandable). 2A - 150b/g 3A - 240b/g (5g - 1000b) 4A - 400b/g (3g - 1000b) 5g - 450b/g (3g - 1200b) Much better than these crazy over-priced shops in BKK that are selling at 600-900b/g wtf..
  4. 2 alledegly drunk guys fighting with knives and machetes on ''Soi Green Drinking Water''. This folks is why I've chosen Thailand as my second home.
  5. '' However, upon searching his backpack, they discovered a packet of cannabis, which is currently legal in Thailand but under major debate. '' Here we go again... I already know what they gonna say.
  6. I've been in Thailand since 2010. Went through alot of raining, hot and cold seasons but I've never been through something like that. I feel like I'm a walking deep fried chicken everytime I go out (I'm in Nakhon Sawan). Honestly -- is it this bad where you are?
  7. I would say that he's pretty right when it comes to insufficient cognitive function https://media.giphy.com/media/801kwlTIfQFFMwU41V/giphy.gif So does your replies.
  8. Have you noticed the one thing that all these old politicians (politicians in general, to be honest) have in common? They're literally out of touch with reality. They don't even understand how their own people live. They're living a life away FAR from the same people who are funding their salary. It's as if they're not even aware of what's happening in the world at all. And of course they're doing all that while robbing their own.
  9. As I'm growing older (I recently turned 36), I realize that the worst kind of people are those who have an opinion about everything and anything without really knowing what they're talking about. You know, those who always try to insert their opinion without anyone asking. Politicians are exactly these kinds of people. They try to tell others how they should live, speak, breathe, etc. These are truly the worst kind of people. Just look at COVID... they kept telling people to stay inside while, themselves, having parties with other people. I honestly can't stand them at all. They're exploiting their own people and are the LAST kind of people you should trust. They truly couldn't care less about you. I 100% would trust a made men in the mob before I trust a politician.
  10. Am I the only one that's quite worried for the guy next to the right to the police officer in the middle with that rifle?!?!
  11. The international champion of the hotel lobbies of the world (ICHLW Champ)
  12. My G whats poppin?!? how can you not know what mofo mean you know i'm saying? that's riddiculous yo

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