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Posts posted by ezrider62

  1. 1 hour ago, nisakiman said:

    They've got totally bonkers drugs laws in the Gulf States. They throw people in jail for travel sickness pills bought over the counter in another country.


    If they're going to have prohibitions on certain drugs (I personally would like to see ALL drugs laws consigned to the dustbin of history - the laws destroy far more lives than the drugs themselves do), then it should be done on an international scale so you don't get stupidities where certain drugs, particularly pharmaceutical drugs, are legal in one country and not in another.

    You're dead on about destroying lives and families, loss of assets and jobs etc. too. Drug laws are screwy. The prescription drugs do more damage than the illicit ones also, even more screwy.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Chicog said:


    That's a load of rubbish.

    They throw people in jail for having proscribed drugs normally because they've created a scene at immigration or check in, otherwise they don't care.


    The ones that are proscribed are things like Codeine. 

    In this case, it sounds like she was carrying a veritable pharmacy, and try getting into Australia with prescription drugs for which you have no prescription. And that includes non-Prescription Codeine now as well.

    She was probably taking these to make money and got caught. Som Num Na.



    I don't agree totally. The middle east is a very strict place with tough laws all around you. Every country has its own laws and some are very nutty. I bet she's been through a real nightmare.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    Stop your mouth OK? ( Thailish) This is Thailand we don't care if she stole 500.000 Baht from you. The guy is depressed and he needs help. Losing all your savings when you are already old is very difficult. Foreigners need to be careful . Many Thai women are just after Farangs money not because they are handsome.Wake up guys......I feel sorry for this old man....

    Be careful is right and common sense also. Where did I meet her at? In a bar? Not a great start for a good relationship, there are plenty of good ones if you look in the proper places and use good sense.

  4. 36 minutes ago, jonclark said:


    Wise words indeed. 


    In Thailand foreigners (westerners mainly) really love looking down on other westerners, be it behavior, attitude, problems they may encounter or situations they may find themselves in etc. Oddly though you do not find the same attitude within the Indian and Chinese communities for example, which when threatened join ranks to protect their own and have quite good support networks for each other. Which probably explains why these communities thrive in Thailand and the farang community is a fragmented,  transient, narcissistic and on whole quite unsuccessful in Thailand.

    So true, I often try to acknowledge other faranges around areas that are sparsely populated with my kind and they just ignore me like I don't exist. I can't figure it out, we could help each other with issues or just a quick chat nothing big. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    The "root" of the problem was that she apparently got ahold of his ATM card and emptied almost 500,000 baht from his account.


    (And yes, it's not that hard for someone to do as I found out after my dad's girlfriend had been draining his account of 20,000 a day until he died and then, even though I had his bank book, ATM card and passport, was able to get a new bank book and continue draining his account for 2 weeks days after he died and even scooped a small interest payment that came in 6 weeks later ! I was out of the country working and didn't find out until I got back and by then she was long gone of course. When I asked at the bank how it was possible for her to do this all I got was a shrug and "not my problem" kind of look.)

    Sorry, real bummer! banking here does get me a bit nervous, bankers seem not to accountable for mistakes or incompetence. I keep my real bulk of money back home in US.

  6. On 1/21/2017 at 4:43 AM, Basil B said:


    Could have reduced the 1 hour delay by:

    • Stand on the side of the bridge
    • Check the river is clear of boats and swimmers
    • Hold grenade, squeezing the safety leaver with one hand
    • Pull the safety pin out with the other hand
    • Throw in to river (remember to let go when throwing)




    Yeah, they could call on you next time!

  7. 8 hours ago, onthesoi said:


    A movie will reach & educate a lot more people so makes perfect sense to me ...this thread alone has almost 3000 views already.


    It beggars belief that falang would need it pointing out to them that it's wrong and insensitive. Any time I enter a temple I always feel like I'm checking that it's ok for me to be there, I'm not sure how someone could ever think it's ok to use a temple as a stunt park....Falangness!


     I feel the same way speaking for myself, but some people do need to be told, it does work small miracles. 

  8. On 1/18/2017 at 2:31 PM, Dipterocarp said:

    Just ignorance. Probably if a nice Thai person just could say "Here's the problem and why not respect our culture?"  The rider would be very apologetic. 


    And yeah I used to be a kid riding skateboards (gnash gnarl grind very destructive even to reinforced concrete) and riding rudely on MTB trails shared by hikers. I grew up


    Yeah, makes more sense than making a movie and complaining about the actor. A few words to the offender might help alot, it certainly does if I am doing something out of line.

  9. 30 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    Yabba is a pill that you swallow, Ice is crystal that you smoke.

    I imagine the difference is in the speed and intensity of the high, similar to the difference between snorting a line of coke and smoking crack cocaine.


    I understand the pill is heated and broken up, then smoked also. All that crap is bad anyway snort, smoke, shoot all no good.

  10. 1 hour ago, dcnx said:

    I was close lined in Pattaya a few years ago at one of their famous 4am back soi stop shake downs. I was actually stopping for them and one ran from the side and took me off the bike. I got up and went ballistic on him, screaming at him, which backed him off and he moved away out of my reach. None of them would come near me until I calmed down. I had a total meltdown on them but eventually pulled it together and they let me go after searching my bike, which was damaged. In hindsight, I should have kept my cool as they could have killed me on that quiet soi and no one would have known. But I snapped with such a rage I foolishly didn't care and wanted to harm the one who caused the accident. Hadn't been that angry in 20+ years and haven't since.


    I went to Soi 9 police station and tried to file a complaint but they gave me the run around and wore me out. I was there for 2 hours and got nowhere, they just kept telling me to wait. Useless fecks, all of them.


    So yea, these dicks will pull or knock you off a bike. And given a large percentage of them abuse women, I have no doubt they yank women off the bikes all the time. 


    I love the internet age where these bullies are caught red handed and outed for everyone to see.


    Heard it from the fishes mouth, no doubts in my mind. Hope this never happens to me or you again.

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