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  1. It appears to be still on the market in Thailand. https://www.9carthai.com/new-honda-crf450rl-price/
  2. Is there any likelihood of an XMAX with a bigger engine, say 350cc?
  3. I think a year each would do the trick.
  4. I hope she gets the square root of nothing. Which is what will happen. I hope the two sons refuse to pay for her flight, too.
  5. But how does she go about processing it if she is in Thailand? I am in the same situation and was about to post a similar question.
  6. There is no such thing as the trans community.
  7. Neon Identity by Nick John. A psychosexual noir crime novel set in the Tokyo of 1990.
  8. Dirt bike as in trail bike, probably. Perfectly road legal.
  9. It's part of their culture in that it's learned behaviour. That's all that cultures are. Patterns of learned behaviour.
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