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Posts posted by FlyingDutchman

  1. ... The Dutch just say ... "Stop drinking the local Beers, better take a Heinie ... " :o

    What does that mean ? I think it's bullocks. Propaganda against a war they themselves started and as they are losing, these 'Ami-patriots' gonna try to find any ally, even the folks who live in other country's. Stupid people will always be there and maybe a (Muslim) fool will try to spoil the party; do not put it on the average Muslim and let the Americans scream 'Blood-and-Murder' :D .

  2. Being the year 2549 in Thailand, you would be 583 years old.

    Hope this helps :o

    583 years ... ? ... :D

    rono : the nine months pregnancy to the age + (= womb)

    584 !?!


    I always thought I was a young bloke ... Thailand makes me review 'over and over again, my friend'.

  3. If xbusman and cleverD are correct, it means I have to pay over € 126,057.38. Then I'd better sell the car overhere and look around for a '55 Coupe 300 Gullwing ...


    Then I'd have a bargain ...

    Thanks anyhow, xbusman and we'll keep in touch.

    Bt the way ... That piece of IRON is called A MERCEDES :o .


    raro has a remark about oldtimers ... It's not easy ... but not impossible. I've seen some light again.


  4. Loads of ([former] American) folks seem to agree that 'America' is ignorant of the problems.

    They just don't seem to see, that the average 'patriot' isn't far away from the 'fundamentalist Muslim'.

    Don't they both say : "At God's will ..." (or words alike ...)

    But this 'breed' is also located in Thailand; let's face THE FACE ...

    Just keep on being stubborn ... instead of using some common sence.

    And I do not mean the insulting way some 'Westerns' express themselves.

    Even my face would be lost and you could get some punches from this former boxer ...

  5. Nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine out of every million fans will tell you that The King was NEVER in the U.K. The date was March 3rd, 1960. The place was Prestwick Airport in Scotland.post-11421-1138844896_thumb.jpg

    Dear Neeranam, it's not a visit as we use to say; it's going from one to another plain. If we go that way, a friend of mine visited 'communist Siberia', which he didn't like ...

    The question is : Did Elvis visit Thailand and did write G.I.Blues overthere ? ... Please answer.

    About G.I.Blues ... "The producers shot scenes while Elvis was still in Germany but used a double for his long-shots. All of the German scenes that we see are either projected behind the principals or are scenes shot on location with other people, while Elvis was still over there finishing his tour of duty. They obviously put a lot of thought into storyboarding the film and getting costumes and everything else sorted out so that location shots would match soundstage scenes."

  6. My wife says she is 30 - but she was born in 1977(she is 28). However her ID card says February and she celebrates her birthday in November.

    Thai people are not as ashamed as those in my country if they are getting old in the tooth. I sense that many Thai people like to get old - gaining others respect.

    That's the opposite to the Netherlands; if you are a female TV presenter here, you'd better lie five years òff your age. And make sure your teeth are looking sparklin' white. But I guess America is even 2x as worse.

    About respect ... we've got (Muslim) Morrocan (farang :D) blokes here who screàm for respect; the average age is about 19. That they call the average (Christian) European woman a 'public woman' (using the bad word), doesn't seem to bother them to ask for respect.

    So age and respect are being seen vèry differently all over the world.

    ... by the way ... :D I'm already 41 in Thailand ?! :o

  7. It's true Microsoft will have to handle with local restrictions.

    But if you are a bloke who wants to 'sail around', there are lots of possibilities.

    At first you can hide your IP/Proxy.

    It can virtually be set to another country.

    The site could be placed on server wherever nobody cares about the containt.

    "Please do not ask me, 'cause ÌF I knew, I wouldn't tell you ... Afraid it's being misused by (amongst others) child-abusers; which already happens :o ."

  8. Well ... I guess what sailors want :o ...

    You'd better head for Pattaya; a sailor is not intrested (most of them !) in sight-seeing.

    Pattaya is obvious enough for you and just straw along the 'boulevard'. You'll be getting what you want within an hour :D.

    Not true man!

    Life is big enough for all of it.

    2 weeks is a lot of leave.

    Time enough for temples and sisters

    Take my advice and from cdnvic; you'll be having a great time then ! Try fishing on the giant carp in fresh water, if you like fishing on BIG FISH ... :D

  9. Well ... I guess what sailors want :o ...

    You'd better head for Pattaya; a sailor is not intrested (most of them !) in sight-seeing.

    Pattaya is obvious enough for you and just straw along the 'boulevard'. You'll be getting what you want within an hour :D.

  10. Yet another black mark against the innoccent law abiding British citizen. I really dont see why people can get so animated about a bunch of blokes running round kicking a ball. I am an avid rugby fan and i will shout at the tv and jump up and down when my team scores, but i know i could do this in any pub, even if the majority of supporters were from the oppossing team, without fear of damage to myself or someone else.

    The Netherlands : You should try to scream "Ajax" (Amsterdam), when you're amongst "Feyenoord" (Rotterdam) fans and the other way around. People are being killed over this dumb game ... (click Feyenoord and read Rivalry)

    Lets not focus on the Brits, the Dutch, Italians, Germans and Turks all have major problems with hooliganism.

    I think the best solution would be to start a "Hooligan World Cup", no football matches, just let the all the hooligans buy tickets and let them all in a big stadium.

    Then they beat the crap out of each other for 2 hours and we can watch it on TV whilst drinking beer.

    At the end of the 2 hours the nation with the most men still standing goes though to the next round.

    The winner gets to host the next world cup.

    Gate reciepts and TV rights money can pay for the funerals and hospital bills.


    :o I'm wandering around for years with this thought ... Why don't they arrange these games; it'll clean up the lot even more, when we allow them to use firearms :D.

  11. Was G.I. Blues made in Thailand and what do you suppose hes pointing at?

    Elvis nèver performed outside USA (Hawaï is also USA, for those who don't know). He hardly visited any country. He seems to have a daughter in Germany when he was send overthere by the army. Maybe he sung together with the G.I.'s in their barracks, but not in the city['s].

    Elvis hardly wrote any song himself, he'd arrange existing songs and some wrote some songs for him. The song G.I.Blues (Tepper, Bennett) is amongst them and was written for the movie. Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins) is another ...

    So ... Was G.I. Blues made in Thailand ?


    What do you suppose hes pointing at ?

    See the movie, read the lyrics and let your fantasy float ...

    For it wasn't Elvis who wrote the song.

  12. "Why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us, farang"

    Wannah read some article about 'why' ? ... Click then, it's a PDF-document.

    Ìf I'd ever gain a Thai girl, surely she mùst be pretty ! 'Because I am handsome' :D ... A crossing between Patrick Swayze and Brad Pitt (not for me to say, but that's what the women say). And if they don't like that (the blond bloke), who cares, enough to pick from. Nò big wallet they will see, when they first meet me, nor my [modest] willy. They will have to fall for the looks and the man inside. For the record : I am not a womaniser.

    :o I'll check it out and let you know ... maybe I'll fall for the CEE (Russian, Ukrain) girls that visit Thailand on holiday; they've got something for me, I like gréén eyes.

  13. These men and women are nòt there to fight crime, more to 'serve and control' the tourists who have questions, on which the Thai police have trouble to answer (due to lack of knowledge of the language). We also have German officers in Holland near the beaches in the summer, to control the German's. I think it's a great idea !

    They dò fight crime though. From the page :

    "Joel Khopang ... was in the station one day when a 23 year old man from England came in to report a lost camera. He signed the report after being warned numerous times that it was illegal to file a false report. Going on instinct, Joel and some tourist police went to the man’s hotel room only to find said camera tucked away in the cupboard. The judge handed the lying Brit a 30 day sentence."

  14. Buddha, Gautama

    Indian religious leader (563BC-483BC)

    One day Buddha was confronted by a man who poured abuse on him. Buddha asked him: "If a man offered a gift to antoerh but the gift was declined, to whom would the gift belong?"

    "To the one who offered it."

    Buddha continued, "Then, I decline to accpet your abuse and request you to keep it for yourself."

  15. You do not need to be a Diplomat to get an import license.

    I have explained what you need to do in my previous post, and to be honest its not difficult.

    But as i have also said i am sure the limit on age is 10 years.

    Not sure the Thais will accept an antique car or even understand.

    As i said Good Luck and keep us posted.


    "The limit on age is 10 years. Not sure the Thais will accept an antique car or even understand."

    I understand; there are far more country's which don't allow older cars, but I will try to import it. As I said : I'm willing to pay taxes, licenses and even, when everything else fails, lend it regulary to whom ever can get it in legally. And when I can't drive it, I try to import it as a 'piece of industrial art' and put it under glass in my garden ... Just to look at :o.

  16. This was started in regard to their appeals not to rehash innocence or guilt....that has already been done.

    Lets wait for the results of the appeal

    So while you await the appeal, I will discuss some with the other lot ...

    ... or should I shut up ? ... No way's, blokes ! Letting a Thai not losing it's face, is okee, but I will not let anyone tell we what or not to discuss with whom ever. Get used to that, I'd say ...

  17. Hi. Just had some thoughts about it.

    I think that most of los expats are real losers. I mean, really, who are they? Most of them overweight, not good looking, late 40-s(50-s).

    Its really looks like they screwed up big american(european, aussie,russian) dream.

    Who is a typical Pattaya expat: He is late 40-s, he's prolly fat, he's baldin(bald). He is a divorcie for sure. His wife prolly cheated on him, while he was on long business trips in Cali (Ireland, NZ). He prolly screwed up his Mortgage. He cant pick up a woman in his homeland. He cant Date. He cant earn. His wife got married again. His kids thinks he is a real loser. All he could come up with, is just to sell his house, and move to thai. He proly has a Condo in Northa Pattaya area. He has a Thai GF. She tells him, she loves him long time. He is believe.

    One day she ll come up with an idea for some big time investment. He ll fall for it. She'll screw him. He will comeback to NYC(Carlisle,Moscow) and comitt suicide.

    Thats a story of a guy i knew. RIP Andrew, u had a big soul.

    Thats a big shame guys.

    I love this country anyway. :o

    :D ... U=Expat Uself ?

    I might go there also, but I'm still single, below the age you say. I'm athletic, got my hair and I will not go there without money. My eventual GF will nèver get the chance to scr*w me [believe me on my words :D ] and I will go to Moscow to be a tourist [ìf I ever go there]. Sorry about your friend, but he must have been the loser you've described.

  18. According to that web page it is an early beta version and I remember a poster in another thread saying that he won’t install beta versions on his PC.

    I am using SpyBot.



    :o Maybe that was me ... :D With the Explore Beta version. But that is a tool I use every day and I have to rely on (amongst Firefox et cetera). A spyware-killer runs on the background, and a beta-version for such a program, I will always check out.

  19. It's gonna cost you unless you know BIG people and I wouldn't waste the favor on a bloody car or my love: BIKES. I'm having enough trouble trying to get parts in, never mind a full bike. I agree, leave it there when you go visit!

    ... costs ... I don't care ... I'll pay ... with mùch delight ...

    ... bloody car ... It's an antique collectors item, nòt a car ...

    I'm having enough trouble trying to get parts in, never mind a full bike Everyting has it's price !

    ... you go visit ... And pay a garage to place it in ? Some $200 a month at least. Let alone spending a day getting all the fluids out to prepare it for next year and then spending a day putting all the fluids in again ? And who thinks I'm gonna' go back for a visit ? ... What's here for me; maybe I would go to Northern Italy, but how do I get my car overthere, so I can drive it there ? ... Nay ... I'd rather pay 'loads of taxes' here ...

  20. Thank you Dutch,

    Btw how do you get these AVATORS - ?

    Great site, great comments .

    only putting toe in not sure of depth

    I made these avatars myself, like this one ... bigtoe3907hd.gif

    This is the url : http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7312/bigtoe3907hd.gif

    If you like it, you may use it. It's unique, because I turned it into an animation, like the Black Leopard you see at the left.

    EDIT : I replaced the image with one from 100 to 90 pix ...

  21. hehehe...good luck on that one! And let us know about the outcome... :D

    :oTHX for your good wishes ! And if it was an ordinary old Mercedes, I wouldn't stand a chance ... "Never shot, is always miss." I will let ya'll know, might take some time, if I succeeded :D.

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