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Everything posted by Sig

  1. The posture of the man, sitting on the couch with the perp, seems one hell of a lot more appropriate than that of the woman cozied up next to the guy....🤔
  2. I've had that issue in various parts of Thailand. The sidewalks are a complete after thought, it seems. Just imagine if you were in a wheelchair and how impossible it would be to get around. I remember a spot by Kasetsart Uni where you need to step onto Ngamwongwan Road in order to get around a pedestrian bridge stairway! And that's a busy road! I snipped this off of Google Maps, but I used to take pictures all over the place of stuff like this on the sidewalks and roadways. After a few years, I got so used to it, I stopped. I should have kept them... and taken more... would make a fun picture book!
  3. Being that there was an informant, it sounds like he must have blabbed his big mouth to someone about what he'd done and was probably really proud of how brilliant he was in getting around their system. Beginning with the iPhone incident and on to this... I suspect that his IQ isn't particularly astonishing. Who knows what other illegal stupidity he's mixed up in.... A drain on society. Should be flushed down the drain... definitely deserves a wake up call with a bit of time behind bars.
  4. Actually, that's a great idea, to ride your suitcase! Assuming it's not so far.... But not on the damn road!! lol Unfortunately, the sidewalks here are so RIDICULOUSLY BAD, it would be impossible to do it on the sidewalk, so in the end, you can't really do it at all.
  5. More quality tourists. No surprises here.
  6. It was a HUGE mistake going with China instead of Japan on their rail project. China is definitely up and coming, but why on earth go with them when the massive infrastructure that they've been building is crumbling at a rapid rate. The international media hardly lets it see the light of day and of course, it's even mostly censored within China. But they are constantly having buildings crumble, bridges collapse, and roads deteriorate rapidly. I think they will very soon be doing much higher quality work, but I wouldn't trust them with this project AT ALL until they have a better track record of projects that last. They've built a lot of really nice stuff, but their track record is still poor. Whereas the Japanese have decades of proven incredible excellence with their construction and in particular their high speed rail. I wasn't surprised when Thailand went with China. It was obvious for many reasons - one of which is, China is the very place brown envelopes are manufactured to begin with! lol It was a stupendously foolish decision to go with China over Japan.
  7. Is it standard journalistic practice to release names of people who die in an accident before relatives are informed? I don't know, but seems like it shouldn't be this way. Just an opinion. I sure hope no family members find out by reading here or any news outlet.... What a sad incident....😞
  8. Testing out the family friendly part?
  9. I guess he doesn't care about qualifying for the discounted time off serving in prison for pleading guilty. He likely figures he has other ways of getting around that prison time....
  10. Yes, RIP And added to the not very intelligent bits - being at home in bed at 4 a.m. or getting up from bed to start the day is closer to what an "intelligence officer" should likely be doing. Tax Baht hard at work paying these army guys to be out partying all night.... That could explain some of the intelligence branch estimations of how necessary it is for Thailand to have submarines!
  11. As far as I'm familiar with ranks in my own country, this is the highest attainable rank, but it is not an officer rank. This was confusing that according to this article he held that top rank AND was an officer? Strange. At any rate, he wasn't any kind of spring chicken to hold that rank, and yet was out cavorting at 4 a.m.🥴 Edit: Just looked up ranks in Thailand. Apparently they have 3 levels of Sergeant Major (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Class), so this guy could have been much younger than I thought, if he was a 3rd Class Sergeant Major. I suppose to get that rank, one could get it in their late 20's if they're really riding up the ranks well and started early. Maybe even earlier for all I know, since apparently in Thailand they only have 7 enlisted ranks, rather than the 9 that I'm accustomed to. It probably also depends how well his family is connected.... Then again, if he was a police officer, then it would be the highest rank, but I'm assuming he was with the Army, since it said he was from Thanarat Camp, an army base.
  12. CCTV is only as good as the desired narrative, otherwise the camera's will have malfunctioned or somehow the recordings will be missing pertinent minutes.
  13. And the amazing healing power of royal pardons is now to be seen. He'll suddenly be in picture perfect health too!
  14. At least they're keeping Pattaya's reputation clean and family friendly by not hosting it there!!
  15. Whaaaaat??? Please entertain me with how the "Journalist" could think this could be a "related incident" to a naked guy cavorting with a cow.
  16. Be positive. She studied International Hotel Management. She could be a receptionist at a family friendly guest house in Pattaya, or at least a maid at one....
  17. Learn how to read English. I didn't speculate anything about the incident, at all. Stating that something is a possibility is not speculation on what actually happened. Your reading comprehension is very low. I guess maybe this is why you started off with your confused response to begin with. Are you really so daft to think I'd supply links to things I clearly stated were personal experiences? Done. The utter nonsense is mind-boggling.
  18. Your comment bears no resemblance of having anything to do with my comment. Not sure why you've chosen to reply to me with a comment like this. You can't say "No." to what I have witnessed. You weren't there for those things. I was. I was making a correlation to why it is not difficult to imagine why this guy may have been assaulted simply for leaning on a car - in response to MANY people on here commenting that this sort of thing would never happen to someone for such a simple, seemingly harmless thing. That's wrong. It happens. I've repeated this to you now too many times. You don't seem to get it. I won't be replying anymore. It's a waste of time when you keep trying to make my statement into something that it wasn't. I did not say what happened in the instance of this case in the article. I don't know the details and neither do you, unless you have some other source of information outside of the article being commented about. You can speculate as much as you like. No problem. Have at it.
  19. Where on earth did that idea come from? Maybe you are on the wrong forum? This story has nothing to do with anyone who was thought of as trying to steal a vehicle, neither in the AN summary nor the Pattaya Mail original article.
  20. It appears that you are among the group who think it's ridiculous that a guy would get assaulted for leaning on a car. If that's the case, just say so. Say something of substance. I wrote about what I've witnessed and it leaves zero doubt in my mind that it's completely possibly that he may have been assaulted simply for leaning on a car. It wouldn't be surprising in the least. That doesn't mean that this is what happened. But the large number of posts from people seeming to think that nobody would ever assault someone for such a minor thing are oblivious to reality. Your posting comments beating around the bush with weak attempts at insult are so dull, but I suppose are somehow appropriate for dullards.
  21. Lawfare. Pretty much the same in many countries. The US is going through a very similar thing as the Democrats try using the corrupt courts to get rid of Trump. If the Democrats in the US could pull off such a brazen move like this, they would. But they can only target Trump, not the entire party, because there's enough media complicity and enough brain dead people full of blind hatred for him. It's just another variation of what corrupt governments do when someone comes along who isn't playing the same game as them. It leads to nothing good. I sure hope Thailand isn't due for yet another coup.... but the writing seems like it's on the wall when they do this kind of insanity.
  22. I didn't say that. I clearly said what I witnessed in my comment, which you copied.... If you're having difficulty figuring out why I mentioned what I did... it was to show that it wouldn't be surprising in the least one or more of these thugs assaulted him for leaning on a car. Many people on here were expressing doubts that it could be something so simple. They seem to have forgotten that TIT.
  23. I suppose that would depend on how you define "valid". Where did you read anything that would bring you to such a conclusion? I highlighted a few spots for you (below) that I believe would bring anyone to the opposite conclusion. Of course, without seeing the evidence first hand, it's impossible to claim it is so, outright, but the likelihood certainly appears to be that the customer was in now way justified in making his rant/complaint, which would not make it valid in my understanding of the word. In the end, it looks like the court will end up deciding how justified it was. "The owner further disputed the claim that the manager had shouted at the customer to close the door gently. Surveillance footage, reviewed from the time the customer entered until they left, reportedly showed no such incident occurred. In a passionate message, the owner swore on sacred entities that their account was truthful and challenged the customer to present any evidence of misconduct, proposing that the CCTV footage be used in court if necessary. The owner declared their intention to pursue legal action against the individual, identified only as Miss D, without any possibility of settlement. The owner implored the public to consider that even anonymous posts can be traced and that such damaging actions should cease. They emphasised that there are many appropriate channels for complaints and that no business wants to face ruin. The restaurant is open to constructive feedback and willing to make improvements, but the owner felt compelled to defend their business against false accusations. Ultimately, the customer who posted the critical review issued a public apology, admitting that the post was made in anger and that they only wanted the staff to communicate more politely. The customer expressed willingness to apologise formally if needed and stated their intention to remain a regular patron of the restaurant. In response, the restaurant owner reiterated that monetary compensation was required and confirmed that legal action had been initiated against the customer, reported KhaoSod."
  24. So many skeptics, with zero evidence. I've witnessed EXACTLY the situation of people (yes, plural. At least 5 that I saw, in succession over a 5 minute period) being attacked for not even leaning on a car, but even for getting too close to it! If Thais deem their protectee to be very important, they create an insane kind of authority in their feeble minds that they are allowed to do such things. As many put it, they are thugs, with the attendant IQ of such types. This also extends to official bodyguards of the elite or royalty. Best keep your distance from those thugs too, they get ancy VERY easily and freely assert physical force very quickly when it is obvious to anyone else with a brain, that it is completely unnecessary (I've seen that too, even when their protectee was inside a building more than 50 meters away, assaulting people walking by, but in the thug's estimation, too closely to the building or the entourage's coned off parked cars). The power trip many of these guys are on is truly amazing. As for soi 6... Personally, I just stay away altogether from "entertainment zones" (albeit family friendly!) at night time. Can't understand the desire to be in the vicinity of the kind of people habituating and working in those places. In Thai, a place that is อโคจร is best to avoid altogether. Never quite figured out how to get the right nuance to translate that, but it's basically along the lines of a place where people are up to no good, pretty much like the family entertainment areas of Pattaya, kinda the opposite of a temple area. lol
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