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Everything posted by Sig

  1. Thanks for the clarification. But, "CHILL"?? Why the LOUD demand, when I wasn't hot about anything to begin with? Yes, who knows where on earth we all came from, that was part of my point. That being, it is not exactly known from where and when the American Indians came to the land, but it has been found for certain that there were others before them. They were not first (not "First Nations" as erroneously called up in Canada), nor are they the indigenous people of the land. They were immigrants.
  2. well unless one of your ancestors was a native born AMERICAN INDIAN as we call them, then you are still have some immigrant stained blood running through your veins. "Immigrant stained blood"? Why is having immigrant blood a stain??? How about immigrant blessed blood 😄 Immigrants, from day one, made what has been one of the most significant nations in world history. And American Indians weren't the first on the land that now makes up the U.S.A. either. DNA and archeological research has found some fascinating things about this. And, not surprisingly, it doesn't fit the narrative that the public education system is pushing so hard these days. And if they truly believed their own rhetoric, they'd give their university and high school lands over to the American Indians, since so many of these ideologically twisted folks say that the schools that they themselves are administering, are on stolen land! lol What a bunch of nincompoop hypocrites. By the way, radiochaser. I believe we've met a good number of years ago. I can't quite remember the circumstances, but your username here is very unique and very familiar 🙂 I wonder if there's a way to direct message on here... I'll have to check....
  3. That is a hilarious abbreviation for "Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa"! It is closer to the reality of so many people who are on that visa: "Non-Ed" = Non Education! Even in the article, the writer (definitely not a journalist) refers to people on this visa as "tourists"! That's probably closer to the truth than people who are getting any kind of education. They should just get honest and have a DUMB visa (Directionless Unfit Meandering Buffoon). That would probably be more fitting for the majority of people applying for a so-called "Non-Ed Visa".
  4. Never heard of anyone being arrested or charged with "potential assault". That's a new one.
  5. Wow! So wonderful to see his recovery! He was at death's door until he was able to receive the amazing medical care in Thailand. And maybe he was able to make it back up to Chiangmai to do breathing exercises of that beautifully fresh air up there. He's not even in a wheelchair, no neck brace, no ventilator! Heck nobody is even keeping their hand on him to help him with his balance! I guess keeping out of politics also helped relieve the stress load. What an modern miracle and example for all to follow!
  6. No disagreement in that he behaved like a thug. In my experience and reading, "thug" has normally referenced a criminal type, especially who is part of a group or gang. That's why I referred to the punks in this report as thugs and referred to the Swiss guy simply as an idiot. But yes, he was behaving thuggish for sure.
  7. Definitely agree that there is a ridiculous amount of complaining that goes on in this forum. It gets downright toxic far too often. In this case, Thais being arrested for what could essentially amount to attempted murder, shouldn't be anything in particular to be touting as something so special that someone actually got arrested. I think people equate things like an idiot kicking a lady in the back and leaving a bit of a red mark (which could easily be left by a slight scuffing of the fabric against the skin, especially a lady's softer more sensitive skin) and having the aggressor's face and business paraded all over the place as worthy of complaining to a case against when thugs like these may get arrested, but the town will likely hardly care and they won't have their places of work or businesses publicized and there won't be protests in the streets to have them put away for a good long time, even though they actually put lives in danger over a situation similar to the Swiss guy - someone wanted someone to move. The Thais endangered human lives. The Swiss guy committed a simple assault with hardly any danger more than maybe the possibility of breaking a fingernail and an ego. The outcome between the two are hardly comparable for the level of the results among the public and media. Of course, that's just one example. But I think that's the gist of why so many make harshly negative remarks on this sort of thing. So, in this case, I would say it is more justified. Whereas very often, I agree that the complaining and racist sorts of remarks get ridiculous. Your rant is justified on many threads in this forum, but in this thread, I think you more or less went the same route as those complainers.
  8. "Phi and Shi then got out of their SUV and asked Rattaphum and their friends to move." That equates to confronting? Drunk and foolhardy or arrogant? Not sure how you come to that conclusion. How about they needed to get somewhere and they saw that the car ahead of them could move, but maybe its occupants were playing water fights with people on the street instead? Who knows.... The two foreigners may have been perfectly polite. They may not have been polite. We don't know. But either way, being asked to move politely or rudely is not a reason for attempting to kill someone. Stabbing is a hell of a lot more serious than a many people seem to think. You imply that they had a reason to try to kill these guys. That's pretty extreme. They may have had an excuse, but nothing remotely close to a reason that anyone can possibly reasonably conclude from this article.
  9. Well, I've got to give it to the author of this amazing piece! According to his bio at Thaiger, "he consistently strives to deliver engaging content to his audience." I suppose it can be engaging to consider how, "The incident occurred around 11.50pm, two days before the reported intervention..."! Even though the officers, "sprinted towards the scene" and "The officers acted swiftly to separate the man from the woman". I've got to give it to those officers! Sprinting for two days is awesome! That's some serious dedication there. I can't say that I understand why it's "a reassuring development" that "no legal action was taken"?? It is the opposite in my mind and I wish there was legal action taken against this abuser and possible kidnapper! I couldn't care less that he was drunk. Perhaps all the more reason to take legal action. Would the author find that "reassuring" if the woman was his mom, sister, wife, or daughter? And why are the officers lauded as brave? They were simply doing their job. If they were male police officers took this action, would they be written up as being brave? lol Yep, success! The author delivered "engaging content"! Got me engaged. Give him a bonus!
  10. I wouldn't doubt any of that. I just can't figure out why you responded to my comment, seeming like you were saying something in contrast to it, yet there is no contrast....
  11. Repatriating his body, with all of the associated costs, could easily exceed £10,000. No idea if his family lives from paycheck to paycheck or if they happen to have 10 or 20,000 laying around.... Could easily be a case with no insurance as well.
  12. Yeah, sort of like how you know they're lying when their lips move.... But they should still be held to account as much as possible, which isn't much.
  13. On the contrary, I think it must be a nightmare for them. But, they made their bed, so they get to sleep in it, even if it is worse than it should be. Yes, absolutely, and even regardless of being a farang and in a foreign country, or with business interests, any person should think first before lashing out. And it's HIGHLY likely that lashing out in the form of a kick or even an offensive gesture or words is not the best way of dealing with just about anything, let alone someone resting on some stairs. That guy, and his wife, clearly think far too much of themselves, as does the doctor. There's a saying, something to the effect of "A gentle answer turns away wrath." I think there's a lot of truth in that. And I think it can equally apply to being a gentle request, not only answer. Starting off with a kick is bizarre, to say the least.
  14. It doesn't matter what any of us believe. The point is that it is well understood that very powerful politician's statements are known to be very capable to bring prejudice to cases before courts. And it is internationally understood to be out of bounds. These bureaucrats feed each other politically and that often brings real world results in terms of kickbacks, gifts, international vacations at 5 star resorts, extra padding to retirement, land deals, stock deals, children and grandchildren's admission to top private schools, universities and careers... and on and on it goes. Going against a powerful politician may possibly not bode well. And that's only that aspect of things, not to mention the psychological factors that are not easily measured. I think your view is naive in the extreme. If you ever had any experience in politics, you'd likely think differently.
  15. Of course not. The probability is low to begin with, and in this case, nonexistent. What does that have to do with the fact that it is completely unethical?
  16. Yes, of course. But it still is abnormal for it to be blown so far out of proportion, even with it being a doctor, and should have been dealt with in the police station. Yeah, it would have been more expensive than usual, but the police could likely have persuaded her, but more than likely they were in fear of getting in trouble from some stupid, outsized ego, doctor. They had no balls to get it done, kowtowed to the doctor, and it became a nightmare. I'd be willing to place a wager that her ego is off the charts. The situation has become completely absurd.
  17. Yes, exactly. And showing all the more how unreasonable this has become due to influence, hatred, and corruption.
  18. That wasn't what was being referred to.... It was about his opinion being pronounced publicly that he should leave the country. The headline....
  19. Who said anything about a jury? You seriously don't think judges can be persuaded, especially in such a phenomenally corrupt political system???????😯🥴
  20. Yes, of course, there are always occasions out of the ordinary. I was talking about the typical situation. And even he being "PO'd" like this, the police can be very persuasive, IF they want to be. I don't imagine the pregnant lady was any less PO'd at being kicked the other day.... No big media uproar, protests, and Anutin interference on that one.... I don't blame her either. But it is way out of hand at this point. It's a very simple assault case. Nothing that doesn't happen every single day in every small city.
  21. He may have closed his Swiss accounts after not being allowed a visit🤣 Singapore is closer to home anyway. Many Burma Army Generals bank there... He may have decided to keep his money closer to home. Or maybe not... The Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, or Monaco might be quite nice places to visit too.😅
  22. Being a different branch of government has nothing to do with it. You seriously have never heard the uproar when a President or a Prime Minister (or other high ranking official, like maybe an Interior Minister....) makes a comment on a pending court case that is creating a stir in the public??? It happens on occasion and is always (except maybe in countries like Thailand?) met with immediate reproval from many quarters, except maybe the idiot's own partisan political party hacks. It is irresponsible and unethical, full stop.
  23. You are talking about stuff that all happened after the apology and "fine" would have been paid at the police station on the day of the incident. Apples and oranges don't compare well. Of course his and the doctor's wealth and societal standing play a role and that's why I qualified what I said about the compensatory amount. It doesn't really matter what the revenue of his company was when they are in the police station negotiating. That is, again, all stuff that wouldn't be known until the doctor and farang hating media idiots got a hold of the story and created social unrest over it.
  24. You don't think the message is clear from that?🤔
  25. He's also sending a loud and clear message to the court on how he thinks they should rule. That's the problem. It's completely unethical.
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