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Everything posted by Sig

  1. I think you miss the point that I was making a generalized statement and that I don't expect it to be the case for 100% of suicides. Similar to your generalized statement that is nowhere near 100% AT ALL about people contemplating suicide not thinking logically or rationally. Many had been thinking it through very logically and very rationally for a long time and even planning out their funeral, their family's future finances, etc. It was not intended at all to be a condescending charge to state that it is selfish. In my opinion that is simply an objective viewpoint. It is what it is.
  2. Sure, I can agree with that too.
  3. Understanding depression is beside the point. And I never intimated anything at all about this fellow, whether he committed suicide or not. I was replying to some of the ideas posted here in general about suicide. I never speculated on the cause of this man's fall. I have no reason to believe he committed suicide. If he did, it is likely that he would have been in the state that you mentioned and it would be horrible. You sure do assume a lot from my comment that I didn't say nor imply.
  4. I posit the trul selfish stance is trying to impose your beliefs on the wishes of others regarding their OWN life. It is theirs ,and theirs alone not yours. But you would impose an agonizing ,drawn out end to the life of one with a terminal illness? On what basis? Perhaps your belief in an unsubstantiated imaginary friend ? Perhaps English isn't your first language? And/or a severe chip on your shoulder from which such a toxic attitude exudes toward people that have differing ideas from you rather than being able to converse like a mentally stable person. If you try reading my comment again, you'll see that I did none of how your baseless accusations attempt to paint me. I stated my belief. I never tried to impose my beliefs on anyone. And I never said anything about imposing some sort of agonizing, drawn out end to a life of one with terminal illness. And you come out of left field with some wacko idea about an imaginary friend? It seems more likely that you have some sort of imaginary friend feeding you all sorts of deceptive ideas in order to get the meaning you took from my comment. Seriously unhinged.
  5. But I'm tellin' ya, they are missing the boat and need to get their focus right! Attracting all those Kazakhstan tourists is where it's at! If I remember right, that was a focal point at one time... it appears somebody has dropped the ball big-time! Kazakhstan must have something similar to the Labubu doll and they'll be a smash hit!🤑📈💲💲💲💲💲💲
  6. Now THAT is an event that will crush it and is so obviously something that will make a serious impact on generating foreign investment! They almost have me convinced! I gotta get informed on this doll and call my broker or somebody who can help me get with the program! This will surely help fly over some of those economic hurdles they mentioned. Let's gooooo!!!
  7. Yeah! That is how some people feel about their phones! Like their entire existence depends on their phone! I sure would love to see a Monty Python sketch revolving around the insanity of how people's very meaning of life seems to be dependent on their phones.
  8. I believe that suicide, whether assisted or not, is one of the most selfish acts a human being can do. While I can definitely understand many situations where one may feel like doing such a thing, in the end, it is phenomenally selfish.
  9. The English of the reports on this site provide enough amusement in itself to read articles, even if the topic is of no interest! I guess it's good to know that the individual fell from a height rather than just from the floor they were standing on....🤡
  10. "The woman dearly attempted to reclaim her phone... pulling at his shorts..." That was some kind of affection being exercised so "dearly"... I don't know how one could come up with this kind of writing, even using a dictionary!? How on earth can that word possibly work in this scenario!?
  11. Don't say it's so!! It can't possibly be drug induced! How dare they assume such a preposterous thing! It's just normal dirty farang behavior, just ask you know who.
  12. Are you suggesting that this person is not an heiress? That could be borderline misgendering! hmmm defamation?
  13. This will most certainly increase the percentage of quality tourists!
  14. Oh yes! Don't you know it! According to the high authority of the so-called/professing Christian and President (at the time) George W. Bush - "the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion." 🤮
  15. Scum like this need more than merely deporting. Breaking and entering/trespassing alone is a serious offense in my book, but death threats? Yeah, that's a hard no. Give someone a credible death threat under circumstances like that and I'd say at least a month or two in jail and then mandatory deportation with a 10 year ban. How do imbeciles like this continue to be able to live illegally for so long!? I'm guessing that he likely has caused many other problems, but people just haven't bothered taking the time reporting or filing complaints against him. In a way I can understand that. Nobody (normal people) wants to get involved in such dirty stuff and wants to live their life in peace. It's a lot easier to just turn away from problems. Unfortunately, this often gives license to fools like this and they go on to cause problems in society.
  16. Yeah, I think that is easily possible to get lax when you work with large amounts of gold every day for decades. A friend of mine's grandfather was murdered while transporting a large amount of gold from his gold shop. If I was transporting the amount of gold that he was, I sure wouldn't have been doing it alone and my situational awareness would have been on extremely sensitive mode. But for him, it was just another day, unfortunately, his last one.
  17. A true comedy. Sadly, the tickets for admission to the show are quite expensive as the whole country is paying for this farce.
  18. I've never understood why people take their seat belts off in airplanes. I suppose it is ignorance, but it seems like very simple common sense to keep belted up unless needing to go to the toilet. I think the "fasten seat belts" indicator is actually a disservice to passengers. It makes people who don't have common sense, feel safe to be seated without their seat belts on unless otherwise instructed. Seat belts fastened should be the norm while flying and no need for a sign only during certain times. Why treat it differently than a car? Turbulence is a very well-known factor that is not always predictable.
  19. 1. I wouldn't buy into any reporting of the likes we get here, regarding the truth about the nationality of any individual, until a picture of their passport is shown. They have been known to call Thai citizens, Tai Yai because of their ethnicity and thus avoid calling them nasty Thai people. 2. Assuming it's accurate that they are actually Burmese nationals, we're talking about teens here... since when have teens had any sense to appreciate or be grateful for much of anything, especially teens of this ilk?
  20. That'll get the applications for the elite visa soaring to new records! Just think, you can be assured that everyone will know you're pure because you've been investigated. What a wonderful feeling! Just don't give them any reason to want to throw some random charges at you! Like criticize ANYTHING about Thailand, in Thailand, relating to Thailand, or even around Thailand - like Asia for that matter. As has been noted, a prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich, if he wanted to....
  21. I could be wrong, but I'd suspect that he wasn't wanted by the FBI until after he left the country. He was on bail. I don't think the FBI cares about every Tom, Dick, and Harry (or insert your favorite immigrant names) who is on bail. But they do care about bail-jumpers who leave the country.
  22. No offense taken. Was just confused a bit with the all caps and apparently being thought that I was irritated. Thanks 🙂
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