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  1. Yes paxlovid. I think it helped for me in our July 4th cases. Didn't have to pay anything here. Or maybe 25$ copay. Wow 800-900$
  2. So they get all this cash but in order to buy a big house with financing at all you would have to wash that extra income some how. And it would be so easy for them to do this 5x a day.
  3. If it's been less than 5 days quickly take the 3 drug cocktail. 3 pills 2x day for 5 days
  4. Short time with one or more proven performers sounds great. But what about all the duds, dead fish ones if your trying new ones. That's a waste of time and money. Add in condom vs bare and std paranoia level.
  5. 8 can't believe you people can be comfortable or sleep at 27 or 30c. No wonder you moved to Thailand. I need 25c minimum in summer when I'm paying 350 baht/day for electricity. Winter we set heater to 18 lovely sleeping under blankets and next to warm wife. I can't believe he netizens didn't ask if the gal had a corner apartment or wear facing. Also an important factor is occupancy on all sides. If uninhabited units next to you and no air-conditioning on your are going to have a much higher heat load. Recall for thermodynamics that heat flow is a delta t to the 4 the power thing. . (T1*4th-T2*4th) And roof top floors would be much more.
  6. Isn't this an oxymoron? If I liked bolt ons why wouldn't I buy some for me?
  7. They keep saying it's a family place? Do they mean something for everyone in the family?
  8. I think we need pictures. Maybe none of us could finish with what the OP can dredge up. Perhaps gals were less fat back when. Less Botox, open nostrils, cat eyes, ink eyebrows?
  9. Only one reason to live in Thailand me thinks. 😁 And if you are married and your wife doesn't allow, just why?
  10. The World has gone to <deleted>.
  11. I must admit the sexual lifestyle of the OP has some allure. I'm wondering if in his mind he still desires a certain type that he isn't able to attract in his older years? Maybe having only brief sexual encounters isn't as satisfying as a longer term connection with a perfect sex partner. I do enjoy pleasing a woman more as I get older. But I do have expectations for the happy ending. I will have to read up on the ill health effects of every other day ejaculation goals. I thought this was good for the prostrate? I never knew some people thought the 3rd door was gay. According to many articles is on the rise with many couples.
  12. I've been thinking we need an upper age limit or mental test for senior voters. It's good thing humans have a limited lifespan.
  13. Omg. It's loyalty and ass licking not merit. Good thing many of his picks so far won't be approved.
  14. I watched that Nick F rant. I can't believe he isn't gay because no woman who knows him will ever be spreading her legs for him without cash. I admit the Expectations of many western women have increased along with their education and weight and I was lucky in my first marriage but surely didn't like what I saw in the dating pool 10 years ago. I've read that lots of young men are frustrated by women who are educated and earning their own way and won't settle for misogynistic aholes anymore. The only question is how far will the pendulum swing to the left in 4 years and the midterms. With appointments like JFK Jr and accused pedo Matt Gaetz. The blacks and Latinos with papers were worried the new immigrants would work harder than they want to is why they voted to close the border. Can't wait to see the numbers stay similar.

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