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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I think the "they" must include everyone. 


    I have seen the beach grooming machines. I cant imagine Thailand getting enough machines like that for all the ocean front.   With BKK being only 1 meter above sea level and all the flooding its hard for me to imagine that the  sewar collection and treatment systems can ever work for so many people.

  2. It needs to start with the youth in schools.  It may take 50 years.  There will be a cost in solving the trash issue.   Trash disposal in the USA is big business.   I bet I pay 1000 baht a month in trash collection fees.  Sewar is extra.  I think most areas have standard bins that can be automatically picked up by a lone truck operator.  We have two bins per house to sort out recycling stuff. Twice a year you can put out a major pile that is picked up with a front end loader and fleet of trucks.   These trucks are used as plows in winter.  

  3. maybe it would be easier for you to tell me where I can find 200 ft visability?   no sign of fishing or net drags in the sand?  On one dive at Koh PHI PHI  the fun turned into finding 2 oz lead weights.    a healthy variety of reef fish life?  I hear Myramar may be the place?   its not my fault I have dove extensively in the Caribbean.  Cozumel, Roatan. Belize,  Cayman etc. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, snoopy21 said:

    Not even the beaches! I live at Pattaya. It is a common practice that people dump their trash or even construction wastes and any unwanted items outside from their balcony or leave them in opened space.






    to TAT.. and all potential tourists this is what I saw..  my thai lady friends first comment here in the USA is how clean it is...  just no trash 

  5. Not many trash bins that I saw.  seems like as long as you put your leftover plastic from lunch near a post its all ok?   I was shocked at all the trash floating down the Chao Phraya river when I took the boat ride to some Wat near the grand palace.   I got a real bad case of folicolitus after 3 hours of snorkling on Koh Sichang

  6. You guys say they spend nothing?  But how come I saw buses at the fish market in phuket and they swamped the market and cooking restaurants across the street.   I will say I'm not a fan of these large groups joining me at a tourist spot and many Thai people don't like them.    I guess some jealous over how much money they have?  Maybe disdain for boisterous ways?   I did see a few Chinese gals on the dive trips and in town that I wouldn't mind diving with. ;)


    LMy friend tells me she is from Korat.    And has joked in TV that she had two kids and now has three.   She does look much better than your average American woman at 48.  My friend tells me that younger men are becoming more common and it's her dream as well as many Thai women to find a younger man.  Get used to it.  

     Perhaps they talked about 20 years down the road and he can have the customary play toys once a month.    Who knows.   It's not our business.   

    I wish them well.  

  8. Reminds me of the time my dad got scammed in Denver, Co.  Couple black dudes in a caddy pull up and ask my dad if he wanted to buy some new TV's in the box.   They acted real suspicious so my dad thought they were hot.   It was about a 20" color CRT TV.  They shortened his inspection  process by acting real worried about coppers.   Pulled around back where my for the exchange.   Ended up with an old TV all wrapped up just perfect in a new box.  Haha.   


    It's hard to imagine I wouldn't feel a pick pocket.   But I'm sure that is what all think.   If you use a money belt what are your rules about when you access it?  Only in private or at a bank branch?  How to do when exchanging a wad?


    PS no one is ever going to be offered to hold or look in my wallet.     

  9. If you do research strawberries lost their taste when the railroad crossed America and they bred them to survive the journey to Chicago.    Being able to he picked green.   Attempts are being made to bring back the Flavor.  In the US berries are grown on raised rows on top of plastic so that the berries never touch the ground for sanitary reasons.     I think if sewar  water is fed this way the plants filter it and berries are ok to eat.  

  10. Maybe the strategy was to let China build a working base and then take it intact?


    Glider?  I wonder what the glide ratio is?  So no motor or noise!   Just glides off as it depends then blows ballast tank to surface.   Hmmm. If gliders in air have 60/1 ratios what is it in a water glider?  The same I recon.  So in 1000 m deep water a vessel can decent for 60 km then accent for another 60 km +/-  hmmm.  

  11. I think your talking about mo chit bus station #2?   Are you arriving on a bus from somewhere?    It is a big bus station that is well lit.  It has seating areas in front of several TVs.   There are lots of security during the day and I assume at night too.    There is a 7-11 to get food and drink as well as a restaurant/ vender eating area.   The bathroom is a few baht or 10.   I have been here several times and while there are some very poor looking people I felt safe.   It is a good people watching place.   It was super crowded one day last July for some holiday with virtually no seats available.  To get to the BTS and bus system is a strange walk (250 m) through this marketplace and then you pop out onto this crazy place that doesn't seem like a bus stop.   This bus will get you to mo chit BTS.   I'm not sure when the buses run but I wouldn't want to walk through this marketplace at night.    I never uses a taxi so I don't know if they stop closer to the bus station. 

  12. This thread reveals the diversity of TV members thoughts, so for any new members take notice and use judgement on who you believe on Amy threads.      

    I admit the overweight would bother me more than what sex. Fit, healthy human forms are very beautiful.    

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