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Everything posted by Thaiwrath

  1. However, one electronic cigarette (vaping device) was also reportedly found in a Thai customer’s belongings during the capture and this individual was detained. That just confirms how totally pathetic the Thai authorities have become !
  2. A bit of a shocker for most of the Aseannow armchair detectives ! ????????????
  3. Absolutely nothing to do with any virus, but just trying to control the people. "You will do as we tell you." Bizarre and pathetic.
  4. "government officials also involved" One rule for some, other rules for others, quite predominant in Thai society !
  5. Judging him on his past comments, he'd be better keeping his <deleted> trap shut !
  6. Can you <deleted> blame them ? Absolutely pathetic rules laid down by incompetent authorities.
  7. About a hundred officers raided four restaurants ! What a <deleted> joke. Just one big dog and pony show, showing just how pathetic the R.T.P. and other authorities can be.
  8. It's a great pity the choice of Prime Minister and government is no longer "a matter for the people" !
  9. To be filed with the other "pending" corruption cases. Can't see much being done though !
  10. In a normal country that would be an automatic ban and loss of licence, but T.I.T. !
  11. A military coup, hand picked senators, and an unelected prime minister, to name only a few things, are NOT democratic !
  12. And you wonder why so many remain unvaccinated ? It ain't rocket science, is it Anutin ? People expect to get what they paid for, not a substitute (probably inferior) of your choosing.
  13. I think he is getting it mixed up with the military coup, which actually WAS treason. However, that was totally acceptable in his, and many other politicians, eyes !
  14. Reopened ? Maybe that should read. "It has been three weeks since the country allowed vaccinated tourists to enter, offering not much in the way of entertainment, after they have jumped through all the hoops to get here" !
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