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Posts posted by Thaiwrath

  1. "Upon seeing part of the dead man’s face, Mr Sakorn’s relatives were uncertain if the corpse belongs to Mr Sakorn because the dead man has full front teeth while Mr Sakorn has two front teeth missing."



    Don't worry about a trivial anomaly like that, just take him and bury him !

    Certain traces of inefficiency seen quite regularly here.


  2. 3 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The driver has been charged with drunk driving as well as negligent driving causing damage and will appear in court.

    As the Thai authorities are promising to  start enforcing laws that have been in place for years, riding a  motorcycle with no helmet, sitting in the bed of a pick up, etc., how about giving this bloke the absolute maximum sentence possible, and publicising it nationally, as an example to others ?


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