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Everything posted by Wiggy

  1. It’s easy to see where the woman on the right has hidden the money.
  2. Correct. They were in massive trouble pre-Covid. They’re probably using it as an excuse to save a bit of face.
  3. I assume ‘tourists’ in the article refers to Thais as I can’t see many overseas tourists using ‘personal vehicles’. Oh, and the buses have, ‘complete safety features’. I guess that doesn’t include the driver.
  4. You’ve only taken one taxi in 30 plus years?
  5. It depends where you’re talking about. At Suvarnabhumi airport it only went above 38°C three times.
  6. Why has the summer heat suddenly become an issue? It’s been this bloody hot in April since I’ve been here.
  7. I brought Germany into it as you implied the reason UK pensioners get a bad deal is due to the amount of money being spent on immigrants. Germany spends far more on immigrants and can also pay a very healthy pension. Why can’t the UK? That’s not by my reasoning, but yours.
  8. I just noticed that you have provided one already. Thanks.
  9. Rubbish, and racist. Germany has far more immigrants and maintains one of the best pensions in the EU.
  10. Germany accepts far more immigrants than the UK but maintains one of the best pensions in Europe. Try again, without the right wing undertones.
  11. “…….and his urine test confirmed methamphetamine use.”
  12. Does the 1684 number have English speakers available to take complaints? If not, those 10,000+ complaints were likely from Thais only. I’m guessing it would be much more than that if non-Thais could complain.
  13. I think it’s done at check-in. I noticed last time that my passport was scanned at the desk. Any overstayers then referred to Border Force maybe?
  14. Might have been one of the bodysnatcher vehicles. They often drive like complete lunatics.
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