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  1. The correct answer depends on your financial situation. If you have 250,000 USD the answer should be no. If that number is 2,500,000 why not? In either case rent first till you decide on the area.
  2. There are some great real estate buys in Thailand. This does not appear to be one of them.
  3. Visit Thailand and go to Chinatown to eat Italian?
  4. No question---Punjab Grill
  5. Any bank can do what you want. If you have a good relationship wire transfers are free. It's no big deal.
  6. Sailboat racing and Socker are about as exciting as watching the grass grow. Sorry to demine you grass growing fans.
  7. And all of the top 10 are in resorts? Are you serious?
  8. I seriously doubt that Thailand will get 20,000,000 tourists the remainder of this year.

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