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Posts posted by buzz

  1. Thanks Sheryl !

    Pretty sure saejai is referring to Suratthani hospital on the mainland (actually 100% sure)

    Really really hope they don't send us Samui/Phangan/Koh Tao islanders to Surat Hosspital as it's a 1 & 1/2hr ferry ride (and most times you have to wait to get on the ferry for some time if your driving your car) then quite a long drive from Donsak to Surat proper. (another 40mins approx)

    Does not make sense at all if your ill ...

  2. I was talking to a friend last nite and he said:

    "So far the protesters have been peaceful which is good !

    Imagine if a very rich, nasty type of person who had a bone to pick with the current PM & gov't, paid some overseas mugs to come in and start shooting live amo at the police to escalate the situation using the current peaceful protesters as cover ? "

    I presume the police wouldn't do anything eh >>>

    (maybe rubber bullets and tear gas to protect themselves, or just tell the mugs not to fire on them anymore and go home ?)

    It could happen, but probably wouldn't ...........

  3. Tks khunPer for posting about Samui - was just about to ask about Samui as I really need this, as I have no cover at all.

    I started reading this post fm day 1 and followed for a few pages - just came back to it & now 13 pages ! ... so you saved me a lot of reading.

    (anybody know off hand, if anything about Samui was posted previously in here & approx what page # ?)

    Seems like Samui (as usual) is a bit slow catching up with the rest of the nation.

    "in a couple of month" ... does not sound good, but at least they knew something about it and are hopefully having a meeting soon.

    as far as ... "She suggested I had a private insurance, »much better«, she said." ... thats to be expected I s'pose (most thais think we are all well off, or simply unaware of the high cost of private insurance)

    I will try sending a thai to do some inquiries, as is the usual here, when a non-thai inquires about anything, you get the usual run-around or a straight-out ... "sorry, no can do" smile.png

    Anyone else in Samui get some updates, please do post (I'll do like-wise) tks & cheers lads.

  4. Electric came back on in central Lamai at about 11.05pm

    Now, just have to wonder if it goes off again in 2 hours like the Electric Co. announced at 8pm whilst driving around & handing out flyers in thai to the locals explaining the situation,


    they have actually fixed the cable and it stays on ...

    ... unfortunately, my money is on the former, and this goes on for another day or so

  5. oops:

    Speaking of China and dual-SIM devices, the previously reported dual-SIM version of the Galaxy Note 2 will be released for China Telecom customers on Saturday, November 24.


    Thanks for that Noob

    "Pricing information of the dual-SIM Galaxy Note 2 is not yet available, but rumor has it that it will cost 5,199 Yuan, or the equivalent of $835 USD."

    $835 x 30 = 25,050bht

    - wonder what the actual price was on Nov 24 - anyone know ?

    I would like to wait to get a dual SIM model, but wonder IF they will be available in Thai & when approx ...

  6. I have now done 1000 km on my PCX 150, okay not much riding lately due to the rain. I find the PCX near perfect for riding around Pattaya even with my wife on the rear, the power is enough 90% of the time, fuel economy excellent (way better than the Fino, carb model).

    I think I will keep the original seat but might change the rear shocks as they sometimes go to the bottom stop when riding over a speed bump (slowly!).

    There is a thread running on changing shocks on the PCX and asking which ones to change to. You should check it out. I experienced the same problem that you are having on my PCX 125, and changed the shocks on my PCX 125 to YSS G-Euro XXL's. and the problem is solved. I have not had any problem with the PCX 150 and still have the stock shocks on it. Seems to ride fine.

    how much do you weigh Thailaw ?

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