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Posts posted by buzz

  1. And while everyone is looking the other way.... Burma will overtake everyone.... They already sell so much rice in Bangladesh and India... and China, and the Burmese hate Thailand with a grudge... Watch this space..!

    Spot on ... i listened to a press interview by a couple of the leading exporters recently ... Burma is the sleeper here ... they have a much better supply of water for growing rice (3 main rivers) compared to thailand, and it won't be long before they start exporting large quantities same like they did previously 40 years or so ago ...

    This Thai gov't has totally stuffed-up Thai being the #1 rice exporter in the world for the past 30-40 years ... it should be not long before the new thai gov't rice monopoly policy takes affect - they will have stockpiles of overpriced rice (on the world markets) - which loses it's 'freshness' - and they will be telling the farmers not to grow so much ... what a joke they are !

    Not mention, surely domestic prices will rise in the near future ... the 'real' poor will have to pay more tks to these idiots in power ...

  2. In my humble opinion this is a none issue. Thailand will be the major buyer of Vietnam rice and sell to the rest of the world. Vietnam and Thailand will deal in baht which will be to the advantage of both countries for asian trade. Thailand will simply be in control of the rice trade for asia.

    Why am I always suspicious when people say things are simple? Why on earth do you think Vietnam, a fierce competitor, will allow Thailand to monopolize its rice trade? Or perhaps you were being facetious.... ;-)

    I like your suspicions. The reason Vietnam will sell to Thailand is they will want the baht more than the American dollar for trading within Asia. The strenght of the baht and stability, has more value for local trading (Asia) than the American buck.Vietnam is willing to let China and Thailand deal with the American dollar trading.The rice can still be shipped from Vietnam around the world but before it leaves the dock it will be owned by a Thai company.

    what a load of crap u speak - no idea ...

  3. backup the 3gs to itunes .. connect the 4s to itunes and restore it with the data ...

    thats it

    the jailbroken stuff is anyway never in this backups ...

    only SMS and call history and whatever else you are syncing.

    thanks for the advice Null ... I wasn't sure about the Restore, because when I bought the 3GS on the grey market here, it had a Label sticker put on the original box "Warning, don't upgrade or Restore"

  4. I'm definitely no iPh expert ... just got my new 4S and I don't know how to transfer all the data fm my old 3GS which is jailbroken (by someone else, not me - it's also non-factory unlocked) to the new 4S.

    Can I do a back-up of my 3GS on iTunes and then do a restore to the new 4S without having to un-jailbreak the 3GS ?

    cheers for any pointers ...

  5. Got my order in thru the Thai Apple Online Store ... somehow they accepted my aussie credit card, even though Australia was not on the Billing Address list of countries.

    20,900bht delivered is a really good price i reckon for a 16gb (4s white) - I'm glad I waited, and did not get one thru MBK, HK or Canada.

    Can't work out how they got an estimated delivery date of Jan 12th tho - thats more than the 2-3weeks they said on the order form (maybe they work on business days & don't include weekends - that would make it 20 business days from todays date), although i reckon it will be here before Jan 12th.

  6. Apple Online Store Thailand accepts orders since around 9.40 AM this morning.

    Prices are great and much cheaper as from the Providers at:

    16GB: 20,900 THB

    32GB: 24,900 THB

    64GB: 28,900 THB

    Waiting time to get it free shipped is 1-2 weeks at the moment. Hurry before stock is gone...

    I'm just about to order right now - BUT, the Thai Apple Online Store now says shipping in 2-3 weeks

  7. 3. 25% of the people who were eligible to vote didn't bother.

    It is this figure that I'm always interested in.....while some may have been unable to vote (infirm etc) I tend to take the view that these no voters didn't because there was nobody worth voting for. Voting should NEVER be compulsory, as I understand it is here. And if it's compulsory then there should be a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" box to tick....

    There is a "None of the above" box to tick. 4% selected that.

    edit: if you can't be bothered to vote, then you don't have the right to complain about what those that are elected do.

    And if you're not eligible to vote (at all) you especially don't have the right to complain about what those that are elected do........................

    Typical..... you, as a farang, don't have the right to vote, but you have the right to speak yes?

    But anyone who doesn't agree with you doesn't have the right to speak?

    Yay for red farang democracy.

    +1 again ...

  8. I actually think that's a great idea! A national referendum, simple yes or no, pardon Thaksin yes or no, binding for life. In other words, if NO, it's over. I don't believe PTP has the Thai-jones to try that. It would be extraordinary and probably not strictly constitutional, but the Thaksin problem is very extraordinary, and it could be a cathartic, final, democrat way to resolve this once and for all.

    So you suggest a yes / no referendum. And do you not think that the reds, UDD, pt etc., will go all out (big big money changing hands)to ensure the yes (yes=pardon) vote will win.

    Always possible of course that there will also be sweeteners from others to influence the No vote.

    In other words it's very doubtful there would be a genuine unflavoured (unpaid) result.

    No real details have even been revealed by the various bodies and individuals who have tried to herald the idea of 'reconciliation', and that includes both the paymaster and his clone. Reconciliation is nothing more than a smokescreen to get back to laws which make vote buying etc., easy.

    The bottom line is very simple - Thailand will move forward when there is complete respect for the law, and not before. And personally If I had the opportunity I would propose that the current laws on vote buying / corruption / unusual wealth etc., be made much harsher with long-term compulsory jail sentences, lifetime bar from any form of political activity or comment, and public shaming.

    Totally agree with you here ... was thinking the same - they will pay for 'yes' or 'no' votes ... and we know who will pay more.

  9. He believes that judging by the landslide victory of the Pheu Thai Party in the recent election, most Thais also support this while there is opposition only from those who stand to lose or were defeated in the last poll.


    -- Tan Network 2011-11-22


    I really do wish that they would drop this dead donkey of a statement.

    1. They won 53% of the seats, the word 'landslide' or any other superlative used is grossly inaccurate.

    2. 48% of the people who cast a vote voted for them, 52% voted for someone else therefore the majority of people voted against them.

    3. 25% of the people who were eligible to vote didn't bother.

    Addendum to number 2. Even though slightly less than a majority of Thais voted PTP it is naive to assume that all who voted that way want Khun T to be exonerated and return. Far more likely to be the minimum wage hike for all, the increase is salary for graduates, the free iPads and the pretty face.

    Addendum to number 3. Why did 25% not vote? forget 'the dog ate my ID card' routine, peoples main reason for not going to the polling station is usually going to be one of two things, either, pointless as their guy is assured of victory, or pointless as their guy is assured of defeat.

    I would suggest that the number of people in the second category far outweighs the number in the first, if anyone can prove to me otherwise, then, and only then, could you possibly say 'it's what most people want'

    Why doesn't Chalerm put his money where his mouth is, ask the people what they want, have a referendum on the subject.

    It will not happen of course as he dam well knows what the answer would be.

    Well put Thaddeus ...

    At a guess, i reckon a lot of thais just jumped on the 'bandwagon' when they saw Yingluck was the appointed one ... many I asked said they voted for her , not taksin .....

    Thank you.

    Do you know what, when I first moved here, I had hope in these people, I had hope in Thaksin, a man that stood for the good of the common people, he was already rich, he didn't need the money,he was doing it out of his love for them.

    Seven years later I found out I was wrong.

    How long will it take for some others to admit they were wrong too?

    Exactly the same for me, and I suspect most farangs living here long time at the time. Nearly all those that I know of, thought at first, that thaksin would be good for the country & lots of hope abounded.

    It didn't take long at all that doubt set in, with various accusations against thaksin from the very get go (asset concealments etc...) ... it wasn't long before the truth set in about who he was & what he was up to ... but, unfortunately many of the native population are in denial of the facts ... as Chuvit (the massage parlor guy) said, "thais generally don't accept the truth very easily - they choose to avoid it mostly" ... i agree with him too, as it explains a lot ...

  10. He believes that judging by the landslide victory of the Pheu Thai Party in the recent election, most Thais also support this while there is opposition only from those who stand to lose or were defeated in the last poll.


    -- Tan Network 2011-11-22


    I really do wish that they would drop this dead donkey of a statement.

    1. They won 53% of the seats, the word 'landslide' or any other superlative used is grossly inaccurate.

    2. 48% of the people who cast a vote voted for them, 52% voted for someone else therefore the majority of people voted against them.

    3. 25% of the people who were eligible to vote didn't bother.

    Addendum to number 2. Even though slightly less than a majority of Thais voted PTP it is naive to assume that all who voted that way want Khun T to be exonerated and return. Far more likely to be the minimum wage hike for all, the increase is salary for graduates, the free iPads and the pretty face.

    Addendum to number 3. Why did 25% not vote? forget 'the dog ate my ID card' routine, peoples main reason for not going to the polling station is usually going to be one of two things, either, pointless as their guy is assured of victory, or pointless as their guy is assured of defeat.

    I would suggest that the number of people in the second category far outweighs the number in the first, if anyone can prove to me otherwise, then, and only then, could you possibly say 'it's what most people want'

    Why doesn't Chalerm put his money where his mouth is, ask the people what they want, have a referendum on the subject.

    It will not happen of course as he dam well knows what the answer would be.

    Well put Thaddeus ...

    At a guess, i reckon a lot of thais just jumped on the 'bandwagon' when they saw Yingluck was the appointed one ... many I asked said they voted for her , not taksin .....

  11. High season is toast yet again.

    Huge losses in the tourist sector of course.

    The toursim minister seems to reach a new low in the clueless abyss.

    Thaksin, his acolytes or enemies have managed to subtract and squander and amazing amount of gross national income in just a few short years fighting over, or working at, his manipulations to re-grab power.

    And before anyone starts saying what does this seasons loses have to do with Thaksin; His handpicked crew is running the show, and one of his coalition partners has admitted telling them in August not to release water from the dams.

    Which has resulted in :

    way too much being released in far to short a time...

    Resulting in these floods.

    And the inability of the government to control the situation.

    The Agri minister was in the job before, but no horrendous floods,

    then the new bosses come into power, he didn't just decide this without prompting from above. Who hand picked who is running the show?

    That Kuhn T. of course.

    The 'man of the people' has put more 'people' out of work than any 5

    national leaders in Thailands history. And the repercussions are being felt world wide in a dozen industries.

    +1 again ...

  12. he send me pm and offered me 30000 for 32 gb, crazy guy

    why he gave you discount i am not sure, is it because of blue eyes or something? dug, winning

    Got no idea duude ... it's about a $100 difference btn the 16gb & the 32gb ... so about 3,000bht more ... he quoted me 26,500bht for a 16gb - 26,500bht + 3000bht = 29,500bht (pretty close)

    It's this bit that threw me :

    " I promise, only a slight transport fee to cover some bottled water or diamonds once back home."

    15% on top he adds on in his quote = around 3,360bht for a slight 'transport fee'

    ... Thats a hell of a lot of bottled water ! (around 220 large bottles @ 15bht a pop)

    somebody is having a laugh me thinks ... hahahahaha

  13. mmmm ... was hoping they'd be more like 22,500bht ($730)

    So, in MBK

    16gb 24,000bht = $780

    32gb 28,500bht = $925

    in U.S. unlocked

    16gb $650 (20,000bht)

    32gb $750 (23,100bht)


    Australia unlocked

    16gb $800 (25,050bht)

    32gb $900 (28,150bht)


    Singapore unlocked

    16gb $948 (22,580bht)

    32gb $1088 (25,900bht)


    Canada unlocked

    16gb $650 (19,650bht)

    32gb $750 (22,650bht)


    Hong Kong unlocked

    16gb $5,088 (20,150bht)

    32gb $5,888 (23,300bht)

    * Thai bht prices as at todays rate 15/11/2011 iP app

    cheers Trajan

  14. It is one of the legal mechanisms to keep governments honest and to punish for bad mismanagement and ineptitude in elected office or appointed positions.

    Any citizen can say; I think you've screwed up to the detriment of the many, and we deserve to force, what we believe are hidden facts, from you in a public forum.

    No more obfuscation, tell what happened.

    And political party that takes office is subject to proper legal scrutiny, saying it is political (oh my, oh no, it's POLITICAL!) is a red herring, their actions to take office were totally political, so their political horse came before the politically active citizen's cart.

    They should just deal with it and stop whining and Wenging on about

    someone using their own, past used, tactics against themselves.

    Man Up PTP and answer the questions when the judge asks them.


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