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Everything posted by NemoH

  1. Like the old English saying - A man is a king in his castle. So the Thais can be king in Thailand and we are all guests. Next time we do anything, just remember whether a guest should behave like that..😊
  2. So so sad for her. She must be feeling hopeless in a foreign land. For the rest of us - Just look out for each other .. be kind n keep safe always ..
  3. Without going into right n wrong, it really reflect the intellect of both the foreigners n their understanding of what is the greater loss to them - the damage to the car or the injury to humans .. they are plain stup….🤣🤣🤣
  4. Can they open a bank account in Singapore n transfer the money to Thailand ?
  5. Let me guess ..the joke .. a Karen lost a fist fight 2 years ago and she wants to start a “me too” movement ..seeking social justice n supposed trauma … against a Mohammad who supposed knocked her out flat …🤣🤣🤣
  6. The victims honked n got out of their cars to confront their attackers? Either the victims were drunk n foolhardy or they were simply arrogant n looking for a fight. 🤣🤣 so the victims lost n now claim to be victimised… I will have more sympathy if the victims had remained in their car n were attacked for no reason.
  7. I believe there are numerous wealth transfers just for this case… only time will tell..
  8. Sounds very fake news again…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣… hahahaha… There are so few Bkk outlets that accept only digital payments only .. only one is some few Starbucks like k village … have not seen any other outlets doing the same and don’t expect it … 🤣🤣🤣 maybe the few Starbucks represents 80% of Thai economy …
  9. Interesting. cryto exchange = money exchange = money laundering 🤣🤣👍 interesting way to avoid being licensed. More like operating an underground banking system..🧐
  10. They are entitled rich brats raised by parents who probably did not educate them with common sense, logic, respect n responsibility or dignity. Look at their parents’ comments - did the parents apologize? No apologies. No regrets…
  11. Just to also add that most foreign men come to Thailand thinking that all Thai women are for ‘sale’. But Thailand is in fact a very very traditional country and only certain part of each Thai cities and certain women are ‘selling’ or are openly promiscuous. And this is the same for most Asian countries.
  12. All mental cases … Who knows what other case records they have back in their own country…. Before long, the police will insist everyone needs a criminal free record or certification for all visas.
  13. This man is beyond human - how could a human kick another human who was sitting harmlessly? Let alone a lady. It takes a huge amount of rage n basic distaste for another human life to do this. A person is known by their fruits - again this was similarly evident when he obstructed the ambulance. How could he behave like that even if he stays anywhere else in the world ?
  14. hahahaha... 0.45am is still wee hours for me. Like I say - every city is safe if you go to bed by 9pm...
  15. Absolutely BBS.. no justification for such a law.. If the whole purpose is to prevent crime/DUI - then the best time to ban alcohol sales is from 7pm to 0400 am based on the statistics of crime and DUI at this time.. Total hypocrisy.
  16. What a useless law.. The whole purpose of the law is to prevent abuse of alcohol ... Actually, if they really want to ban alcohol, to prevent accidents, abuse .etc, they should impose the ban at a time when there are lots of DUI, abuse - so the perfect time for such ban should be from 7pm to midnight ...hahahahaha.. LOLOL
  17. Asian tourists just stay a few days n go home whereas western tourist stay in for months. The western tourists should buy local insurance
  18. What a fake news .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 even the Chinese are broke now 🤣🤣 n they do not need visa free to buy condos 🤣🤣
  19. Sad but people in Thailand needs to be paid to protests. Protesting has become a job amidst the unemployed.
  20. So many schemes to conjure money from every corner n facet of society 🤣🤣🤣.. just see who benefits then you know why the scheme .. oops .. I mean policy is implemented .. 🤣🤣
  21. Don’t think it’s a gene .. but basically the individual. Some individuals are just brought up differently n violently. Sad but upbringing is still the cause.
  22. These are all grades.. Education is more than school. Home schooling is the best option.
  23. You mean you still believe the oath after what happen in Covid ??
  24. Please publish the hospital name …
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