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Everything posted by NemoH

  1. We call it human morality. The standard of morals in this country n in this age has declined substantially. The main reason for decline is the education system of humans. Thailand has been declining because its education system has always been weak.. Apologies for digressing from the topic.
  2. Actually not much .. for a former prime minister - look at the other countries ex ministers .. Majority of his wealth was also before his prime minister appointment.
  3. I don’t see Bangkok rating getting any better. Living in Bangkok is getting worse. Bangkok is getting ridiculous.. - property prices never drops but increase even without demand - fine dining are now as expensive as Singapore or Hong Kong or Europe even when the pool of people eating remains unchanged - they try to eradicate street food n keep prime districts clean - they set up useless road dividers n create needless manholes every 6 metres apart that make driving difficult n senseless some of my many grievances.
  4. How stupid can they get? Politicians don’t know about how legal sovereignty works… or is this a case if sensationalise journalism? Surrendering their country sovereignty n invite other law agencies to patrol Thailand 🤣🤣🤣. Based on what law in Thailand constitution is this allowed? What laws are the Chinese police enforcing 🤣🤣 China laws or Thai laws? Does Thailand allow foreign laws to be enforced in Thailand? When the crime happen - can the Chinese police make arrest ? If the criminal is foreign - it will make very interesting diplomatic case. Looks like the Thai government is really desperate for Chinese tourist n they deem security is the cause rather than other factors .. how myopic
  5. You dont seem to understand Buddhism. Go do your research into Buddhism.. From making merit to doing good.. its all for myself.. myself and.......... myself..
  6. If the wife really wanted to prevent this, the wife should stop filming n get in between the parties. This will immediately calm the parties or even one of them. Filming can be provocative n adding fuel to fire up the situation. and now she complains…what a clown 🤡
  7. It has the potential to be the biggest casino in south east Asia with the poor Regulatory n High corruption index of Thailand which lack proper money laundering laws, weak enforcement regime, poor crime control record, reluctant police n Regulators.. Then all the rest of the gangs will come - the global underworld, the scammers n the hustlers because the other evils are already here - drugs cannabis and prostitution. Consequently- a morally corrupted society, addiction, cycle of poverty, crime n breakup of families .. and a wider income gap between the haves n the people who have not … caused by disproportionate income growth n inflation. Casino brings inflation. Examples - LA, Macau, Singapore all in different stages of the cycle. Benefits - more tax for government. More job opportunities but low level.
  8. He is a reservist in Israel citizen army … maybe dodging the call up … kick him back to Israel.
  9. It is not the gun problem … if knives were used .. do you ban knives or get people who buy knives be registered? The Siam gunner was a neglected, mentally abused and totally tortured son of 2 well known professors in a renown local university. The parents refused to turn up even after they were informed of his shooting. His uncle was interviewed in TV .. lamenting that the black sheep gunner was causing problems for everybody… Siam was his ‘place’ since young because he was forced to tuition centres all located in Siam area…so sad for him .. if you have parents like these .. you will go mad … and have mental problems too.
  10. Regardless of the shooting, the days of bulk tourists coming to any country are gone. Was in Pattaya last week, and being a golden week for travel for China, Korea and Japan - it was so quiet on Beach Road. Scattered family from Hong Kong and 1-2 China family.. dinner time was quiet. Restaurant n hotel were all local residents.
  11. Originally planning a Christmas in Siam Kempinski hotel but now all plans changed .. I believe tourists will start to avoid the place like plague .. Christmas is just 2 months away..
  12. Heard the shooter was inspired by the US mass shooter - the one in army fatigues that carried a sub machine gun .. can’t remember which one but that is why the shooter also dressed in army fatigues. Mental problem
  13. Pheu Thai cleaning up police ????????.. changing stakeholders but same system ????????????
  14. What is the purpose of all this ? Make fat people pay more n slim people pay less ? Safety - balancing the plane? Creating comfort for passengers to re allocate seats for fat n slim? Do let me know if anyone has an answer ..
  15. It’s a shame shame - They retrieve the video on the night of shooting which had been thrown into a nearby lake … It was a local mafia who controlled both the local regulating Authorities and highway patrol police in the supply chain of trucking. They controlled all the trucks that were doing inter provincial trucking of sand. All the tainted policemen were from Nakhon pathom highway police department. Apparently it has been going on since his father days. The killing of the policeman who was sent by Bangkok to investigate them spark an immediate reaction from Bangkok as most of the investigators are now from Bangkok. It is very interesting how they track down the henchman who fled in the middle of the night and was fun down in a gun battle with police from Bangkok in another province. The said Kamnam is the local district chief - government - who controlled all the highway police - so much power n corruption. In Hk it’s called Government n Triad cooperation.
  16. According to my Godfather crystal ball - It’s an old tactic.. eradicating triads or mafia means - uniting all to pledge loyalty to the very same people who wants to ‘e’ them ????????????.. it’s big big Money n big time power base development ????????????
  17. Hahaha .. as if the new government cares about legitimacy n governance n public integrity n accountability ????????????.. it’s all about money …
  18. Really looks like all the world is a stage …we are the audience who are scammed all along ???????????? MF must be very rich by now ????????
  19. It’s a cycle but the 5 star hotels in Pattaya n Bangkok have all up their prices in anticipation of Christmas n New year ???????????? wonder who gets the last laugh
  20. Case of uneducated poor quality tenant. The antithesis of the uneducated Landlords who confiscate deposit thinking it is their own to keep. ???????? either way it is a nightmare for the victimised party… but at least the landlord has the deposit in this case which may defray the damage cost.
  21. Strange to find so many comments from people who lack understanding of parliament system.. the heading is misleading too. I am neutral on who becomes PM. MF party only won 30% of the vote so how is it that the remaining 70% cannot choose their candidate for PM? So how is their choice not something the Thai people had voted for ?
  22. Never heard of te website .. lol … sad that it’s gone now .. ????????????
  23. Saw the short clip.. appears that they were making love with the lady against the window. The window sill was too low and as she was being pushed backwards, she fell backwards. She attempted to regain her stride head down which was when he grabbed her leg in the video… she was found dead and undressed in the lower part of her body. That was the commentary in Thai.. Very sad as he appeared devastated when they arrested him shirtless.
  24. Wow .. looks like a ‘not so smart serial killer’ to me.. murderer suspect .. remains so cool at the crime site.. go to station ..reported to police .. gave statement .. after killing n then chopping up victim….reminds me of a similar serial killer case years ago in Thailand ..
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