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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 1 hour ago, Borzandy said:

    Another newbie thinking he know something about Thailand.



    I arrived in Bangkok during Black May 1992, with tanks rolling on the streets.


    Who is the newbie here?


    I just don't spend my time on a forum venting my anger and writing utter clap-trap. 


    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

  2. 5 hours ago, overherebc said:


    You need to learn how to read posts through instead of jumping the wrong way.

    I will excuse you though. You will see I was answering your post that refered  to a previous post that mentioned sidewalks.



    I can read. The thread concerns "Motorcyclist killed by expressway barrier"...


    So anyone who brings up the matter of motorbikes on the pavement at this juncture, likely has issues of their own that need tending.

    The fact that you also feel the need to continue the ridiculous comment about pavements/side walks when it has nothing to do with the matter concerned speaks volumes.

    Someone's son is no more, yet here you are whining about a completely unrelated and relatively minor matter.


    Poor, very poor.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


    The Wall in Israel - which certainly seems to work - is a combination of walls and a multi-layered fence system.  


    Wow...you are 'special'. Since you chose to quote it; Only 15% of that fence is actually on the border. The rest is within the West Bank, in some places more than ten miles into the West Bank. 

    Of course Mexico will not acquiesce.


    Some people will believe anything....

  4. Of course you are choosing to save any recovered files to a completely different destination...aren't you?


    For instance an external HDD. Do not output to either the C: or D: drive, lest you overwrite.


    If you haven't tried these before, look here; https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_word-mso_windows8/recovering-word-document-that-was-mistakenly-saved/d676c704-3ed3-4a13-ab30-649e6ac1cef4


    and here, if necessary




    If all else fails, use PhotoRec. Download, save, unzip and run to a USB Flash drive, not your machine.

    Go into the testdisk 7.0 folder and right click on the qphotorec_win application and choose to run as Administrator.

    Once the interface has opened, choose the drives/partitions that you want to scan, choose to Extract Files from the whole partition and then select a destination for the recovered files. This MUST be a destination other than the drives where the file was originally saved. Now click on File Formats. Deselect all options by choosing Reset and select only the .doc option.


    Once complete....


    Now you are ready to begin scanning by choosing Search


    Expect it to run all night.


  5. On 13/11/2016 at 4:18 AM, JSixpack said:


    No, not any system. My old netbook has an SSD and it isn't very responsive owing to factors that have nothing to do with the SSD.



    Actually HDDs make excellent sense esp. for end users. In fact this end user here even refers to them:



    We can do without all these little facile blanket generalizations.




    What model exactly? There might be the option to enable AHCI.

  6. On 08/11/2016 at 0:16 PM, champa said:

    FYI, Mr. Itthipol Khunpleom, ex mayor did sign the demolition order for Balihai plaza and Balihai bay hotel  since April. The order was published and posted to the hotel and the plaza since then. Pattaya City gave the owner 60 days period for demolition by themselves. After that in June, Pattaya City started to demolition. By the way the owner have to pay the bill for more than 1 million baht. This proved that the process was started before the current city council.


    Referred to the boutique hotel case, the building which was adjusted without permission. Local media reported that two executive staffs in Building control division at Pattaya City were received a disciplinary punishment. Finally they were expelled. 


    There are many complains in Building control division. 


    source: http://www.manager.co.th/South/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9590000097289





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