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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    1. "Didn't I mention backpedalling... You blamed the victim instead of the person who actually attacked him."


    You most certainly did mention backpedalling. It's your favourite word.



    You can have the last word and I'll walk away....mainly because I am bored. But not so bored that I actually bother to read what you write.

  2. 12 minutes ago, tropo said:

    You're twisting it again. My opinion is that violence is a possible outcome for anyone who remonstrates as the victim did.  




    Didn't I mention backpedalling...


    You blamed the victim instead of the person who actually attacked him.


    Now you are backpedalling by saying that it was a possible outcome....when you were previously stating that it was a fait accompli.


    We know that everyone is responsible for their own behaviour and remonstrating with someone is not unreasonable behaviour...whatever you might think. 


    Let's recap on some of what you have written;




    The victim's fault here. There's no point aggressively approaching a car to complain about something that has already happened unless he's confident he can defend himself and/or back it up with some firepower. He's lucky the driver wasn't Thai.


    Whether the violence was justified or not (do you know what he actually said to the driver) is not the issue here. The point is that the violence should have been anticipated and could have been avoided.




    Amongst your suggestions were that the older dude should only have approached the car if he was a trained fighter. 

    Apparently, people who cannot fight should not stand up for their family.


    We don't need to agree, we already made our opinions clear.

  3. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    OK, let's take this point by point so you don't get too confused: (your comments are in parentheses and numbered):


    6. "As an aside, many years ago, a steroid fuelled freak and two friends attacked me from behind. They took umbrage that a girl to whom I was talking to had ignored them(they were making some unacceptable comments and the main protagonist must have assumed that his even larger friend would ensure his protection. In fact I told his larger friend to take him away. His larger friend pretended to not hear me.) and I told them to go away. Motorbike taxi drivers quickly evened up the odds and I finished the job"

    You're a regular hero...  The thing is you said you never had trouble. That seemed like trouble, or was it not trouble because you won the battle? You come across as a hot-head with little self-control, which makes it more probable that you're lying (that you've never had trouble).




    Perhaps you have problems with your comprehension. One man making unpleasant comments to a girl to whom I was talking. I was not remonstrating with anyone.

    I asked his steroid fuelled friend to take him away, but instead of doing so, he pretended that he could not hear me. Whilst this was going on, the protagonist came up behind me to attack me. 

    So not a situation were I was remonstrating with anyone.


    As to hothead...I don't think anyone reading our posts would describe ME as the hothead.


    Whereas you keep banging on trying to convince us that violence is the normal way. Give it a rest my friend, we've made our opinions clear.





  4. 32 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I apologise for making it so long for you, but your offerings had been ever increasing in length, making it ever harder to extract fact from fiction.


    Your points were as clear as mud, which was probably your intention unless that's how your brain works... You made it quite clear that you think everything you offer is correct, while everything I offered was merely biased opinion.

    My opinion was that the violence was uncalled for. Yours the opposite. That it is to be expected, especially from Thais.


    No need for back pedalling. You stated your opinion and I stated mine. Let's move on.


    See? No violence.


    We made our points and we moved right along. 

  5. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    You're doing all the digging, my friend. You're even playing the racist card now. Seriously? Have you never seen packs of Thai people attack foreigners? Where have you been?


    I was trying to be as polite as possible in reply to your previous offerings, but now that you've decided to be obnoxious, I'll just have to come out and say it straight...


    I asked you earlier if you think the victim was stupid, naive or overconfident. You easily tick all 3 boxes.


    Perhaps you are the victim. I can't see any other reason for your stubborn disability to understand basic common sense.  

    You just can't help yourself, can you? 

    It was you who played the racist card, suggesting that Thais have a propensity for violence.

    I have remonstrated with taxi drivers, motorbike and songthaew, over the years and nothing more than words exchanged.

    Only an idiot pushes it into violence. Most people prefer to walk away. That is common sense. So your suggestion is that most everyone is a violent thug, especially Thai is just....not really thought through...but yet you continue to dig. Why? A face saving measure?

    Perhaps there is good reason as to why you have had different experience to me.


    As an aside, many years ago, a steroid fuelled freak and two friends attacked me from behind. They took umbrage that a girl to whom I was talking to had ignored them(they were making some unacceptable comments and the main protagonist must have assumed that his even larger friend would ensure his protection. In fact I told his larger friend to take him away. His larger friend pretended to not hear me.) and I told them to go away. Motorbike taxi drivers quickly evened up the odds and I finished the job.

    Motorbike taxi drivers networked and traced where they all lived .I sent the attackers a basket a fruit and advised them to keep out of trouble in the future.

    One didn't take the hint and went back to the scene and kicked off, when I wasn't there. I was told he was taken away. I never saw nor heard from them again. I'll say no more than that.


    I am neither stupid, naive or overconfident. But what about you?

    Perhaps now emasculated and covering it up with body building? I know others like that. Big bodies, but oh so scared inside.


    As I told you before...do not assume that you are the arbiter because you have seen or experienced a few violent episodes in Thailand. That is simply your biased opinion.


    No one is suggesting that you remonstrate over every transgression. You learn to go with the flow. Doesn't excuse the thug behaviour. A thug is a thug. Not because he is Thai, Russian or British....



  6. 19 hours ago, tropo said:

    Let's get this straight... if you rode a bike in Pattaya, a car driver cuts you off or veers into your lane and you remonstrate with him by calling him an idiot, you're likely to cop a bashing. That's the reality of life in Pattaya and probably Thailand in general. I have no idea how much remonstrating you can get away with in your home country, but judging by your comments, probably quite a bit.


    This is not about what is justified, moral, right or wrong. It's about what will likely happen in the real world. We're not preaching here, but giving sensible advice of how to behave in Thailand.


    What you should do when someone does something you don't like here is suck it up, take a deep breath, remember where you are, bite your tongue and be on your way. That takes quite a bit of self-control for foreigners with inflated egos. It's a shame the victim in this incident had to learn his lesson the hard way. As stated many times, he's fortunate the driver wasn't Thai.


    When I first came here and people cut me off I too remonstrated. I soon learned that it was not a good idea. I could bore you with some stories about how I remonstrated and what happened as a consequence, but surely you get the point now. 






    Stop digging my friend. It only becomes more difficult to extricate yourself in the end.

    Suggesting that most people will tend to act like that violent ape is just nonsense.

    Then you dig an even bigger hole for yourself in suggesting that Thai people are likely to react in an even more violent manner.

    Racist nonsense.

    Believe me, I have remonstrated with quite a few idiots in Pattaya and beyond. Not a single one of them has attempted to launch into an attack.....and that is the way it should be. 

    The big guy was in no danger. He just couldn't control himself and decided to launch into an attack. Which is why the majority here have little objection to the locals dispensing instant justice.


    Don't be another who assumes that everyone else is a newbie and that you are the voice of reason. You are not.


    The man was likely rightly defending his family. There was no reason for violence and anyone who suggests that it is normal perhaps needs to rethink the way that they live their life..

    The big guy could have simply warned him off. But he acted like a violent thug. 






  7. 5 hours ago, thairookie said:

    I wasn't referring to taxis.


    I am more interested in the buses that charge 250 baht per passenger.

    In that case you need to choose the option "Pattaya - Downtown (CentralFestival Pattaya Beach) (3AK)" as your destination whilst booking. The price differential will be 50 Pataca from the price to U Tapao. 215 baht.

    If you didn't but others did, hopefully the bus will have free seats they can sell to you on arrival.

    They also have a bus going the other way, to Rayong, terminating at the Passione shopping centre. http://www.passionedestination.com

  8. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    So in your humble opinion, the remonstrating victim was not squaring up for a fight? He thought he could remonstrate to his heart's content without any fear of retaliation?


    Do you think he was stupid, naive or merely overconfident?  


    So...let's get this straight....if I am riding a bicycle, as I am wont to do, and a car driver cuts me up or veers into the cycle lane and I remonstrate with him by calling him an idiot, that in your eyes gives the car driver carte blanche to attack me?


    Retaliation for remonstrating? It appears that you are stating that a perfectly acceptable reaction to a remonstration is a physical attack.


    Did you beat your mum up if she told you off?

  9. 2 minutes ago, champers said:

    If everyone who got doused with water confronted the throwers the streets would be awash with blood. You have to grit your teeth and move on pronto, keeping your temper in check. An incident like this proves the point.


    Why write this nonsense?

    Once I was walking along a Bangkok street and an IDIOT foreigner ran up to me and sprayed me directly in the eye with one of those high pressure blue pipes. For HIS sake, I took a deep breath. If it happened to one of my children....


    There was no excuse or reason for the violence and anyone here who condones it is no better than the steroid fuelled idiot.

  10. 38 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Now you're insulting the character of other members who know the deal here and offer sensible advice.


    The victim had the poor character in this event. He should have shrugged his shoulders, bit his tongue and concentrated on the important task of getting his daughter to the hospital.


    "Sensible advice" after the fact is useless. Remonstrating with someone doesn't give the thug licence to use his fists. Especially if said thug knows that it is defence of family.


    Know the deal? That there are mindless thugs roaming the streets and their equals condoning their behaviour.


    We know that, but that doesn't excuse the violence. Hopefully he will be punished.




  11. Always disappoints me reading the comments of some here...especially some long standing members who should know better. Poor character indeed.


    There is nothing wrong with remonstrating with someone who is putting your family in danger. In fact, it is almost to be expected. Not everyone is happy about being sprayed whilst riding a motorcycle. The 'victim' didn't swing or even attempt to throw a punch. Perhaps just symbolically pushing the car door in response to what was being said.

    The larger man threw three punches, two connecting. Totally unnecessary. The 'victim' was never a threat. He has glasses on and was much older. 

  12. The is no free upgrade of Windows 7. Though it may be possible, dependent on the machine. It would require a clean install, therefore wiping away all files on the hard drive.

    To avoid this, fit an SSD(improving the performance enormously) and install to that. Leaving the original hard drive data intact.

    What is the brand name and model number of your PC?

  13. 25 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

    Those Honda Clickx are dangerous bikes. I usually ride a Yamaha Nuovo (recent models) and am quite comfortable on them, but during my last holiday I had to switch to another bike and was provided with a Honda Clickx, within the first hour I was laying on my back because the motorbike slipped from underneath me, I was just coming out of soi 6 and had to stop behind a car that was waiting to make a left turn, when I accelerated, the bike slipped from beneath me. Never will I drive a Honda clickx again.



    I'm sure there are many Honda Click riders who have not that experience. I would guess over-inflated or bald tyres. Over-inflation leads to less tyre touching the road and therefore less grip.

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