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Everything posted by PJPom

  1. Final information for you all who have given advice or suggestions. I got my Thai Wife to phone Honda in Krabi to check cost of a compressor, after being given Vin number and engine number they said they would call back. After about half an hour they called and the simple answer was " no have" so Aliexpress is the answer , 4917 Bht including postage and delivery by 05 January. So amusing that Sanden, the original Thai manufacturers no longer supplies the compressor, it is made in Guangzoo, China. Thanks to all who responded to my post....Have a Merry Christmas...
  2. Thanks to you who have offered suggestions, I have checked the fans ,temp sensors, gas pressure and all are OK. The compressor is twenty four years old and I am sure it has been used quite a lot. It is a scroll type and it is inevitable that it has worn enough to lose some of its capabilities at low revs. I have tried everyone on Lazada with no success, all they offer is a used unit, dirty or cleaned for 2K to 5K with a warranty no longer than three months. Aliexpress has new units with full twelve months warranty for approximately 5000 baht including postage, what my question is will I get charged a fortune by Customs as it comes from China. Has anyone had any experience of buying from China , if so can you give me any information. Thanks.
  3. Compressor gives adequate gas flow only when driving above 1500-2000 revs, sitting at traffic lights air temperature on a hot day can reach high twenties from the outlets, not comfortable. On Lazada there are only used ones about 2500bht, haven't see the one you are referring to. I will ask Honda in Krabi tomorrow and let you know, Honda are noted for their spare parts prices . Last Thursday was spent checking out prices from three different workshops that claimed to be specialists, 13k from one with one year warranty but only a refurbished unit, next one 10k with again S/H unit and six months warranty , final one again no new compressor but probably 20k if must have new. I gave up knowing my local mechanic can fit a compressor if I supply it for 1K. I must learn technical Thai , very frustrating as terms differ so much.
  4. You must be lucky, all I have been offered is a reworked unit not new with a twelve month warranty for 13K. The unit I am looking at is a perfect replica/copy of the original Sanden and is supplied worldwide , cost is approx $US 80 at Factory so I am trying to guess how much to get here.
  5. I have an old CRV Honda and have been looking for a NEW compressor for the aircon without success in Thailand. I have found a manufacturer in China that supplies worldwide and I wondered what problems there might be in importing one. Does Customs impose very high duties and taxes and also is a personal import allowed. If anyone has any information or advice I would appreciate it.
  6. Prostate Specific Antigen...Prostate Cancer... Many men die with it , not from it. Surprised you didn't know what it stood for, every man should be checked when you reach fifty, I have managed seventy plus and just renewed my Passport for ten years so seeing there is no refund I intend sticking around.
  7. Just got my blood results and the PSA is 17 plus, immediately found an article on Google that says approximately 85% last longer than 15 years. I intend to be one of the 85%...wish me luck...
  8. He got caught supplying drugs, twice, once in his home country and then here in Thailand, absolutely no sympathy from me.
  9. The last senior policeman the seemingly knew too much fled to Australia and I believe is still there. Bear in mind that he didn’t arrive as a penniless refugee, he adapted very quickly to a pleasant existence.
  10. As an outsider looking in I think the next Presidential election will be VERY interesting. Such a pity the losers, be they Democrat or Republicans , won’t accept that in a democracy the majority rule.
  11. Move along now, nothing to see here. The only comment this article deserves.
  12. Reading the comments on this subject it seems that every pot smoker thinks cannabis is harmless and reacts aggressively to anyone with a different opinion. I might be mistaken but isn’t cannabis supposed to make you happy and peaceful.
  13. Ten in seven seater, nothing unusual. The horror is the incinerated people, Van obviously running on gas, R I P.
  14. Heaps of adverts in Krabi locals and other groups, luckily the moderators are aware and they don’t last long.
  15. I also have this problem, 1999 Gen 1 Honda CRV, possibly the best SUV ever and in excellent order after much loving care, impossible to get what I term as adequate coverage, [third party, fire and theft and a decent valuation]. Seems like I need someone with an expensive Mercedes or Bentley to run into me and only then would I be able to get acceptable compensation. I notice there are no answers so far, I am sure many of you have the same problem, any answers ?.
  16. There are few on here that consistently gave such helpful and accurate advice, the first port of call for many immigration queries. You will be sorely missed, Rest In Peace Joe, my condolences to his Family...PJ
  17. Just curious, does the US Navy allow moustaches ?, it was full set or clean shaven back in my day in RN.
  18. It’s an unpopular opinion to state that Elephants have always been regarded as beasts of burden, just like a horse.
  19. What a great photo, a man and his Elephant working together as they have done for centuries. Now bring on the comments from the activists who will condemn the exploitation of the poor animal for the benefit of man.
  20. Does anyone else get the impression that this might unfortunately be murder suicide ?. Very sad , R I P.
  21. Promises, promises, no real intention of doing anything as it would seriously affect the economy of the locals and the Police.
  22. All these comments about who did what and what was missing to ensure the safety of people completely miss the point. This is Thailand, the unconquerable nation that has never been ruled by Westerners, they do it their way so don’t bring your “elf and safety “ here, nobody listens.
  23. How low can the Tourist Authority go ?. On the right we have a newbie, on the left we have an experienced expert.
  24. Very sad but applause for him making it to the top. I did the climb on my seventy fourth birthday and the view from the top is marvellous. well done sir, you went out still appreciating life, R I P.
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