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Greg O

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Posts posted by Greg O

  1. Ok how bout this , start a rumor  (same as the truth here) that Covid has begun coming on to the beaches so everyone ( the police and volunteers)  grab a stick and run to the beach and start swinging your , stick, bat or whatever (pounding sand won't work it's an airborne pathogen) to kill the virus. (a flaming stick or baton is  preferred) or possibly a flamethrower!  Anyway getting really bored. I'm going to the beach ! 

    • Haha 2
  2. Say it isn't so ! Second wave of attacks ? We're still waiting for the first one but sincerely doubt it will attack from the sea....I believe it would be from the airports and bus stations.....quick, move the barricades ! All hands on deck, dive the boat ! Where's the color chart ? 

    Wait, oh no what to do ? 


    As usual laughing stock....

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  3. Go ahead and volunteer for the "clinical trials" as they need volunteers to get tissues matched as well . "Just standard procedure Sir/madam."


    Then You'll be asked if you're willing to donate your organs to science should you die...You can fill in the blanks from there ( use your imagination) and then you'll know what has and is happening in China.

    The Organ banks operate at a very large profit margin...

  4. Trouble is there aren't any "regulations" it's all whispers a day or two before the " Order " is given and that's were living with. Hearsay, rumours and finally Orders that are readily changed or rescinded on the fly. The merchants literally don't know the so called "rules" as they change on a whim or a threat daily.

    Incredible business acumen from the High Command.....wow so pathetic (but entertaining ) cause it really doesn't matter what we think now does it ? Enjoy the rest of the movie ...

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  5. You are joking about more Americans coming here if they knew what it's like aren't you ? The extreme air pollution, heat and humidity, the rubbish everywhere, the fearsome roads, the tourist rip offs. Rabid soi dogs ( oh ain't that special). Most Americans can barely make it to a neighboring state on their own (that's a big trip going to Destin for spring break) and only about 30 percent possess a passport. Their "trip of a lifetime" is going to Hawaii (waikiki) which is just a big mall now or to Cancuuun duh, Mexicooo dude! Another manufactured tourist trap ! So they'll come here and start whining after being enroute for 28 hours or more traveling in economy. It's a horrible journey even for the experienced traveler..Many of us well seasoned travelers elected to stay here after either working in Asia or being a frequent visitor due to family ties and the proximity of Thailand being a Southeast Asian hub and the lack of oversight here until now and that's not going away anytime soon ! It's really just ignorance God bless em. As an American on holiday why would they come here? Their annual holiday leave is much less than Europeans and it's too far ! The bargains don't exist here for Americans they enjoy low taxes on purchases and everything in USA is dirt cheap and abundant compared to here, other than housing. As the Airlines begin to Vaporize fewer flights will be available. A total and complete disaster because of a few sniffles ...and government bufoonery ineptness.


    Yes it's unfortunate and dozens more will most likely fall by the wayside. 

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  6. Hotel GM's are changed as often as the bedsheets in some cases. Most of you probably know this but very few of the large and popular hotel brands are actually run by the parent company. They are often franchisees or management companies under contract with a large percentage of the staff being low wage contract employees as well. There's not alot of loyalty in that business..no need to shed any years and get all choked up..

    • Thanks 1
  7. You are joking about more Americans coming here if they knew what it's like aren't you ? The extreme air pollution, heat and humidity, the rubbish everywhere, the fearsome roads, the tourist rip offs. Rabid soi dogs ( oh ain't that special). Most Americans can barely make it to a neighboring state on their own (that's a big trip going to Destin for spring break) and only about 30 percent possess a passport. Their "trip of a lifetime" is going to Hawaii (waikiki) which is just a big mall now or to Cancuuun duh, Mexicooo dude! Another manufactured tourist trap ! So they'll come here and start whining after being enroute for 28 hours or more traveling in economy. It's a horrible journey even for the experienced traveler..Many of us well seasoned travelers elected to stay here after either working in Asia or being a frequent visitor due to family ties and the proximity of Thailand being a Southeast Asian hub and the lack of oversight here until now and that's not going away anytime soon ! It's really just ignorance God bless em. As an American on holiday why would they come here? Their annual holiday leave is much less than Europeans and it's too far ! The bargains don't exist here for Americans they enjoy low taxes on purchases and everything in USA is dirt cheap and abundant compared to here, other than housing. As the Airlines begin to Vaporize fewer flights will be available. A total and complete disaster because of a few sniffles ...and government bufoonery ineptness.

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