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Greg O

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Posts posted by Greg O

  1. The Thai government missed their opportunity to market the country as a business friendly and tourist friendly safe haven. Instead of shutting down they could have taken a controlled approach but instead the provincial governors and mayors are allowed to "run Amok" with arbitrary shutdowns based on superstition and fear vs science and understanding. With all of the controls in place then why is the country still isolated ? Every time a case pops up they going to shut down a province or an Island an Airport or a beach or mall ? Total insanity ! 

    The gentleman in Samui is correct. You can't run a business that way ever especially in the absence of even the first outbreak. Can you imagine the nightmare of reopening a hotel then a case pops up and you're forced to close or worse yet harbor people placed into quarantine every time someone gets a sniffle then refund irate customers deposits and payments ? It's only the government cronies fear of failing. It's as if they are keeping score and expecting the grand prize (it's really about control for these freaks) but in the meantime the ship slips below the waves unnoticed. 

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  2. So just what do these do gooders and fundamental Christian experts here recommend Thailand and Pattaya do as an alternative ? Oh I know maybe Video arcades and Carnival rides...Majong parlors for the "wealthy upscale tourists" Maybe more malls or how about a nice Central Park with a zoo and paddle boats. Need a bar in Hua Hin anyone ?

    Government is quick to critisize  bars and pubs but excuse me where was the first significant outbreak ? The bars and pubs support many staff and their families with jobs and provide social interaction and entertainment for Thais and foreigners alike. Are there too many bars ? If so who's fault is that ? If the government wants us out then re-zone the districts using a public review process or just cancel our licenses, refund the money and compensate us and our staff for our losses, everything has its price..We have all quickly realized that no business is immune from government ineptness and tyranny as there is no rhyme or reason in the shutdown ( slam dunk you're out ) or the restart ....uhhh not sure who can start, wait,wait oh uhhh nevermind .. must not lose face even though not have face. 

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  3. Try contacting the local tourist police in the area you're planning to visit. They usually have an English speaker and can give you updates. I've driven around quite alot since this started from home in hua hin to Kanchanaburi, Korat , bkk a few times now and south to Pratchuap and Chumphon then Ranong and back....Never been stopped at any checkpoint they don't seem to want to be bothered. Roll the window down as you approach a checkpoint , give a smile and a salute...At one checkpoint outside of Kanchanaburi the cop says "where you going?" I said to Erawan national park. Then he said park closed, so I said "no worries just ride around and take a look" He just laugh and wave me on..

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  4. As a cyclist (for exercise only on country roads) I used to ride to town (hua hin) daily as I live in the country about 10 kms to the west. In the last few years the traffic has trebled and I'm terrified to ride to town now or on any busy road . No one is watching the road and I mean no one ! In Most fatal or critical cycling accidents they are struck from the rear and never had a chance. When I'm riding my Motorbikes driving defensively is not good enough you have to be aggressive. I don't mean fast but actively focused and ready to manuever away from danger as it's everywhere. 


    Be safe ..

  5. A royal pain in the <deleted>, sign in as you enter the mall, sign into the shops ( each shop) no sign out so it's just another charade. A couple of the smarter restaurants seat you first and bring the sign in sheet to the table rather than doing contortions over a table built for midgets.  Just put in some jibberish and smile...I had to laugh when my daughter and I walked into a restaurant holding hands then they tried to make us distance at the table.... That's not the rule but anyway I just give em my best go to hell look. More total and complete lunacy...

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  6. If tourists and foreign guests have to be continually tested and monitored (for what by the way, any and all illnesses?) then no one will bother. There's just not much to offer with exchange rates being down, reduction of flights, the prices jacked up and businesses failing. Maybe they can advertise "We will, we will track you".....more lunacy...Take the untour to nowhere ! Trust us ...Oh Solly u need stay 14 day more quartine...

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  7. Take a sporting approach with an occasional joust ( I find that an aluminum baseball bat or a cricket bat work best though) Sometimes they get severely agitated and if they can get up they may come at you, so practice your swing technique. They normally leave you alone and give way after that ...

  8. In my humble opinion one of the reasons they've extended the flight ban now until June 30th has nothing to do with Covid. They are simply buying time in an effort to re-structure and get up and running and have to protect their departure and arrival slots and don't want the competitors to get a foothold on the slots and gates. Bankruptcy is the only viable option to stop the hemmoraging. A complete restructuring of Fleet types, routes and staffing needed to take place yesterday. That doesn't mean buying new airplanes which Thai loves to do as there are massive "incentives" and kickbacks from the manufacturers and component suppliers but also incurs massive debt which can't be serviced even if they had 100 percent load factors. Then the payments come due. Most popular in Thailand isn't it? Buy a car on credit with no intention of repaying the loan or the ability to repay. If the government maintains the draconian measures for Air travel they're doomed and will Vaporize. I'm sure Air Asia and Viet Jet ( I mention them because their revenues are not solely dependent on Thailand traffic and they have their own extensive overseas route networks.


    Bankruptcy is not a sign of failure but a wise business move when required to fend off the creditors, lessors etc and allow employment agreements, pensions etc to be revised or renegotiated but they need to do it now..

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