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Everything posted by PoorSucker

  1. I have DTAC 30 Mbps, unlimited. Works good here in Pattaya, usally get 6-15 Mbps
  2. I can not sleep without the fan noice
  3. OK up to 30%. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40013568
  4. Aircon in combo with fan can lower your electric bill with up to 50%
  5. Yes. If you skip the re-entry permit, you get 30 days that you also can extend for 60 days. You can get a 60 day extension on any entry.
  6. According to recent data (around 2022), the average IQ in the United States falls around 98. It's important to remember that IQ tests are designed to have an average score of 100, so a slight deviation is expected. Also the test are diffrent from your language and age, for example, my son 12 years old score 105 IQ designad for 17-19 years old Americans and he is Thai, I have taken IQ tests in Finland, Sweden and the US when I was 20 years old, actually same result. Took one now same time as my son at 56 years old, fear that my IQ dropped, actually the opposite
  7. I know this Indian Guy, Sonyie that says he can fix it.
  8. Depending on your immigrations office, you might not have to get a non-B to get extension based on work. Rules states you need to have a non-immigrant visa, but as we all know immigration officers can not read the rules, check with your immigrations office (how much) If you have a Thai child you can get extension based on family.
  9. It's two lanes one way, other way is on the other side of the railroad.
  10. Had this for a year, bought same for my son last week. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3862873117-s14759894879.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=849570705855537&tradeOrderLineId=849570705955537&spm=spm%3Da2o42.order_details.item_title.1 Works perfectly
  11. i do not consider any diarhrea nice
  12. I don't drink and drive, this is a real sign. https://pantip.com/topic/39523253
  13. That is what the sign says. Not me, Thai authourties
  14. My grandma talked to her grandmas, grandmas,grandma. born 1796-died 1912. its in the church books. my Grandma asked her about century celebrations, second one was better because she could drink some vodka.
  15. Drive slowly if you are drunk
  16. Spend a night in jail, go court. Pay 3000 baht fine, get your license suspended for 3 months. Your motorbike/car license will be suspended, you can use the other one. Next time you get caught it is three months in prison. In Pattaya, if it is a single cop then 5000 baht, if it is an check point forget bribes.
  17. Maybe it is becase of your username...🤣
  18. Neither are big bikes.
  19. Agree, no problem
  20. I like Pier 21 at Terminal 21, go there for quick lunch. Only problem is the chinese that refuse to que, the Thai that wants to pay with their cellphone and not with card. And off course the elderly falang sitting for one hour with a coffe occuyping a table during lunch rush,
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