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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. I'm glad too.

    But their stuffs have been getting more and more expensive over this last few years, here in the US.

    It used to have quite reasonable prices, but not anymore.

    Many of their funitures, well I can find them with better quality and prices... at many high end store nearby.

    Just my experiences here

    Not to mention many of their .."ready to assemble" pieces.....DEAR LORD!!!

    It will be amusing to watch many of the thais with those instruction pamplets :D

    :):D :D :D :D :D

    Finally, been waiting for this.

    Glad to read that nobody is negative.

    Viking power. viking_smiley_81.gif

  2. When a take a taxi here on Samui and must pay 500 baht for a 2km drive I always pay 100 baht in tip. :)

    Thanks for the warning, I can scatch Samui off my to do list!!! By the way, do you tip out of fear or generosity or what?? 500 baht for 2 km, ridiculous. This must be a wind up.

    Welcome to Samui.

    We expats boycott the taxis.

    Another example was the taxi driver who wanted 500 baht extra to open the trunk at the airport.

    The plane was leaving and the taxi driver exploits it.


    The tipping part was irony.


  3. Mrs PoorSucker: Going market, you want snake?

    Mr PoorSucker: Hmmm, snake I'm not in the mood for snake.

    Mrs PoorSucker: No stupid, you want snake?

    Mr PoorSucker: I think the snakes should not killed.

    Mrs PoorSucker: Not Snake, Snake,snake.

    Mr PoorSucker: ????..... Oh you mean snack.

    Mrs PoorSucker: Yes snake....

  4. One of the cats have developed a problem.

    For two weeks now he's been eating very little and slept most time.

    Now he's up and walking again but has problems with the back legs.

    Locks like he's drunk or has mad cow disease.

    He doesn't have any pain and nothing is broken.

    Help appreciated.

  5. 1, nothing

    2, coins from change

    3, 20 baht if i have bags

    4, nothing

    5, maybe 20 baht

    6, nothing

    7, lose change.

    1, nothing

    2, coins from change

    3, 20 baht if i have bags

    4, nothing

    5, maybe 20 baht

    6, nothing 650 baht :)

    7, lose change.

  6. This one is easy.

    The Thai immigrations have calculated it for you.

    To get extension of stay based on retirement you must have either.

    1.) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month

    2.) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than 800,000 Baht.

  7. Dear PatinBKk.

    Why should all the tourist get the best deals.

    I also also want to have a timeshare, I been told that you guarantee a 20% increase every year.

    I would love to have a 2 million timeshare that would make make me over 5 Million baht over 5 years.

    Can you PM me, please.

    Maybe you should invest 2 million Baht in maths lessons, am sure it would be better spent with your current method of calculus :)

    2 million + 20% increase per year

    2 * 1,2 = 2,4

    2,4 * 1,2 = 2,88

    2,88 * 1,2 = 3,456

    3,456 * 1,2 = 4,1472

    4,1472 * 1,2 = 4,97664

    How do you calculate?

  8. Obviously never worked in the business, so dont comment on areas you have no expeience in...so what do timeshare guys earn???...the bad ones probably 20k-30k baht a month....a good OPC can easily earn 80,000 baht a month on Samui and a good rep between 150k-200k....thats a fact and a proven one!!!.....people have a perception of something, like you have of timeshare, and a lot of the time that perception is incorrect....most posters have said it is almost impossible to get legal paid work on Samui...but how many have actually tried, so again it is just their perception.....if the OP puts in the effort, he will find work in Samui..OK, may not be exactly what he is looking for but it will be something to keep him in Thailand...my own experience the last 6 years is that I have always easily found legal work, be it Phuket, Bkk or Samui..the money I have made has easily afforded me a great lifestyle with savings to boot....so if you are prepared to put yourself out turn your hand to anything it is possible :D

    That's not bad money, especially considering that it's tax free.

    You must be a good salesman though. The timeshare salesmen that accost me when I'm walking down the street in Chaweng are usually less so. There's just something a little weird about a bloke a moped coming up on you, greeting you in English as if he knows you, and then insisting that you scratch his card to win a prize. Sure... I'll give up a day of vacation to go pick up my prize and listen to their sales pitch, why wouldn't I?

    It isnt tax free, with a WP tax and social security are both deductable from your salary....although this does allow you government health care

    I have always wondered how you get around the four Thais per falang quota for the WP?

    Or is there another four salesmen per falang out there on the streets with scratch cards in Thai? :D

    And why don't I get to scratch one of the cards, as soon as say that I live in Thailand they just ride away. :)

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