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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. Crude is way up, 86.80 usd today. https://oilprice.com/
  2. According to the title the increase ends today. 18% Petrol Increase from Jan 1st util today
  3. What's your source for this info?
  4. In just a few days bob was saying goodbye forever and asking to get his account deleted, to now wanting to be a mod. It's like being in a bad movie, 555
  5. Your rich, you can buy this site and be a mod forever.
  6. Go to Texas Joe's in Subic for a great steak, you'll feel better.
  7. If they were smart they would let an American casino company build and run the casinos. Nobody does it better.
  8. Politician's love to flap their lips, but nothing ever happens, especially in Thailand. Last year (around June) they said that in 6 months there will be a bill to control marijuana, but it never happened. There's too much money to be made from weed for them to outlaw it. So, I don't listen to anything they say anymore.
  9. Good news, I hope the rest of the EU, and the rest of the world follows. Marijuana prohibition has went on long enough.
  10. Always amazes me how some people can be so miserable in Thailand.
  11. Pad Thai chicken 50 baht Big C extra food court Pattaya
  12. If it was done properly it would bring in a lot of outside money. Key word is if.
  13. Sure, then Hamas could start shooting missiles at Israel again, good plan.
  14. Whatever you think is happening there, it could be over tomorrow if Hamas surrenders. The future of the Palestinian people is in Hamas's hands not Israel's, stop blaming the victim.
  15. The pressure of the world court or any other court should be for Hamas to surrender, not for Israel to stop defending itself.
  16. I thought England was a rich country, why don't they pay the police well?
  17. Gotta love a religion that kills people to celebrate a holiday. Bunch of sick Fu**s
  18. Why does it have to be from Australia? I just checked Amazon UK and there are many Shark vacuum cleaners that ship to Thailand.
  19. They always charge the narcissist double.
  20. It would be nice if they opened legal poker rooms.
  21. What's the over/under on how many days before he comes back?
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