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Cat Boy

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Everything posted by Cat Boy

  1. If you go to CW then I presume that are BK based. The business center on the 10th floor of Bumrungrad Hospital offers a 90-day reporting services. I believe they go on Fridays and Monday mornings, so drop off the day before, pick up the day after. It 650 baht. I used online reporting for a time after Lad Prao office closed upstairs from the Big C Imperial Shopping Center, but it became so unreliable it just wasn't worth the stress or the effort to even bother with it. I use the business centre 100% when in-country unless travel negates the necessity of reporting.
  2. Popularity and optics are of no importance when you're a proxy
  3. Yes, me too. NYC and at that time Time Square used to be fun before Giuliani, and for that matter in the same time period, San Francisco's North Beach before Feinstein. These are the moralistic bad new days of outrage by fundamentalist extremists, unfortunate to see that intolerant overreach spill over into Thailand.
  4. I don't suppose that they'll be a reenactment of the rescue will there?
  5. In Dark Brandon we Trust ????
  6. Okay, maybe earlier on, but not currently.. Lately I've tried not to stay current on the former president. I certainly dislike the empty showboating and gloating about things he's not actually done, but on a human-level for the past 35 years since I first heard gaudy shallowness I've nothing but deepest loathing. Stil, back to the current albeit sane president, apparently when Dark Brandon was yet a small boy, he mischievously cut down a cherry tree. When confronted by his father he could not tell a lie, and admitted to chopping down the cherry tree. In Dark Brandon We Trust ????
  7. In Dark Brandon we Trust ????
  8. And what's wrong with that? Biden doesn't use the name of the former president in his speeches and public statements and likewise I sincerely hope I never here of him again, ever
  9. Despite the fact that they themselves were never elected by any votes, stollen or legitimate, and owe their tenure in office as senators to the aberration of Democracy by military rule rather than an actual vote by a living, breathing electorate
  10. I sincerely hope they succeed in Legalization for these 300k+ workers to work in safety, with health checks for disease control, and other rights guaranteed under Thai employment law.
  11. If there were a "Go Fund Me" page set up for the man who did the punching to the 'serial complainer', I'm convinced that there would be millions of baht shown in support of this may who said, enough, and punched back in an explicit FO. Bravo. I don't advocate violence, but sometimes subtlety doesn't work in pushing back an aggressive fascist
  12. And here I thought the whole Kid Rock Bud Light bat-sh*t crazy hysteria over a single can of beer in the US was the height of absolute insanity. Anti-defamatiion run amok to the extent a reviewer in a public forum apparently cannot mention the name or display a picture of the very product he is commenting upon.
  13. It would seem the American tourist was complicit in the violence which resulted in his broken nose. Seems he has a weak standing, if any, to lodge a complaint. Normally I would be critical of the minimal 1,000 baht fine to the security guard. In this case, its a token, but at 4 AM after a customer, no doubt drunk and belligerent, engages in an altercation with a DJ requiring the intervention of 3 security guards, its difficult to have even a shred of compassion. He got off light with a broken nose and a hangover. He tarnishes the reputation, be it as it is, of foreign tourists to the kingdom.
  14. .... But has "the incident" affected positive feelings towards bottled water?
  15. So greatly, and so repeatedly, has the reputation of the RTP been irrevocably damaged, it hard to accept, at face-value, any pronouncement as factual without objective independent verification
  16. That truth is lost on no one, least of all the yellow shirt pro-coup sycophants and the coup leaders themselves within the military
  17. I see a counter-suit for defamation brewing, very Thai
  18. Follow the money
  19. Ask USA? Rather learn from the example of the United States of America everything that doesn't work. Police and security guards in schools are used to discipline or even arrest students, creating a hostile atmosphere between students and police, and statistically increase, not decrease, the liklihood of mass shootings where they are deployed. Mass shootings have become a weekly event in the US, with absolutely NOTHING being done. After the now routine "Thoughts and prayers" drivek, it's all forgotten with 2nd Ammendment pep rallies, except by the victims who remain dead, paralysed and traumatised as are their families and friends for life
  20. True love of one's country means calling out when you see abuse, corruption, cruelty and extremism, it takes love to want the best for your country and its people. Robotic chanting "USA! USA!" while you are being stollen from and lied to by the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdock, is just being their mindless drone, that's both the opposite of patriotism and your duty as an American, no matter where you live
  21. No one is saying "Take away ALL the guns" Just as you are NOT SAYING "arm the 2 year olds and give them bracelets that remind them 'shoot to kill'" Don't be absurd. Extreme misinterpretation exacerbates polatizatiin and prevents any meaningful dialogue and preventative measures from being implimented
  22. Cut to the chase, and just get rid of the guns. Australia and countless other countries did it and have all but eliminate these senseless mass killings of innocents. America did, and hasn't, and look what an ongoing travesty of lawlessness that country has become.
  23. No, not at all. The motorist behind lightly tapped his horn after the light had turned green. Entirely appropriate. Yes, the motorcyclist "should" have looked both ways in a country as with roadways and intersections as lethal as Thailand, but in any normal country, would not have any reason to do so. What I do find bizarre, though it may have been outside of the dashcam viewing frame, is that NO ONE stopped to run to the motorcyclist who had been hit to his assistance or acertain his level of injury or mortality - not the pedestrian, not the driver of the dashcam car (who simply proceeded on his way forward), not other cars passing through the intersection. Is that how mundane traffic accidents and death has become in Thailand? ????
  24. A history of armed robbery break-in won't do much for the resale value though, unfortunately
  25. And sidewalks complete blocked by stairways, utility poles, etc., forcing pedestrians to walk out into the street just to continue forward Its ludicrous obstruction for a fully abled pedestrian For someone in a wheelchair it not just impossible, it's nearly suicidal
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