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Posts posted by Boedog

  1. 3 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

     Amazing Thailand a country at flip flops is coming lockdown is the biggest joke ever why don’t they just lock down the whole country start rolling out the vaccine to everybody living in Thailand and maybe that was just slow down the spread of this virus I think the main problem is and has always been corruption and every level TIT

    Because the PM and his bagmen cant live without the influx of brown envelopes ops l meant tourists,  we will start a more restrictive lockdown on Wednesday as Tuesday is envelope day and also everything seems to be on schedule for the PM,s 120 day plan re-opening plan, 

  2. Maybe put some rubbish bins around and educate the Thais that if you put rubbish in the bin and not in the bush would help not to attract wild animals, and worried about the smoke annoying other people obviously he made this statement from somewhere other than in Thailand, considering Thailand has 2 cities in the top ten most polluted in the world, its all those bloody bbq,s who would have guessed that


  3. 7 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    So left on their own for 2 years, no locals thought it might be a good idea to clean up the trash on the beaches? The mind boggles

    It like the rest of Thailand its not there responsibility,  maybe with the PM,s latest news of the SPACE AFFAIR ACT and God knows how many billions will be spent or syphoned off and wasted , imagine spending that money on rubbish disposal plants and recycling factories and educating rather than burning it dumping it and burying it, sorry l was dreaming there for a minute 

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  4. When you have billionaires in Government in this case the tourism minister oh and his entourage, you would think a ministers salary wouldnt be that much so they have 80 hand picked foreign journalists coming to take photos and get told what they can and can't print to sell the Samui Plus Model to the world, as the rest of Thailand goes down in economic tsunami the lights you can see in the distance and the bright light of the Sandbox 1 and now Samui plus 2

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