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Posts posted by robint

  1. i got caned for wearing fluorescent socks at school :)

    has anyone of you guys noticed the contradiction here. Most service ladies change into jeans or trousers and very much dress down when travelling around because it offers better protection against rape by taxi drivers or incitement of the god-like thai man . Girls have a very real fear of such compromise in the macho LOS leader country.

    I doubt whether these girls flaunt themselves around bkk after dark in such a provocative manner

  2. This cigarette scam has been around for a very long time - 5+ years.

    The place i know of is the pavement area in front of the Queens park, which is next to the Emporium shopping mall on sukhumvit.

    Apparently this pavement belongs to the park and comes under the jurisdiction of the Special Park Police. There is a tiny insignificant notice near the guard box warning of a 2000B fine for dropping cigarrette litter. So the BiB regulaRLY SHAKE DOWN HAPLESS TOURISTS FOR 2000b

    They never bothered me all the time i was there because i look like a derelict (good disguise), but i know of several aCQUAINTANCES WHO HAVE BEEN CAUGHT

    sorry my keyboards naughty today.

  3. oh how i miss the good old days of Don Meuang, it was a dream

    on arrival, i always took a thai limo, fixed price B1500 to pattaya but after a 15 hour flight, I wanted comfort an no hassle and a few beers on the way down. Drivers always courteous and drove like a proper chauffeur.

    of course i could have walked out of the terminal and onto the main drag and hailed a passing cab to take me to Morchit bus station (10mins - 40B if i was feeling cheap charlie)

    its never been easy to get a proper driver to take you back from pattaya to the airport, they always drive like madman, i hated that. minibus service even worse, so i got the bus to morchit, then waked around to departures and hailed a leaving cab who would take me to airpot for 50B on the meter. Zero problems

    You can now get to and from the swamp using the Bell Bus from pattaya north and gate no 7. its a breeze, 150 baht, runs every 2 hours from 6 am to 6pm so dont arrive late or you will struggle. it took me 3 hours once using buses when i arrived 20.00hrs. no way would i pay the 2500B the taxis demanded for pattaya

  4. I hope you all get the message loud and clear, LOS doesnt care a fig about tourist (as is well evidenced) we are only 6% of their GDP - so get real.

    As for their countries reputation, what is the world perception? Do I need to spell that out, what a joke, in fact my family insist that I never mention the T word in polite company or the neighbours will think Im a peddlefile

    The hard core traditionalist would be very glad if we flangs would disappear, they really dont want you on their precious land

    There is an upsurge of desperately greedly petty officials trying to scam the rapidly shrinking honeypot. So when they get you they cream you because their next opportunity may not be for months.

    Finally its going to get worse their secret hatred is deeply ingrained and when the credit crunch really strikes later this year, they will blame us for destroying their economy (course they might be right there - oh well - do I care?)


  5. Whats your best guess for a stable investment for the coming year, given the uncertainty of banks, sterling and economic downturn



    Oil futures?

    Staple commodities (people have still got to eat)

    Of course if you ask an investment adviser he will get you to completion a questionaire about you risk/ reward/ access criteria

    so lets make it simple, saying that the investment is for 1 year and the risk/reward ratio is conservative (safer/lower returns) or adventurous riskier/higher returns. The capital should not lose value by more than 10% worst case.

    or any other opinions you contribute.

  6. As i muddle through in wet windy uk, i am astonished at the gross incompetence of our so called democratic parliamentary system, can you believe that the gov is about to break for its summer recess for 82 days and wont be available for any serious work sorting out uk's appaling mess till next October.


    the article points out that mps will only have sat for 128 out of 365 days


    It is also perfectly obvious that Browns balls up Britain is being turned into a massive poison pill for the next inevitable Conservative Governement who will be faced with having to make massive spending cuts and raise taxes substantially, yet of course both side vehemntly deny any such possibility.

    I have no faith in the Conservatives anymore than Labour, they are both as morally corrupt and will do nothing to clean up our sordid parliament. I dont see a way out short of a total crash and soup queues

    Where would you put your cash?

  7. :D

    I see they have found another creative way to kill off tourism, well done

    Panic, dont panic captain mannering, hardly the locals, they cant see beyond the edge of todays rice bowl and care even less.

    Yes shut the borders, the flangs are trying to poison poor thai people with their horrible disease :)

    oh and btw they have spoil our economy, its their fault (course there might be some truth in that :D

  8. Senior Member


    A British citizen by right of birth is always a British citizen; unless you choose to renounce it.

    My I please correct you on this point,

    what you mean is that being designatede a British Citizen gives you the Right of Abode in the UK

    there are 6 different categories of British nationality affecting passport status, depending on whether you are a British Citizen or a British National (descended from the defucnt British Empire and dependant territories). Its very complex.

    * British citizenship;

    * British overseas citizenship;

    * British overseas territories citizenship;

    * British national (overseas);

    * British protected person; and

    * British subject.

    check it out if you want a headache


    Citizenship can be downgraded if you are resident overseas for more than 20 years continuously, hold dual nationality and have no UK ties.

    A pal of mine , east end cockney born and bred, worked in Nigeria for over 20 years continuously. When he came to renew his passport locally he was given a

    downgraded British commonwealth passport, endorsed to the effect that he did not have right of abode in the uk. This was because he held Nigerian citizenship having lived an ran a business for more than 20 years.

    This wasnt an irreversible step but he would have to go to UK and reapply for British Citizenship.

    Having said that, it was an unusual step, and I think he was a naughty boy and upset the High Commission over the years

    Never forget pefidious albion, British governments throughout history have been the most devious and untrustworthy ever, just ask the French (who were ever their match) :)

  9. Yes its a 83% drop in tourist arrivals, but mai pen rai :)

    You are standing on my land farang give me money

    They dont care about tourism, its only a small percentage of the total GDP (5%)

    It could all shut down tomollow and the baht wouldnt budge. Lots of poor Isaan people on the rice line but they all voted for YKW anyway :D

    Ive moved away already, so I dont care same you Thai

  10. quote

    "Frequently mis informed society."


    referring to the media of course.

    What you've all missed is that, if this strain of flu had been lethal, the world has no effective protection for the masses, it would be curtains for all of you, kiss your ass goodbye

    Its only a matter of time as the scientists have said.

    BTW my TG says the Mayor of Pattaya is planning to close Pattaya down for 5 days so the flu will clear up and go away and then all the tourists will come back

    Good idea, thai style. :)

  11. I had the misfortune to have to fly Tha back to LHR. The plane was dirty, scruffy and smelly. I first cam to LOS 20 years ago when Thai was nearly No 1 along with Singapore in beautiful service etc (and Quantas was the pits and the but of pit bull hostie jokes)

    What a huge change, Probably the same hosites (only 20 years older, haggard, sullen and having leanred serious attitude problems)

    I would never use Thai today, rather fly Khazak with Borat.

    BTW, beware of Qatar. They used to be very good (yet still have a great fleet of new airbuses and well trained hosties), sadly they have become a victime of their own success and their Doha airport is far too small to cope with through traffice - nightmare getting through transit 1/12 hours standing in a queue - torture.

    Also they park the aircraft 10 miles away in the desert and it takes 1/2 hour to deplane - NEVER AGAIN :)

  12. Well I sympathise with you guys a little bit but I have to say that the writing has been on the wall for some time now. THEY DONT WANT YOU HERE long time

    I have chucked the whole residence thing in the bin and now only arrived as a tourist with double entry. So the rules and regs can go stuff themselves, cos its nothing to do with me anymore. No more hoops to jump through, just have bag can travel. Its a wonderful sense of relief from all the crap. I spend under 6 months here at my pleasure and the other in the Phillipines where I am made very welcome and can even get a legitimate permanent residence visa if I wish (will study this issue for a while first)

    I really dont know why you guys are clinging to the sinking ship, because you can be very sure that it will only continue to deteriorate as it has done over the last 5 years. Sadly the magic has long since gone and its no longer a cheap stay anymore with the strength of the Baht. When I came here 20 years ago it was 25 to the USD (about 38 to gbp. It was pricey then and you needed serious dosh to stay. Well IMHO its alll headed that way again. They will force out the old timers on economic grounds.

    In all sincerity - get a life. Why stay where you are not wanted. :)

    OH BTW before you all jump on me, Philippines is not all a bed of roses, just a different set o survival tac-tics needed which you must learn or suffer the consequences.

  13. :)

    my TGF tolf me yesterday that she had seen the news on tv that said that a certain miltiray financial institution had be the subject of internal fraud and millions of baht had been illicilty tranfered out of people accounts and had disappeared

    Anyone elese picked up on this story, havent seen it reported anywhere else?????????????????

  14. I have to ask a question that’s been bugging me for some time now. The Thai's see us Falangs (they will never capitalize this word) as money only! They tolerate our presence at best for reasons I’m sure we are all (as guests) well aware of. Throughout this "circus act" over the last couple of years I have to wonder when the Thai's attention will turn to us. How and more importantly WILL the government be able to control the spit roasting and consuming of tasty falang flesh?

    Joking aside... for me this is a serious matter. My children are half Thai and I now consider this my "home" (I still have an emotional bag packed just in case ... and who hasn’t with this farce of control?)

    Any thoughts people?

    Ive already voted with my feet, after more than 10 increasingly weary and dissappointing years here, so I am just a visitor now and I dont care any more abouot trying to live in this insulting country.

    When the Schwepps hits the fan - and it will - dont expect any help protecting yourself from the howling mob. If they cant protect heads of state (what an appalling embarrassment) they certainly wont do anything for hapless flangs (except take bribes)

    GH this place has never been your home. Its their land and you are standing on it

    As a poster said, they havent experienced the full effects of the economic crisis yet, but its coming like a huge tsunami. And when it gets really bad with nothing to fill their rice bowls, then you will see and feel the underlying hatred that has always existing for the flang. we will be blamed for their problems, so get out while you can, the writing is on the wall

    you have been warned

  15. quote

    Scorpions however get a stick through them on first glance!!! laugh.gif


    this is completely wrong

    dont flatten scorpions


    the female carries live young in its abdomemen. If you squash her she will burst open and all the tiny little babies willo likely be released, by the thousand. I made this mistake and my house was plagued with tiny scorpions for months. these can sting just as well as adults

    this female was very big and black body almost size of tennis ball, probably 20 years old living under the broken floor of the dunny outhouse. discovered her when i broke up the concrete to renew the floor

    the best way is to catch them in an upturned bucket, then slide a flat sheet under them, then remove to another far away location. scorpionsd are generally quite slow moving (big ones that is)

    have fun

  16. :o hi guys

    sorry to disgrace this site with an ignoble question, but I cant get a straight answer here in pattaya

    whats the deal about adding a simple sidecar to a standard 100cc bike that you have in mind to buy second hand. I heard something abouit the licencing office wont issue permit for any more salengs? or do they mean the three wheeler trikes??

    I cant imagine why they would ban the saleng. Its the backbone of the humble thai trader. Does one need to register a saleng specially or you just get your exisitng bike fully legal and licensed and then add the detatchable side car chassis afterwards. Would there be a police scam on this for a fat flang ridng down 2nd road with his coochy in a comfy chair in the sidecar?

    hope you guys are not offended by such a biking matter

    Id be a biker myself but my arthritis wont let me



  17. Ok

    fair comment, but remember that RP is vastly different to LOS in many fundamental ways, so dont get roe tinted glassey eyes


    Most of the pop especially rural are desperately poor and desperate. One extended family of 20-30 may exist on the remittance from one lucky member able to work overseas.

    The weather can be atrocious, 10 -20 serious typhoons lash from the east every year

    Infra structure is very crude

    Law and order is what you are prepared to pay for

    Guns are everywhere, armed guards on any business of any substance

    Armed robbery is commonplace

    The Philipine male is very much more in your face than in LOS

    The philipina has only one goal in mind and that is to get out and get a foreign passport (UK US Euro) She will then work all hours and send every cent back to her family (so whats in it for you?)

    IMHO they can be even more cunning and treacherous than LOS BGs

    If ever there was a place that doesnt suffer fools its RP

    But go take a look, it may suit you :o

  18. Unless you are an adventurous backpacker or someone with a local girl, there is very little to attract western visitors to the North East

    There is an excellent ancient Kmer Site with extensive museum at Pimai 60 kms east of Khorat (which is 100 years older than Ankor wat btw) and also another at panom rung near Surin

    Coach loads of pre-paid Package Tourists (mostly east asians ) are bussed in from bangkok to do the complete round trip in a day.

    Their impact on the local economy is trivial :o

    So Khon Khaen, dont hold your breath :D

    btw dont get me wrong , I like the north east the way it is and am a well seasoned local but Isaan has very little to offfer the average Western tourist compared with Chiang Mai and Kanchanaburi and dont forget hardly anyone speaks english (or even proper thai)

    Huay nong kong bung

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