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Posts posted by robint

  1. just another slap in the face for us, the despised flangs. it just gets worse week by week a new insult comes our way. will it ever stop, NOOOOOOO.

    as history shows over the last 10 years look how much life has deteriorated for us reaonable flangs who want to live here quietly enjoying the autumn of our lives with thai spouse etc.

    and its not just the burocracy, its the all pervasive attitude of envy, jealousy and outright hatred coupled with ignorance and unbelievable arrogance. (its taught in the schools btw - flangs = evil)

    I am waiting for the time they mess with my visa, it will give me the impetus (and excuse) to decamp (probably to the phillipines)

    When i think of the money i have spent over the years here and now to face the daily resentment, surrounded by [inappropriate text removed. /Admin]

    give me a break. :o

  2. someone already mentioned malaysia

    if you are a steady retired flang couple, why do you want to live in LOS? not still chasing ykw?

    ,alaysia has a very welcoming policy towards retirees with reasonable income. if my memory serves me. 3 mill baht deposited in the bank and you get a 10 year residence visa. after one year you get to use most of that money to buy a house, car etc.

    go check google

    LOS has lost the plot, why worry

    dont believe all the muslim nonesence in the press. its a pleasant law abiding place for resepctable people. :o

  3. hi duch

    yes i take your point, well made

    does that explain why most of the building projects are at a standstill. just look around ptya at how many of the sites have no activity, the skyline shows most tower cranes at a standstill


  4. i heard second hand that a large hotel in pattaya was closed down through bankrupcy forcing 500 + loss of jobs (reported on thai tv news) unfortunately was unable to get the name of the hotel. Anyone know which one, or if its true?

    its wierd here cos they are building new hotels, condos and shopping malls like crazy, and they had the worst tourist number for august since records began, go figure?

    Black money gotta go somewhere i guess.

    Also strange is the colossal construction of villa developments across the sukhumvit highway in self styled East pattaya. must be 100,000 + units in the 5 to 25 million baht bracket, mostly empty and growing over with weeds. construction activities at a standstill

    East pattaya must be 10 times the area of pattaya bay

    What does this portend? 555 :o

    any insightful comments pls

  5. first there is no extradition treaty between thai and uk, look how many serious fugitive from europe have resided here over the years.

    uk may consider it on the serious ness of the charge but imho its chicken feed, not a mass murderer or war criminal, like Blair

    after all well known rogue saxin has successfully stayed in canada after looting billions from the BCI bank

    this fit and proper person test may scupper the man city deal however. and he will be continually hounded by the gutter press where ever he goes in uk. :o

  6. from my limited understanding of football high finance (and what Beckham told me)

    81 million is a flea bite compared to the real amount of money Frank needs to spend on acquiring top class players in to rejuvenate the flagging fortunes of Man C

    Wouldnt one expect some kind of business plan/budget and source of finance?

    If I were an ongoing shareholder I would want to know this to be sure I was going to be fleeced by an asset stripper (about as popular as a frat in a lift)

    but what do i know, look what my friend B got

    Its all Krap isnt it :o

  7. Can anyone sugest an authoritative source that indicates how many flangs over 50 are living here on one or other visas ie marriage /retirement?

    I would exclude those on work permits, separate issues altogether

    It would be useful to put some figures to all this.

    anyone hazard a guess 100,000?

    OK this thread my be a canard, but its just part of a long stream of uneasiness for those of us who thought we could legitimately stay here with our families and children

    If it gets any worse, I for one shall have to leave and go and live in Malaysia, where you are made most welcome btw

    and eventually will have to bring my children down to stay

    never thought Id end up a refugee

  8. 555

    i can just see it, Mr Frank N. Sinsere (aka YKW) arrives back and is put under protective custody and enthroned in one of his mansions (not under house arrested like in Burma, different military of course, but their justification was to save their country from destabilising war lords well beyond the capabilities of a fledgling democracy)

    no parallels at all (smirk)

    Way to go? No way Jose

    Political assylum, innaresting, spontaneous civil unrest carefullly choreographed? before his due date for appearance

    nice one, but better clear out of the big manghole

    Oh what tangled web we weave

    when first we perchance to deceive (bit like Microsoft Vista?)

    Long Live Leo at 40B a slug

    The longer I live, the more I know

    The more I know how little I know

    and now I know **** ***

    answers on a postage stamp pls

  9. Mothers!

    would you work for Frank?

    Certainly Sven Gorensen isnt going to, he just said so 555, also claiming he had never been formally asked, only via media rumour that he had been appointed manager in absentia

    JWC Frank is pulling the same media tricks over in UK as he did in LOS

    Hands up, anyone want to work for Frank

    Id put money on the deal falling through, so he can blame flangs for being unkind to generous thai people

    Any other predictions?

  10. did you mean


    for those of you whinging about the gov being mean to flangs living here, remember that the tourist industry only represents 6% of GDP and long termers are a pathetically small beer in economic terms

    we havent got a pot to piss in according to ykw which is why he wanted to get rid of us because we know too much

    As for the property sector (residential not commercial), well that is a joke isnt it

    Down in Pappaya, all the realtors have gone into hiding for fear of unhappy punters (or should i say puppies)

    It is very noticeable that virtually all the mamoth building sites have come to a virtual standstill, not a labourer of cement mixer churning away in sight. Its really quite eerie

    but what do i know, as i sip a cool beer on the beach in the shade of a cauarina, safe in the knowledge that i am virtually the only punter on a thousand deck chairs in sight.

    quite like old times

    oh i cant resist this


    If everything in the garden Thai is so rosy why is business confidence at a 5 year low?

    you mean the barstool BS factor - what is so called business confidence?

    Why are government tax revenues missing target?

    YKW hasnt paid his taxes

    Why did Thai Military bank miss an interest payment on it's debts?

    They gotta pay for soldiering first

    Why are the government trying to encourage more foreign investment?

    Isnt every government trying to encourage more foreign investment, give us your money dummy

    Why are gem sales down 15%?

    They been caught cheating too often

    BTW, markup on finished gem stones is around 300%, grossly overpriced. I was astonished how cheap raw gem stones were, sapphires rubies, emeralds and other exotic bits of glass. Huge con trick

  11. much vaunted business acumen????????????

    lets review this a moment, paws 4 thought

    any dman fool can run a successful business if he has secured a monopoly to supply a strategic necessity (early days of mobile phones when they cost in todays money around 40,000 baht each 10 years ago)

    any dman fool can amass a fortune if he can set up crooked deals by virtue of parliamentary priviledge and inside trading -

    need i say more

    A real business man who has to compete in the international arena must have proven success in competition with other worthy players (has that ever happened? with ykw???)

    so who wants a 5 year old kid complete with tantrums running a football team in UK, wouldnt last 5 minutes would he

    its just another populist gag for the poor deprived folk of the NE who think he is some kind of robin hood (or robin bstard)

  12. theiving, lying, cheating, treachery

    its all a national sport, played by anyone with any power and at all levels and to hel_l with the national consequences

    remember the Saudi jewelry theft

    after that thousands of thai workers were deported and not alllowed back to work since

    they lost billions of dollars of remittances over the last 25 years and still no one has been brought to justice.

    ***edited for offensive content****

  13. Thanks crossy, I didnt want to come across too technical and bamboozle peeple like chownah and his self confessed ignorance of the subject. I am merely emphasizing the potential dangers of an unearthed PC, especially to a small child.

    After all, thats what this thread is really about - safety.

    We cant turn round and educate the layman on electrical technology based on a few passing observations and explainations on specific details, when it takes 10's of year of theoretical study and practical experience to understand the subject properly and professionally.

    I am still unable to get the message across to the average punter that the domestic fuse does not protect you against shock, You need proper earthing and preferably some RCD's.

    I was told that it is now Thai law from late last year that all new electrical installations must be 3 wire.

    Presumably using the pattern of socket typically available from Homepro (and used on PC equipment)

    Well the joke is

    a) Its not easy to get twin core and earth cable. You have to run a separate earthwire - messy)

    :o Where can you buy 3 pin re-wireable plugs (I did spot some once in a bkk Homepro last year, but never again since then)

  14. fyi

    the power supplies in PCs are inherently leaky because of the type of power supply used (its called a switched mode power supply SMPS). Its a complex component and prone to failure especially if run near its maximum power output - vulnerable to instability. A cheapo 250W unit is barely adequate for a modern pc with video cards and other addons. specify at least 350W+ unit

    You are alsways likely to get a shock from an unearthed PC because the power supply contain special filter circuits which leak to earth. This means that you pc may not work with an RCD. You must use an earth rod (especially if you have young children around)

    BTW I was really surprised to get a tingle off my PC (which I havent earthed yet cos Ive just moved in and there is no earth lead). The surprise was that i was standing in bare feet on a wood block floor, so should have been insulated - just goes to show what can happen

    You can never be too careful in LOS with electrics :o

  15. The water dispenser machines do use Reverse Osmosis, not that much pressure is required for a few liters. I own a couple of machines that are located in several shops in the area...........people love them............the thing to check is that the filter is changed regularly.....................17 years with a water treatment co.

    thanks for the reassurance. so they have a pressurising pump inside something like the type used to pressurise a domestic installation? If you use the machine, presumably you can hear the pump running?

    you are right about chaNGING FILTERS. some of the drinking water fountains in the food malls of big supermarkets smell really bad (like mildew), obviously nefver maintained

    just cos im paranoid doesnt make me wrong to suspect

  16. up country i drink collected rainwater which is kept in 2000 litre concrete jars. works very well but keep leave from trees from getting in

    i am curious as to these roadisde water dispenser (1baht a litre) they claim they are using reverse osmosis.

    As i recall this is a complex expensive process requiring high pressure pumps


    i am suspicious. its easy just to stick a label on the front TIT

    anyone seen the inside of one of these dispensers

  17. btw none of these filters remove heavy metals if you are worried about that, but then neither does the water plant in thailand. removing heavy metals is very difficult, same with nitrates (fertilizer run off)

    if you trawl the web you wont sleep

  18. hi yall

    few observations on water born detritus spouted above

    first, i have read somewhere that de-ionised water is not good for human consuption

    so i wouldnt use an ion exchnage filter


    you have too much faith in the bulk water that si delivered in 25 litre plastic flagons. I have seen the back room factories where this stuf is produced. they use the local town water and filter it with large 3 stage filters as shown in louts etc (only larger). nothing magic there

    the ceramic final cartridge is supposedly of 0.3 micron guage and should reject most bacteria (but you should clean your filters regularly. the more expensive ones costing 5k have a uv lamp and a back wash facility (i recommend if you have young children)

    note how often you tke some water from the food halls in well., known supermarkets. it often had an off smeel of fungus indicating dirty filters but its never affected me.

    i filter the local pattaya water and its great, so convenient and crystal clear

    as WC Fileds once said

    I would never drink anything fish made love in

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