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Posts posted by Savilesghost

  1. 15 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    UK used to be the one entity to build bridges between the collaborative countries. It worked well for a good time. 

    EU used to be the one entity to build bridges between the collaborative countries. It worked well for a good time. 


    There was a time when EU wasn't too picky what the building materials were made of. EU kept building bridges, even if the engineers warned not to go too far. 

    EU was optimistic about the future. That is the good way to live and the way forward. 

    I still EU is exactly that. It's far better to increase the opportunities where we can live and what we can do. That is the reason why I'm thinking going back to EU - to have more freedom than I have in Thailand. 


    The EU was never about building bridges it was all about power and control by a few with their snouts in the trough in Brussels and building the united facist states of europe 

  2. 40 minutes ago, JWNY said:


    Hi Savilesghost,


    Many thanks for reply.


    Of course, respect begets respect. I was just worried that they would assume why the Board would hire a foreigner to "steal their jobs".


    No offence taken on your last comment. This is just my mantra in life. As shared, i would not impose my values on staff to work outside their contracted employment hours or weekends. I love what I do, working overtime and taking work home. I have no social life (unfortunately). That is why this posting is interesting for me, it may offer me a different perspective of life.  I have previously slogged in Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Singapore. 


    Well take it from someone who had vastly more years in business than a 35 year old, the no social life , the weekends, the overtime is the best way to a heart attack by age 45, and your board of directors will not give a toss, i promise 


    See it too many times, i have had  two friends in businees keel over in Thailand and die from heart attacks due to work stress...one at 37 and the other at 49


  3. I have worked for 15 years in a management postion in Thailand 


    And the norms in Thailand are the same as everywhere else, be a d@ck and patronise the locals and treat them badly and you will get the same in return


    Treat them as normal people and you will be fine, dont be an arrogant pr#ck and full of your own impotance...


    Also the need to work all these extra hours and weekend, suggests bad planning on your part...





  4. 48 minutes ago, JB300 said:

    Wow, the only thing I can say is either don't remit your income within 1 year of receiving it or move to the Philippines, (easy to extend your visa up to 3 years without leaving the country or $20,000 USD in a bank gets you an SRRV and no tax on your pension income

    Not starting (yet another PI Vs TH) debate & hope the mods delete this & the replies if it turns into one but if your finances mean you can't buffer a year (max approx £8k) then might be worth considering an alternative destination, especially one where you'll get your annual State Pension Increases (this is a thread about Brits yesemoji106.png)

    Just giving the  factual implication if the Thai tax man decided to tax Thailand resident UK pensioners whose only income is a state pension,  less than thb 10k year is peanuts...


    You will find there are those in this postion who "borrow for a fee" the 800k required for the extension based on retirement given the GBP  8k year doesnt meet the 65k/m criteria 

  5. 8 hours ago, chiang mai said:


    That seems very strange indeed. Since the UK itself doesn't tax the State Pension onshore UK I can't understand why they think it might be taxable in another country.

    Because its all to with tax  thresholds/ tax residency / and local tax laws


    1. A pensioner who lives in Thailand 180 + days is resident in Thailand for tax purposes 

    2. Thai tax doesnt specifically exclude pensions 

    3. UK doesnt tax the money 

    4 Money brought in into Thailand " same year its earned"


    Thai tax man would be within his rights to claim tax off this amount


    Therefore back of a cigarette packet calculation 


    Full UK state pension is 155 pound a week = just over GBP 8000 /yr or thb 338, 000/year or there abouts


    Per thai tax table first 150 k is tax free, balance taxed at around 5% leaving around thb thb 329,000 , so in reality they would only be getting hit for around thb 9.5k/year which is not a bad deal and maybe the pensionerd shouldnt whinge so much 












  6. 19 hours ago, ronaldo0 said:

    Naive response?? You are very presumptuous with your words which i suggest you look up the meaning off.

    What i said was a statement off my opinion, not everyone needs to adhere to your opinion im afraid.

    I would say the amount off murders i have known on such a small island as samui  would justify my statement. 

    Im off to be naive in my whinging and Thai bashing  ,which you as someone who knows me so well is certain that is what i do.

    Woffle woffle woffle 

  7. 19 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    I am on the UK electoral register, with my Thai address. You can renew that by phone and ballot papers are sent here. HMRC know I have been and am still non resident. I have a rented out UK property and declare the income on that and on my UK bank accounts only when completing my UK tax return. 


    You have to follow the rules. Are you resident or non resident? They have a newish criteria now. I know someone who makes sure she is in the UK for enough time each year to keep her NHS entitlement up. She rents one property out and keeps another for when she's in the UK. That's her choice but means she's resident in the UK for tax purposes. 

    If you have a property that is always available for your use, and you pay community tax then you won't be non resident - or you'll have a hard time convincing them. If it's rented out, you rarely if ever visit the UK, don't do any work there, have no dependents there then they will acknowledge your non resident status. 


    Some UK banks, building societies etc don't want the hassle of having customers who might or might not be non resident. They want to make their own life easier and avoid any money laundering or tax avoidance issues and the extra administration.


    Others simply request confirmation of your non resident tax statue. 


    Remember that if you are classed as UK resident then you must declare world wide income which includes all bank interest wherever paid.



    And your remarks give insight as to where HMRC ultimately want to go...ie making being declared non-resident for tax harder and harder, just like Aussie does these days 


    In the future i believe they are going to make it virtually impossble to be declared non resident for tax in the UK, if you hold UK bank accounts, property, ties to the UK etc.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    I'm sure it does as the US has been doing it for years. If my account here in Thailand is $10,000 or more, a notice goes out to the IRS.

    As stated previously, Thailand is not signatory to this agreement with the UK, and will not send mass data of British citizens holding Thai accounts at this point in time 


    what a Thai bank does with a US citizen and the IRS is irrelevant to this topic and you will start confusing people 



  9. 3 hours ago, evadgib said:


    It's really quite simple. None of us were aware of it at the start of our compulsory NI obligation & wouldn't know today if it wasn't for Annette Carson and the advent of social media.

    Dont belive they had social media back in 2003, thats the year the high court judgement was first made on frozen pensions 

  10. 58 minutes ago, thai3 said:


    You must be blind then, why should you get the increase every year if you live in the Philippines and not here? the reciprocal tax agreement is just an excuse not to, not a just reason. 

    If one is really that hard up for the cash , that you really need the increases, maybe move to thd Phillipines then ? 

  11. 15 minutes ago, thai3 said:

    what do you expect from them, soon they will be irrelevant to the UK anyway.


    Er the British high court ruled exactly the same way as the EU court of human rights back in 2003 


    The case was escalated to EU court because of the high court desision in the UK


    Are you even aware of these proccedings or are you just blowing hot air and bile ?  





  12. 11 minutes ago, claffey said:

    Wow. You really trust your wife and her family it seems!!! Why do people marry into families that they don't trust?


    Why are people so naive to trust people who are not direct blood relatives and sometimes you cant even trust blood relatives, nothing wrong with KKD has done as regards his own affairs ......yes yes we know yours is different 


    Given the repution of what goes on in Thailand as regards old coffin dodgers getting knocked off by spouses and they claimed theirs  were different also 


    KKD is being smart and responsible and your remarks are exceptionally naive to say the least as no knows how a relationship will turn out in 5/10/15 years down the line and yes people change 




  13. On 14/01/2017 at 2:22 PM, ronaldo0 said:

    The wild west had nothing on this place !! Too many lunatics with hair trigger mentality that are in possession off firearms here !!:shock1:


    You have obviously never lived or travelled to many countries outside your land of birth then and one suppose your first move "overseas" was to shack up with some girl or boy in Thsiland ?


    In the wild west stakes,  Thailand is a light weight 



  14. 5 minutes ago, i claudius said:


    Just a thought ,but Old Percy the pensioner gets caught and his pension is reverted to when he came here also he has to pay back say 50 quid a month , so has to return to the UK , pension goes back up to tadays rate , he has nowhere to live so local council has to put him in B and B what 200 quid a week , free NHS ,free glasses , free bus pass , free prescriptions  etc etc , would have been cheaper to turn a blind eye:smile:


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