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Posts posted by Savilesghost

  1. 1 minute ago, notmyself said:


    This is a picture of my queue jumping activation kit. Inserting it between the feet at just the right time results in the person falling over but they will do nothing as I'm disabled.



    Disgusting  attempting to possibly injure some one and then using your disability as an excuse...you should be ashamed of yourself, so you would have no objections if i kicked your walking stick from out under you ?  

  2. 11 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    You can forget your stupid barstool remarks for a start, I have never drank alcohol in my life, there is corruption everywhere in Thailand, and if you think there is not in government places, then you sure are deluded.

    Just because you dont drink doesnt mean you dont frequent bars and sit on the provided barstools.


    Not debating the existance or not of corrpution in Thailand, as with most other countries there is corruption 


    i asked a very specifc question and still waiting for your factual specific answer not pie in the sky rhetoric and flim flammery 

  3. 19 hours ago, elliss said:


      Proof  of   residence  is the reason.     I enquired  at my local Nationwide office .

           reply ,   all  Banks  and  Building societies  are know required 

                to have  confirmation , proof positive , of  where  their  clients  reside .

                    Utility  bills ,  community  payments, etc 

             This  is  nothing to do with payment of taxes .

    Its everything to do with taxes, money laundering etc 

  4. 1 hour ago, thai3 said:

    They are not going to start extraditing pensioners in handcuffs for fiddling a few hundred quid over several years

    Most likely not, but they can recover the money that has been defrauded, and given the "dodgy finanical status" of some  UK pensioners in Thailand, coupled with a poor exchange rate, if they start taking the cash back by deducting amounts from the pension, this would be the end of some in Thailand 

  5. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    I would just put it down to "You are not wanted here, but your money certainly is", and don't forget all the connected government and Immigration officials with their fingers in the pie.

    Wow after "your money".LOL..a whole thb 300/day or there abouts for the 500k visa


    appears to be .too many whinging paranoid farang professional victims kicking about in Thailand.


    Ok lets explore your bar stool remarks...in the case of the impending 10 years retirement visa, please explain how  immigration have their fingers in the pie in this instance ? 

  6. 23 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


    How did you manage to get from queue jumping to your visa issues?


    What do you think your 10 years entitles you to? I note it was significant enough  to be mentioned twice.

    Just to put a sprag in his premise, that farangs are unwanted, if that was the case why are they introducing a 10 year retirement visa then, exactly as the poster has requested ? Surely if "the Thais are h×ll bent on stopping farangs living here, why introduce a 10 year retirement visa ?


    So lets look at the oppressed not wanted farangs long term visa situation 


    1. 5 year visa - 500k

    2 20 year visa - 2.0 million

    3 10 year retirement visa in progress


    These sorts of arrangement are not indictive of a country or a population who doesnt want foreigners living in that country


    Although he might be correct in suggesting they dont want poor foreigners living in Thailand, and right so IMHO

  7. 1 hour ago, catinthehat said:

    To expand on this thought a bit more. How many of us have heard Thais tell us to "go home farang"? Many really do despise (are jealous of) us just a bit behind the Thai smile.

    Never heard it in 15 years, if your feeling so opressed and victimised in Thailand why you still here then ?....surely the pull of cheap women for you to have paid sexual intercourse is a big draw for some, but cant believe you would tolerate oppression just for the sake of paid for sex ? 


    I am of the opinion that the average Thai doesnt give a rats ass about farangs, they just dont appear on their radar, but if thinking they are jealous of you and that makes you feel better about yourself, keep telling yourself that 




  8. 10 hours ago, chiang mai said:


    Overseas banks are not required to report to a customers country of residence, unless the bank AND the country are part of an international information sharing agreement amongst banks. As far as I am aware Thailand is not a party to any such agreement with the UK.

    In terms of the agreement under discussion, Thailand is not a signatory to this agreement, therefore Thai banks are not obligated to release mass data of all British passport holders with accounts in Thai banks

  9. 17 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:


    Banks are only required to report to your country of residence, so if you are not resident in UK they will not report to UK tax authorities.


    Oh yes they will, I am non resident in the UK, havent set foot in the country in 15 years, have no bank accounts/property and bank in Singapore and have already been warned by my bank in Singapore  my info will be passed to the UK HMRC as i have a British passport from 2018 onwards under this "new agreement" 


    The banks dont care about your country of residence in this case, its all to do with the passport/citizenship...so lets say in case of a bank in Singapore, they will pass all the details of all the British pp holders who have accounts


    Its seems HMRC will receive name, address and balance(s) of any accounts you hold, whether they decide to do anything with the info as regards investigation remains to be seen, in my case they are welcome to contact me and kiss my lilly white bum, theres nothing they do to me 



  10. 24 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    You can call BS on whatever you like pal but the fact remains that income remitted to Thailand that was remitted in the year it was earned becomes taxable in Thailand. And dual tax treaties don't enter into that picture if 1) the person is tax resident in Thailand, and/or, 2) the UK pension was under the UK personal allowance, (assuming that expats are allowed to keep the personal tax allowance in the future)


    So when retires using the 800k method, why is that no subject to withholding tax in Thailand, if your premise is correct surely thats would be the case ?, lest not forget the criteria 65k/m or 800k, your logic is flawed, if one couldnt prove when the money was earned, the default postion for the tax man would be to invoke the holding tax, ie the onus is on the individual to prove the money wasnt earned that tax year


    And reciprocal tax agreements do have everything to do with it and can be used 



  11. 33 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    No this is not just about FACTA it's about a number of issues rolled into one that banks absolutely do care about, because if they don't they wont stay in business. Yes, in part it's about FACTA but it's also about tax evasion, money laundering and proceeds of crime, as well probably other things. In Thailand the issue for many is FACTA, in the UK FACTA is far less of a headline issue. I went through the two hour HSBC telephone interview and I can assure you that FACTA is not their primary concern.


    As for not having a UK bank account: most pensioners will tell you they need that UK bank account to receive pension payments. Sure they could have those payments deposited directly here in Thailand. But that wont seem like such a brilliant idea when at some point in the future the Thai governement starts to deduct with holding tax on income earned during the year it was remitted here!

    You misunderstand my facta remark

  12. 22 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    No this is not just about FACTA it's about a number of issues rolled into one that banks absolutely do care about, because if they don't they wont stay in business. Yes, in part it's about FACTA but it's also about tax evasion, money laundering and proceeds of crime, as well probably other things. In Thailand the issue for many is FACTA, in the UK FACTA is far less of a headline issue. I went through the two hour HSBC telephone interview and I can assure you that FACTA is not their primary concern.


    As for not having a UK bank account: most pensioners will tell you they need that UK bank account to receive pension payments. Sure they could have those payments deposited directly here in Thailand. But that wont seem like such a brilliant idea when at some point in the future the Thai governement starts to deduct with holding tax on income earned during the year it was remitted here!


    I am calling BS on needing a UK account to get pensions, my parents havent lived the UK in 40 years, been on UK pension for the last 15 years and havent got a UK account, they will transfer the pension to a account where they live 


    A lot of pensioners living in Thailand maintain a UK account and address because they are claiming the increases , winter fuel allowances etc...ie they are commiting fraud, and HMRC will catch up with them.


    As regards the Thai tax man comment...rubbish, this is exactly what a reciprocal tax agreement is for, a pension taxed at source in the UK, you have proof from HMRC that the money has been taxed, the Thai tax man will not touch you,


    if your resident in Thailand for tax, via the 180 day day and the money hasnt been taxed, the Thai taxman has the right to tax that pension (not that i think they would) 


    Besides, not so long ago we had resident "experts" on here telling everyone pensions are tax free in Thailand, which is also rubbish of course

  13. 38 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    This has been going on for at least three years with NWI, I was targeted in 2012 and they finally closed my last account (without any resistance from me at all I might add).  The issue is tax residency and money laundering, the same problems all the UK high street banks faced a few years ago, HSBC went through their evaluation of non-UK resident customers to see which ones they wanted to keep and that involved a two hour telephone interview with the bank, NWI apparently couldn't be bothered to do the same thing.

    Lets get the facts right


    This is not the banks who are  to blame for all this, typically a bank doesnt care where the money comes from or who owns the account, blame for all this rests in the first instance on the US via their facist  FACTA rules, then the EU/UK copying the US 


    The simlle solution is, if you dont need a bank account in the UK, dont have one simple


  14. 12 hours ago, impulse said:

    What I get a kick out of is how so many of the "you have no reason to complain if you're not doing anything wrong" guys change their tune when the privacy rights erode away closer and closer to home.


    Slippery slope this business of trading away our rights and privacy in return for the illusion we're getting increasing security.  


    Next they're going to count the smokes and beers you buy so they can charge you more for your contributions to NHS.  Only seems fair to me...  Not.

    Well a population elected these scum bags into  into power, so they only have  themselves to blame, too many far too interested in their beer, smokes and play stations to get these sorts of people out of office


    This has been predicted since 1949, George Orwell warned people did he not ? 

  15.  I'm not new to the fact that some Thais struggle with common sense situations.  OK, here's the long sad story...


    given your patronising tone, seems the Thais got one over on you as regards the common sense stakes then, such a knowlegeable, all knowing farang doesnt reasearch whats availible locally, and decides to run the gaunlet with Thai customs and excise


    Thais lacking common sense ?...pots and kettles spring to mind 



  16. 1 hour ago, Aquaman2016 said:

    UK and Thailand have a tax agreement so that we only pay once. Therefore there must be information sharing.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    And you misunderstand what a reciprocal tax agreement actually is then, 

    Under the agreement in force Thailand is not a signatory to this agreement with the UK, this agreement will allow automatic data sharing between signatory countries, ie names, address' and account details and balances of said accounts



    If British national who is resident in the UK for tax purposes has a undeclared account in say Singapore, Blighty tax man is going to know about, in a similar manner Singapore national holding undeclared account in the UK, Singapore tax man will know about it, whether they decide to investigate the account is up to them 


    This has nothing to do with reciprocal tax agreements, all a reciprocal tax agreement does is stop you paying full tax on the same money 


    Eg  Teacher works in Thailand and is resident for tax in the UK, said teacher pays 20% tax in thailand on his money, on his UK tax return he can offset this 20% tax paid under the reciprocal agreement after providing proof, however if in the eyes of the tax under UK tax, the same amount would meant you had to pay 30% tax to HMRC, they are within theirs rights to ask for the 10% different - this is a very simple example and would very rarely be implemented


    But from what i understand under Aussie tax rules this scenario is in play quite a lot with aussies who work overseas but maintain residency in Aus

  17. 1 hour ago, Paul Catton said:

    Surprising news, hope you had a good time.

    I am surprised, as I was reading a thread from August 2016 in which it was stated.

    Not that it could impact with me, I was just curious if you were being selectively treated or has there been a shift in applying policy?


    And an apology for going off topic with the question.


    Maybe, a lot of this is attitude, a lot a farangs go into situations guns blazing and a sense of entitlement which in most cases miffs the natives no end  


    be respectful, polite and nice and it gets you a long way, what you also have to understand is a lot of farangs on here  hate the Thai people and Thailand generally for what ever reason and its been known that they lie for forward their anti Thai agenda 


    Another urban legend put forward by the all knowing TVers dismissed : Pattaya floating market charging farangs, not true if you get their free VIP card, but the howling farang " residents" dont understand or read Thai to know this, and typically their BG/slapper girlfriends dont care enough about them to tell them LOL 





  18. 4 hours ago, tubby johnson said:


    The OP mentioned that his boyfriend will be here in 2 weeks, to beat up the sadistic katoey and Jew and rescue him from their clutches. But first the boyfriend has to muster up some courage, create a buff body in the gym, and learn some muay thai.

    Where did he say the BF was a Jew, contray to what they try to make you believe not all Israelis are Jews, of course the zionist are trying to push out the non jews who are Israeli citizens almost like an aparttheid type deal, but the fact remains not all Israelis are Jews, for the time being at least 

  19. 1 hour ago, sinbin said:

    Yes I'm serious. Thais are racist. Go to any national park and see if you get charged the same entry fee as a Thai.

    How do you know Trump hates everyone? Did he tell you? Is it quoted he said that any where?  cheesyrdn2.gif Some people are bad losers.:saai:


    I was up in CM over xmas and new year and got into the national parks for the same fee as a Thai  by producing a valid work permit...so guess thats your premise of racism shot to sh@t then

  20. 51 minutes ago, Rhys said:

    Hmmm  just throw this one out too, if you have the required 800K in the bank, can you apply for a credit card without a work permit, provided you have a non-B visa or whatever it is that shows you are married to a Thai?



    If you had 800k in the bank one presumes your on a retirement extension

    A B visa is for Business or work 

    Bring married to a thai is irrelevant in obtaining a credit in your own name


    You can apply for a credit card, anytime you want, question is whether will approve you or not  




  21. 5 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

    The "Thai Supremacists" are in fine form this afternoon with their feckless arguments and defense of obviously racist policies aimed at people who have a good bit more income than most of the Thai riff raff who get loans every day. The only analogous situation in the USA would be an extremely well-heeled retiree from Canada, with easily documented income and a long work history in his home country. My fiancee's judgement on the situation is "Thai people very jealous of farang". Her policeman brother agrees. Both are college graduates. I defer to Thai people to know their own, although cursory observation generally tells the story. The delusional Thai self-image does not hold up very well under independent examination. Hated by Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Burmese, yet fiercely sure of their own superiority.

    Wow what a load of absolute drivel and rambling about absolutely nothing, if you so unhappy in Thailand and dispise the Thais so much what you still doing here, maybe the " Land O free" (trade mark) is better for you....yes your hookers maybe a bit more expensive for you, but at least you will be happy amongst your own kind 

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