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Everything posted by Jonnapat

  1. Some pretty ridiculous comments on this subject. This man is a real danger to democracy. And why does he get the privilege of being referred to as Elon and not MUSK.
  2. Who would trust Trump? Starmer had to say it but he has too much sense to believe it.
  3. ""A Trump Appointee."" Needs no further explanation.
  4. The BBC was once something you could rely on for integrity and impartiality. Sadly the political wing has now been taken over by right wing propagandists in the disguise of news reporters and interviewers. Those running the BBC are all JOHNSON appointees and they are truly showing their colours when it comes to political bias.
  5. And what would that extreme left wing government be? You must be getting your countries mixed up.
  6. World's richest country? With many trillions of dollars in debt and paying the lowest minimum wage of any developed country. Utopia I don't think.
  7. Surprised to see so many comments on this subject. FACT. UK pensions have always been frozen for ex pats living in Thailand. Petitions have been raised and questions even asked in Parliament to no avail. My pension is frozen at the 2009 rate. To make things even worse the spouse allowance was also taken away a few years ago. Nothing you can do about it I'm afraid. It's called government savings ,while the super rich get away with everything nowadays
  8. Disgusting but expected. Worse will follow.
  9. His biggest mistake was to make the timid Merrick Garland AĢ. With a braver man Trump might well have been disqualified to run again and possibly in prison for all his crimes.
  10. Not really. Trump was so desperate to talk to someone after being snubbed by almost everyone else. Obama clearly didn't want to engage but was too polite not to. Interesting that the official Carter Centre photo was taken from such an angle that it excluded Trump completely. I loved the way Biden looked in Trump's direction every time he mentioned honesty, character and integrity. Kudos to Michelle Obama for being elsewhere as she was originally detailed to sit next to Trump.
  11. Hopefully Elon Musk will meet with a bad end. The world could well do without him and his ilk.
  12. This man is very dangerous and should mind his own bloody business and stick to licking Trump's backside. First attacking Britain, then Germany, now even Norway. In other words everywhere there is a left of centre government. Europe unite against this obscenely rich oligarch before it's too late.
  13. Say what you like about Jimmy Carter but he was the exact opposite to what we have now. An honest ,decent man who did his job in difficult times with the minimum of fuss. Carried on his charity work well into his 90's and still lived in the same modest house. A true gentleman. RIP.
  14. Not in my lifetime because I am in my 80's now but before too many decades have passed the world will be governed by oligarchs such as Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc .Those with enormous obscene wealth will be able to dictate policy to what is left of democratic government .
  15. Does he not realise that he is not the President yet?
  16. I am lost for words. Never imagined there would be so many Trumpers in Thailand.
  17. Not true ,I had robotic protastectamy in 2008 at Siriraj hospital. There were only 2 da Vinci machines in Thailand at the time, although that was 16 years ago.
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