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Posts posted by JIMHILL

  1. On 2/12/2017 at 5:39 PM, DKNY77 said:

    hey moron...go over to CM ..zoe in yellow on a sat. 'bout midnite...you'll see backpackers ,, skanky girls on thier knees puking in the gutter, drunk punk azz cowards  of ''young people'' drunk , doped up, looking for fights from people passing by blocking traffic harassing elder tourists and expats., defacing property..etc..etc..etc...in other words your kind of folks...ahol


    Looks like your describing Cairo on a Friday night but Cairo is much worse ...  Horrible place!

  2. On 2/24/2017 at 6:10 PM, bamukloy said:

    My first thought when reading this.

    Why dont he get a Thai do those things and cross the border?

    Or even get a Cambodian to do it for that matter?


    Most would jump at the chance to earn a few baht and probably less expensive than the farang going himself.


    I think many ways to solve the problem as he describe it, which make me think there is some other reason he wants to cross the border he doesnt tell us




    On 2/17/2017 at 3:58 PM, Mook23 said:

    Im sure ANY immigration guy is willing to go to Makro for u for a "fee". That case is solved. 

    Im also sure the immigration guy can get your mail. For a fee. And bring to border. Solved too ?

    The bank is also possible but trickier...


    Is it possible for Cambodian working foreigner to get a Cambodian bank account ?

  3. On 12/26/2016 at 5:44 PM, reggaebkk said:

    I understand if they are trying to protect themselves from people who would come to Thailand and work illegally or make dodgy business. They do a better job than most European nations to protect their people. Also they may have decided to remove the cheap long stay tourists who live on 5000 baht per month and who, in their mind, bring the image of the country down for the upscale tourism they want. It is their choice, their country after all. But in my situation, far from everything except Chanthaburi, I really feel trapped in the cross fire and it's very frustrating. If they have Asean, then they have to recognise the legality of work permit holders in other Asean countries and not handicap us. My competitors are also buying products in Thailand and this ends up being unfair practice... "no, the Farang has the right to work here but can't get supplies like his counterparts". 


    Why are you living/working in Cambodia if you cannot get the infrastructure services you want ?

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