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Posts posted by wreckingcountry

  1. Oh please. If I had a penny for every time an old person blamed "digital nomads" on this forum I'd be rich. A "digital nomad" could mean as little as checking your investments online. The idea of so many foreigners coming to Thailand to work their lives away on the keyboard is blown way out of proportion, and the jealously from the lifelong 9-5ers stinks.

    It’s because the back packing teachers and other fake jobbers that are being clamped down are p****d because they ain’t got the brains to make a living online



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  2. If I may chip in: elect a fresh Parliament?
    It will give a clear picture of the electorates view on Brexit, both to the Parliament which it produces and to the EU with whom the UK have to negotiate.
    It will produce a government which has a clear mandate to either leave, remain, or to continue discussing the options (heaven help us).
    The process can be carried out within less than two months. We will have an answer, and can proceed accordingly.
    As you know, I would wish for a government which would take us out of the EU. However, if it produced a government with a mandate to keep us in, so be it. As you have pointed out, we are a parliamentary democracy. This matter has now moved on so far from the arguments on which the last election was fought, that it should be put before the electorate again. Yes, MPs are representatives and not directed delegates, but this matter is so fundamental, and the divisions in our society are being so deepened by it, that I think it really should require a General Election to be fought over it, and a government produced with a proper mandate.

    It’s divisive because those who lost never accepted the result ! Can only imagine the response from remainers if the leave campaign had reacted the way they had if lost ! Cowardly lying bunch of Europhiles ! And believe me if this were ever reversed there would be anarchy and subversive acts of which I will be a part

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    • Thanks 1
  3. [quote post="14688312" timestamp="1571647281" name="oldhippy"
    And again I ask you: do you really believe Boris, Jacob and the Tories have the best interest of the working people in mind?
    what facile statement ! I do know the crazy Marxist leading Labour Party doesn’t have the interests of the UK in his thoughts ! Some of us were in the party in the 1980s and know his abhorrent views. As well as being a liar on Brexit ! Let the public decide in a GE who has “working people interests at heart”. Another “class “ warrior spouting!

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