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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Other than tax cuts for the rich and embarrassing the country, Trump didn't accomplish much of anything on HIS watch.
  2. You think Hillary has a questionable background? More so than Trump? ???? Bernie would have lost in a landslide. That's why Trump tried to blackmail Zelenski into inventing evidence against Biden before the 2020 election, he didn't want to face him.
  3. I think you mean he undermined NATO, pulled out of a trade treaty that would have done far more to constrain China than his rants and tariffs/consumer taxes, and wasted money on ineffective border walls instead of improving security at entry points and cracking down on those who hire illegal immigrants.
  4. Just a heads up: I and a lot of others ignore rambling posts completely lacking in punctuation.
  5. How is it that you still fail to grasp that it is the west that is arming Ukraine and Russia that is fighting Ukraine? Have you noticed that Ukraine has never asked the west to stop providing arms? It is Russia, or maybe just Putin, that wants to fight to the last Ukrainian.
  6. For someone who is keen on "liberals" supplying facts you can be amazingly fact-lite. Here's two pertinent facts you've omitted: Joe Biden wasn't President when the transfers occurred. There is no evidence the money went to Joe Biden or was used for anything illegal.
  7. Incas are in South America. The area covered by the current US was a patchwork of different indigenous tribes/cultures. Although getting the terms correct doesn't justify what was done to them.
  8. Really? I don't recall Mexico rolling an army across US borders and holding a sham referendum showing the southwest wanted to be part of Mexico.
  9. You have just confirmed Candide's post, in a hilarious manner. Pizzagate refers to a ridiculous MAGA conspiracy that had no basis in fact. You've just equated your laptop nonsense to it.
  10. If the money is used to pay the $6.5 billion owed to China, the IMF will not loan to Sri Lanka or any other country in debt to the Chinese ever again.
  11. "Are private Chinese companies America's adversaries?" The ones manufacturing MAGA merchandise aren't doing America any favors.
  12. The dishonest MAGA heads are once again lying about the media. I don't recall reading anything about the laptop not belonging to Hunter Biden, about Hunter Biden being "clean as driven snow", about the contents of the hard drive being definitely Russian disinformation, etc. I recall reading about unverified claims and hallmarks of Russian disinformation. I honestly don't know if you are intentionally lying or if you are so far gone that you believe what you post. Feel free to post links supporting your claims and disproving my assessment. But don't post nonsense about the laptop being verified. We know its a laptop, it's the contents on the hard drive that are suspect.
  13. Thanks. I didn't think the photo in the OP did any of the women justice. This young lady is gorgeous! Also, the CMU Pharmacy program is demanding. She's got brains as well as looks.
  14. Really? You can not distinguish between the money alleged to have come from the Chinese to Hunter and a few others of the Biden clan and the money that was made as a campaign contribution to Joe Biden? Or are you very intentionally confusing between the two because obfuscation is the only response you can think of?
  15. The links show Hunter Biden is suspect and that Joe Biden took campaign donations. Is that all you've got?
  16. Some people get extremely obsessed with semantics. There is biological sex, which is essential to reproduction. There is also sexual identity, which apparently covers a spectrum. So long as displays of either kind of sexuality is between consenting adults and performed with appropriate discretion, I don't care which definition people choose to apply to themselves. Regarding rules regarding restrooms and sports, respect for others and common sense should prevail. Unfortunately both respect and common sense seem to be in short supply.
  17. Highly classified documents were found. That was very significant. You have once again confirmed that you know nothing about the subject.
  18. Because it's classified. It's very easy to identify the people on this forum who have never worked with classified.
  19. Why are you commenting of a topic you haven't followed? Documents found: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/02/politics/mar-a-lago-seized-documents-inventory/index.html You won't find information on what the classified documents contained.
  20. FBI was given the laptop years ago. If there had been credible evidence of criminal activity we would have heard about it.
  21. Russia is stripping chips out of appliances to get the parts necessary to make more weapons. It kind of slows things down. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-military-equipment-computer-chips-refrigerators/
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