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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. That answers my earlier question: You don't think facts matter.
  2. Is your argument that facts don't matter? It certainly seems that way. "A basic and factual element may refer to the retirees pension investments globally speaking. They gave far better yields under Trump, then with Biden." Do you have a source to back that up? Or are you just making stuff up?
  3. BS, and of course BS presented without a source. However I'm sure that there are many people in Europe who support Trump, just as there are many fascists in Europe. There may even be some overlap with the two groups.
  4. Did your "life" suddenly end last Friday? 15 of your 64 posts were made since then. A newby hitting the ground with standard MAGA BS is a red flag. However my main criteria for credibility is the use of credible, linked sources in support of facts. MAGA types don't do that very often. When was the last time you did that?
  5. We're used to being patient. Patiently waiting for Trump's proof of election fraud, patiently waiting for Sydney Powell to "release the kraken", patiently waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall, patiently waiting for the better and cheaper healthcare plan....
  6. Yeah, but those 91 times are also supported by recordings, videos, testimony from Republicans, pictures of classified document covers....
  7. A BS claim that you have no evidence to support. Only 253 posts. Are you a new troll or someone banned by ASEAN Now under your former identity?
  8. The pro-Biden propaganda machine? You mean those annoying posters who support their posts with referenced sources? Yeah, the Trump crowd hates people who use facts.
  9. First you need to find grounds to charge him. How's that going?
  10. I didn't ask you to point us in a direction, I asked for evidence. That means a linked source to specific, prosecutable crimes. You haven't done that. Neither has the House inquiry. You have nothing.
  11. I recall similar complaints about the timing of the Mar-a-Lago raids, that they occurred suspiciously close to the 2022 election or his "possible" upcoming announcement of another run for the Presidency. It seems that if Donald Trump is inconvenienced at any time is called an attempt at election interference. Of course if Trump and his lawyers were trying to expedite the trials instead of delay them all could be settled before the election.
  12. Currently it is a talk shop that accomplishes little, but with five more members I'm sure they'll get a lot more talking done and even fewer accomplishments. First order of business: Come up with a fun acronym using the new letters of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Argentina and UAE. Re-ordering BRICS is allowed. Any ideas? A, B, C, E, I, R, S, S, U. If necessary you can use A and E more than once, but must use S twice. It's kind of a tough one.
  13. How are you pinning BRICS on anyone in the US? "The foreign ministers of the initial four BRIC General states (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) met in New York City in September 2006 at the margins of the General Debate of the UN Assembly, beginning a series of high-level meetings.[22] A full-scale diplomatic meeting was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on 16 June 2009.[23] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS
  14. They couldn't prove Trump was in on the sharing of data with the Russian agent. However the fact remains that Trump's campaign manager colluded with the Russians. There was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. What MAGA Republicans have long denied, and continue to deny, took place. There was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Got it?
  15. You have incredibly poor memory, and MAGA Republicans were insisting there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which is what Manafort was doing.
  16. And the Georgia Secretary of State explained that all those things had been investigated, there was no fraud and the election results stood. Yet Trump persisted.
  17. Incident!? How about "Be there, will be wild!" https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111341161/how-trumps-will-be-wild-tweet-drew-rioters-to-the-capitol-on-jan-6
  18. And yet you can not specify any charges that are politically motivated and lacking in evidence. You're really grasping at straws with your "He's such a good boy" argument.
  19. "Trump didnt try overthrowing an election, he was sure he won." Trump did try to overthrow the election, and it's irrelevant if he thought he won. However here's another opportunity for you to give sourced facts. Prove that democrats were denying the legitimacy of the 2016 election. Which candidates refused to acknowledge defeat up to and beyond the inauguration. Provide links to the court cases attempting to overturn the election results and the mob invading the Capitol to prevent the certification of the 2016 election. Identify the falsehoods the impeachments were based on. C'mon, show us your facts!
  20. Yes, here's a good one. Give us sources for that claim.
  21. Facts? From you? You're definitely having a laugh! Please, do give us your sourced facts regarding anything.
  22. There is no educating people who live in an echo chamber.
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