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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The whole world is watching the US Justice system show that even former Presidents are not above the law. Doing any less would be the end of the republic.
  2. Will any of the MAGA Republicans claiming "weaponization of the justice system" please tell us specifically which charges and what evidence against Trump justify such a claim?
  3. Funny, in Thailand I recall martial law, curfews, soldiers on the streets, military roadblocks, rule by decree (section 44 interim constitution), rewriting the constitution, banning the novel "1984", banning the Hunger Games salute, banning assemblies of five or more persons, banning eating a sandwich in public "for political purposes"..... I don't remember any of that under Biden. Though I can definitely imagine these things and more happening under Trump if he had succeeded in overturning the election.
  4. Seriously? How do you not know this? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/trump-campaign-chief-paul-manafort-employee-kilimnik-gave-russia-election-data.html https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/paul-manafort-gave-trump-campaign-data-russians https://www.npr.org/2020/08/18/903512647/senate-report-former-trump-aide-paul-manafort-shared-campaign-info-with-russia https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/512526-manafort-shared-campaign-info-with-russian-intelligence-officer/
  5. I think current speculation is that an onboard bomb brought the plane down, which would suggest either lax security around the plane (unlikely but not impossible) or someone who knows the security situation at the airport the plane took off from and how to get around it. Maybe we'll learn more, maybe the cause will be kept secret.
  6. I've no doubt that there are Antifa and BLM supporters who cross the line of legality (I don't condone that), but that is somewhat different than the head of a major political party attempting to overthrow a legitimate election and inspiring an assault on the US Capitol.
  7. Isn't that better than insisting that everything they say is true (even when it isn't) and everything they do is perfect?
  8. I assume you are going to convert all of your savings into one or more of the BRICS currencies. I understand the ruble is cheap now. I know this will go unanswered, but what news sources do you recommend?
  9. Right. In China you can sleep in an interment camp instead of on the street. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/01/china/un-report-china-xinjiang-uyghurs-key-takeaways-intl-hnk/index.html
  10. Don't you think you should look into what Trump is charged with and what evidence there is to support these charges before declaring it is a politically driven witch hunt?
  11. Putin wouldn't kill 9 innocent people? You've got to be kidding! You immediately dismiss the most obvious cause and go into completely unsupported conspiracy theories. What's it like living in a fact-free world?
  12. Worth reading the full article, the most important stuff is at the end: "The dengue fever situation is also becoming concerning. Khamchai shared that this year, Chiang Mai has recorded nearly 5,000 cases, a significant increase from the 1,000 cases reported for the entire last year. He warned that if the number of dengue cases in the city’s Mueang district does not decrease by the end of this month, the Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organisation will declare it a dengue outbreak area. This will necessitate the enforcement of the Communicable Diseases Act." That's a lot of dengue. Watch out for the mosquitos.
  13. "I cannot believe all the comments on this board." On this we agree. Five pages in and still no evidence that the US asked to put a military base in Thailand. That is what this topic is about.
  14. Wow! Epic fail on attempting to start a "Nancy did it" conspiracy. The request for the National Guard went to the DoD, not Nancy Pelosi. The DoD was under Trump, who was watching the Capitol assault on television and doing nothing to end it. https://www.npr.org/2021/03/03/973292523/dod-took-hours-to-approve-national-guard-request-during-capitol-riot-commander-s
  15. I'd ask for sources, but I know that people who post nonsense never provide sources.
  16. Which of the crimes listed in the indictments do you think Trump is innocent of?
  17. Two replies to the same post? Was that intentional, or do you lack the intellect to keep track? I posted "Yes, people used to happily refer to themselves as Jesus Freaks. Did the term become politically incorrect, and if so, when?" A benign post and a simple question; I was not aware that Jesus Freak had become offensive and asked for information. You chose to take offense, and haven't answered the question. I don't think my intellect is the one in question here.
  18. "But the Speaker was largely vague on what documents were at issue..." That says it all.
  19. That was my point. Freedom of speech is meaningless when it is restricted to inoffensive speech. Perhaps I should have used "politically correct" instead of "woke". Woke is at best ill-defined, though I gather that on the left it means avoiding offense, sometimes to ridiculous degrees (I don't mind coming up with new terms to accommodate new sexual identities, but leave established words and definitions alone) . The right it seems to think offensiveness is acceptable except when it isn't; it's acceptable to offend, well, lots of people, but not acceptable to offend white people by teaching about the country's history of slavery and racism. Regardless, the woman had every right to express herself by flying the pride flag even if it upset some people, she had every right to defend her right to free expression, and the animal who killed her had no right to object to the flag or commit murder.
  20. Yes, people used to happily refer to themselves as Jesus Freaks. Did the term become politically incorrect, and if so, when?
  21. So you think freedom of expression should be limited to those times when expressing oneself would not offend anyone? Talk about woke!
  22. Unarmed civil rights marchers confronting armed Alabama police officers on horseback....nuff said. https://www.history.com/news/selma-bloody-sunday-attack-civil-rights-movement
  23. "Because Trump made the U.S. energy dominant in oil and gas. On Biden's 1st day he made the U.S. energy dependent." Two sentences, two blatant falsehoods. I'm curious, are you genuinely that uninformed or knowingly lying? "The trend line for the U.S. becoming a net exporter of petroleum began in 2006, under President George W. Bush, and continued under President Barack Obama and then Trump. The EIA said a decline in the global demand for oil during the COVID-19 pandemic finally pushed the U.S. into net exporter territory." "More important, the EIA said the U.S. “continued to export more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it imported in 2021.” Last year, the U.S. exported about 164,000 barrels per day more than it imported, according to annual EIA data. " https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/examining-u-s-energy-independence-claims/ Trump took credit for trends that were established long before he took office. He does that a lot.
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