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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I approve of the sentiment, but unless you have your soil tested for contamination it might not be the solution.
  2. Very true. DeSantis did not get serious about fighting illegal immigration in Florida until halfway through his final term as Governor (he's term limited). Now that he's focused on becoming President he's throwing the small businesses and farmers who had supported him under the bus. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/30/1177657218/florida-anti-immigration-law-1718-desantis
  3. Yes, he (Trump) has all the skills necessary to be a great con artist. Add to the list greedy, opportunistic, shameless, arrogant and totally self-serving and you have all the necessary adverbs to describe Donald Trump. Note that "competent" is not on the list. Also that "self-serving" is the obvious of "self-sacrificing" and "patriotic".
  4. Your faith in the wall is absurd. As is your faith in DeSantis.
  5. Grossly prejudiced against sedition. Probably prejudiced against illegal acts in general. Would you prefer a judge who ignores the law?
  6. The personal agenda stuff clearly describes you; you went to an obscure Indian financial website to support your claim that Biden is rich. No source is perfect. However sources that have a long history of fact based reporting and acknowledging mistakes are generally trustworthy.
  7. Yes, your failure to give sources is why you only convince those who agree with you. Start using credible sources and you might be taken seriously.
  8. Yes, but not all posters are as irrational as you.
  9. Trump is unlikely to get the chair for any of his crimes. Too bad, it would discourage future seditionists.
  10. Not at all. Rational skeptics check to make sure the links are from credible sources.
  11. That's why those of us who want to stay informed get our news by reading; it's much easier to go back and check our sources and share those sources with others. For those of us who don't get our news from television, can you at least tell us the when, what programs, and who claimed the President's statement was an admission of guilt?
  12. "Had Trump been able to finish his wall many less undocumented immigrants would have been able to enter the US now." We kept waiting for that payment from Mexico, but for some reason they didn't want to pay for the wall.
  13. If all else fails, claim the timing is suspicious. Tell us, at what time do you think the charges should have been filed?
  14. Did anyone determine that no one had tampered with the laptop in the months since it was last in Hunter Biden's hands? Has anyone found anything on the laptop that incriminates President Biden? The answer to both questions is no.
  15. caclubindia? Seriously? Their claim that Biden was given a yacht and mansion in Hawaii, without any supporting evidence, is especially suspect.
  16. Still waiting for any credible evidence, any at all, the President Biden did anything illegal. While you're at it, you can throw in any credible evidence that Trump did anything but make "the swamp" bigger and deeper. The dealings of his son-in-law is evidence he made it worse.
  17. No, they did not lie. But you just did. ""We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not, and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement—just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," the letter said." https://www.newsweek.com/hunter-biden-laptop-jim-jordan-facebook-disinformation-twitter-1767369
  18. My bad. I meant to post, in reply to bignok's ridiculous post: "Your first sentence displays a profound ignorance of fascism. If you'd accused Hitler, Mussolini or Franco of being fascists leftist or, worse, communists, you would have been killed by their goons.
  19. "the death and destruction she inflicted on southern California last week she needs to be locked up!" If that is a joke, well done. But a warning, some people post such ridiculous things on ASEAN Now that jokes and sarcasm are frequently misinterpreted.
  20. Your first sentence displays a profound ignorance of fascism. If you'd accused Hitler, Mussolini or Franco of being fascists or, worse, communists, you would have been killed by their goons.
  21. Here's an inconvenient fact for you: People who believe in facts and logic have known that the earth is round for over 2000 years, and were able to come up with a pretty good estimate of its size. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes BTW: https://www.newsweek.com/even-middle-ages-people-didnt-think-earth-was-flat-420775
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