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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Once again: Please debate what I post. Don't invent things I didn't post and debate them.
  2. Do you understand that none of the people you mention host news programs?
  3. Please debate what I post. Don't invent things I didn't post and debate them.
  4. Perhaps? Is your grasp of history so weak that you don't know? Stalin allied himself with Hitler because it furthered both men's goals of imperial expansion. Ukraine accepted Azov fighters because their country was invaded, for the purpose of imperial expansion, and it needed whatever men it could find who would fight the Russians. Most people understand that. Most people understand that it does not justify Russians war to expand its empire.
  5. What was that nazi group the USSR allied itself with in the late 1930's? Oh yeah, it was the original Nazi party.
  6. G_Money pretends to not know the difference between opinions, anecdotal crime reporting, political theater and actual proof based on statistically credible, verifiable data. Or maybe he isn't pretending.
  7. Right about what? Do you think men bear and equal share of carrying an embryo to birth? Do you think men dedicate an equal amount of time and effort into child rearing? What do you disagree with in my post?
  8. I have been claiming the inevitability of illegal immigration until legal immigration is reformed and massively expanded, employers are aggressively prosecuted for hiring of illegal immigrants and border control bills, such as the one passed by the Senate and shot down by Trump Republicans, are passed to give the Border Patrol the resources it needs. Your links are opinion pieces, political theater or anecdotes. They prove nothing.
  9. Let's keep the focus on immigration's benefits to the US economy. You know, the subject of the topic. Anecdotes of people committing crimes is not the topic.
  10. It seems that the only things you think you know about NATO are all wrong.
  11. Let me guess: You know the bipartisan border control bill passed by the Senate and supported by the Border Patrol union is "barking" because that's what you heard in your echo chamber. Right?
  12. Summary: China has a new program that will help them steal intellectual property.
  13. You must think women are morally and intellectually inferior people if you disagree with what I posted. Or perhaps you don't know where babies come from.
  14. Another anecdote. The US military has about 2 million active duty members, and at any given time some of them are in trouble with the law. Should we shut down the US military?
  15. Legal immigration is not out of control, other than being insufficient to meet demand. Illegal immigration is a problem, one which could be helped by the kind of bipartisan border control bill passed by the Senate with support from the Border Patrol union. The on that was shot down by Trump controlled Republicans. Republicans want lots of trouble on the southern border and will not allow anything to be done to fix it.
  16. Why don't you just post that you are obsessed with keeping America white and don't want brown skinnned immigrants? Thailand without its immigrant work force, both legal and otherwise, would be a much poorer country and the Thai people know that. Too bad Americans can't see it.
  17. Aren't the people who reject MSM the ones who still think Nancy Pelosi was responsible for security on Jan 6? Or was that Nicki Haley?
  18. I don't know which post you are referring to now, but clearly you have once again been caught posting something you can't defend with a source.
  19. Get your facts straight. The topic is about all forms of immigration. Yes, I assume the CEO's came to the country legally. They're not the sort to work illegally on a tourist visa as a nude model, like Melania Trump did. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trumps-wife-worked-illegally-during-her-first-weeks-in-the-us-documents-show My argument throughout has been that we need to greatly expand legal immigration. It's good for the economy and the immigrants. And it is unrealistic to expect people to stop illegally coming to work in the US so long as there are jobs available and employers to hire them, usually with no fear of consequences to the employer. Until legal immigration is reformed and greatly expanded illegal immigration will remain. You posted anecdotal evidence, which proves nothing. I can post anecdotal evidence that shows buying lottery tickets will make you rich. Are you going to invest your life savings in lottery tickets?
  20. You'll have to refresh my memory. Are you referring to the links to the Fox opinion pieces, the political theater, or the organization with ties to hate groups?
  21. If allowed to remain they probably will. What's your point?
  22. Well, the title of the topic is "The economy is roaring. Immigration is a key reason." When you posted "It also not the forum to express the benefits of illegal immigration as well. " I thought that you might be confused. I still think that.
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