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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. A short, readable statement of the obvious for many here. The essence is summarized with: "Conspiracy beliefs were described in the study as beliefs that "explain important events as secret plots by powerful and malevolent groups." Examples included conspiracies about the 1969 moon landing being fake and recent conspiracies that created fear over the COVID-19 vaccine." ""While the intuitive solution to countering unfounded conspiracy beliefs is to present facts and arguments that contradict the conspiracy explanation, our review indicates that this approach is among the least effective," Cian O'Mahony, lead researcher from the UCC School of Applied Psychology, said in a statement." Many of us are aware of this. The only reason to argue with such types on this forum is in hopes of informing readers who might be susceptible to falling down rabbit holes. Regarding the above post by such a lost cause, nothing on the hard drive of the laptop incriminates President Biden. Some of it might incriminate Hunter Biden, but considering the history of the laptop I'm not sure it would be admissible in court.
  2. Trump is not a flight risk because he is too recognizable, if he attempted to disappear there would be bounty hunters all over the world eager to cash in, and the only countries that might give him sanctuary are ruled by men as sleazy as him who would use him anyway they saw fit.
  3. Please Judge, charge him with whatever is the most serious, legitimate charge for endangering you and your family, and lock him up! Require that all communications from Trump from now until the end of the trial must go through his lawyer.
  4. If he tells QAnon believers that he is really the late JFK Jr they will probably vote for him.
  5. Really? I though you approved of the 2014 coup. You know, the one that prevented elections that might have democratically removed Pheu Thai from power.
  6. "What is more obviously wrong then a wanted criminal trying to influence Thai politics so that he can get back into Thailand without going to jail?" A military that stages coups so often that democracy can never get a firm foothold in the country.
  7. Perhaps he intends to run on a "Lawless and Disordered" campaign.
  8. Evidently enough to keep the service economy running strong and employers desperate to hire.
  9. As you know, RichardColeman won't back up his claims with referenced sources. He never does.
  10. Yes, you are missing something; you are missing the obvious, in many ways. 2% of Finland's GDP is supposed to go to defense, and for that Finland gets a commitment that other countries with much larger militaries will come to Finland's defense if Putin or anyone else attacks. Finland obviously thinks membership in NATO is worth the compromises and commitments. The fact that Putin is P.O.'d about it shows they made the right call. NATO is not an existential threat to Russia. NATO is an impediment to Putin's desire to expand the Russian empire. BTW: Ukraine was in the old USSR and shared a border with Russia since the end of the cold war. Ukraine's experience obviously motivated Finland and other country's to seek NATO membership.
  11. The "irregularity" of an unusually high number of Democrats voting by mail and being careful when filling out their ballots has been explained Are you claiming there are other irregularities to be explained? If so, please be specific.
  12. Infrastructure bill, preparing the world for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, supporting Ukraine, strengthening NATO, alliances with the UK, Australia, India and now the Philippines to contain China, etc.
  13. Is that your idea of a coherent, rational and persuasive post? Epic fail.
  14. The reason those items were excluded were included in the link. I trust the judgment of the experts on the subject more than yours.
  15. Ok how's this: The Democratic Party, the party that took Covid seriously, encouraged its voters to vote by mail and be careful when filling out the ballots. The Republican Party, led by Trump, told voters to go to the polls on election day. The results were predictable and predicted. How is that evidence of election fraud irregularities? Any comments?
  16. "The only factual evidence so far is that Cohen paid her." And you know this how? Were you on the Grand Jury?
  17. The link is on the first page of this topic. https://www.scribd.com/document/636100433/Donald-J-Trump-Indictment# That's why I said you should read before you post. Stop expecting people to spoon feed you information.
  18. It must be tough having a simple, binary mind: Either one supports the coup and military government or one supports Thaksin. I don't give a damn about Thaksin, I am very much opposed to coups against legitimately elected democratic governments.
  19. It seems you have a short memory, or are you conceding that the election "irregularities" were not evidence of fraud. I provided the relevant posts and replies to jog your memory.
  20. You really need to start reading the information in front of you before you post.
  21. That's the standard approach. Why do you bring it up? It doesn't refute anything I posted. Also, it's working: https://aseannow.com/topic/1291146-key-inflation-measures-are-falling-at-their-fastest-pace-in-40-years/
  22. The US economy has been surging so fast that it has been difficult to slow down. Raising interest rates from their unprecedented low levels to slow down the economy may cause a recession, but recessions happen, they are not the end of the world. There have been four recessions under Republican Presidents since 1980, including a near depression under Bush Jr. There have been two under Democratic Presidents. The economy recovered every time, though it was a close call with Bush's economic meltdown. Thankfully Obama brought us out of it.
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