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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Some people just can't let go of the big lie. Trump lost. The vote has been recounted, audited, and challenged in court many times in front of Republican voted judges. The result never changes. Trump lost. Get over it.
  2. "Give fathers a say, and I'll think about it." If it were possible to transfer the fetus to the fathers and let them carry it to term and beyond I might agree with you.
  3. No, let's look back to January 2000, when gold was at at a 20 year low. Is that favorable enough for you? It has increased more than four times since then. However the S&P 500, even though it was at the start of a four year, 40% drop in value, still performs comparably. https://www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/2000 BTW: From 1973 to present the S&P 500, if you include dividends, returned 10.38% per year over, well over the 8.8% of gold during your preferred time frame. For investment of ten years or longer the market usually beats gold by a significant margin. But if you cherry pick carefully you can find exceptions.
  4. Who's cherry picking now? The price of gold went up six-fold in the two years after the artificial fix of $35/oz was lifted. If you compared the change from 1975, after the price of gold had time to find its market value, to present the S&P 500 comes out ahead on the index alone. When you factor in the earnings of the stocks the market is even further ahead. "If you invested $100 in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 1975, you would have about $21,287.89 at the end of 2023, assuming you reinvested all dividends. This is a return on investment of 21,187.89%, or 11.79% per year." https://www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/1975
  5. Upon reflection I've decide that "Sick!" is a gross understatement. Assuming marriage to a twelve year old includes sex with that twelve year old, it's revolting child abuse and should come with severe penalties. Only a dangerous pedophile would do this sort of thing.
  6. I assume old videos of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson, comedians who frequently dressed in drag during their comedy sketches, would also be banned.
  7. Not quite tripled, and if you had bought when the S&P was under 1500 would have done as well or better. The index was under that from around October 2008 through October 2009, and dipped below a couple of times after that. Granted that would have involved astute or lucky market timing, but not nearly as astute or lucky as buying gold at $750/oz. https://goldprice.org/gold-price-history.html In general the US economy is a better long term investment than gold.
  8. Try instructing a room full of women about their menstrual cycles. If you survive you'll be a wiser man at the end of it.
  9. Maybe, just maybe, these clear violations of ethics are enough for Republicans to vote for impeachment. But probably not.
  10. Since Trump seems incapable of telling the truth this puts him in a bind.
  11. You would have done better in an S&P 500 index fund if you purchased any time from mid-2008 through 2012. https://www.macrotrends.net/2324/sp-500-historical-chart-data
  12. I'm not surprised. However the topic isn't gun laws or background checks.
  13. "Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Hitler, Hussain, as well as other dictators also jailed their political opponents." What kind of legal process did they follow? 'democracy' requires reasonable people who acknowledge when they have lost an election.
  14. "...looking to determine if Trump or his advisers scammed donors by using false claims about voter fraud to raise money..." "if"?
  15. "The risk any person accepts in continuing a pregnancy to term exceeds that of an early safe abortion by literally an order of magnitude." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pregnancy-is-far-more-dangerous-to-women-than-abortion/ "The pregnancy-associated mortality rate among women who delivered live neonates was 8.8 deaths per 100,000 live births. The mortality rate related to induced abortion was 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22270271/
  16. Terrible isn't it? We all know that Trump is a quiet, shy person who avoids publicity and the media spotlight as much as possible. ????
  17. If that's from 2010 it's what happened when the elected government was removed by the judiciary and the appointed PM refused to hold elections. Nobody died in that fire. Lots of people died from soldiers bullets during the protest for democracy.
  18. Your coin toss analogy is is ridiculous, polls showed that Biden was far more popular in urban and suburban counties than Trump, and far more people lived in these areas. They were not fifty-fifty toss-ups. As has been explained with sources, Benford's law is not relevant to this situation. Biden got more votes in densely populated urban and suburban counties because people there were really eager to vote against Trump. It's just that simple.
  19. Good idea. I assume you have the location of all these fentanyl factories and the names and assets of all the cartel members. Why don't you sent this information to the government?
  20. Your first three // statements apply more to Trump than Biden. Except the one about stimulating forming an anti-hegemonic alliance. I think you mean that Biden is making Russia and China unhappy. If so, do you suggest appeasement?
  21. Are you suggesting the US blockade the thousands of miles of Mexico's coast? Or that we stop and search every ship that passed through a Chinese port before it reaches Mexico? Or was your post meant to be a joke?
  22. Do you think that repeatedly referencing Benford's Law without showing how it applies to the election somehow makes you appear to be correct?
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