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The Vulcan

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Posts posted by The Vulcan

  1. Good bye DSLR's - Hello freedom. I already miss you but its better this way.

    I am in total agreement with you.

    Having had an Olympus E-420 for almost two years, I need something more compact, I am almost decided on the Canon Powershot G11, one of the cameras that you mention above. It must be good because it has a proper viewfinder :)

    Seriously, the G11 has excellent specifications (as well as the viewfinder).

    Everytime I take my E-420 out with me is a photo expedition, despite the fact that it is one of the smaller SLR's, it irritates me, and certainly limits the number of photos I take.

    I expect to "bite the bullet" and fly with Air Asia soon, another good reason for a camera that will fit inside my laptop bag, rather than requiring a dedicated own SLR bag.

    I wasn't aware of this - a new ruling?

  2. Burning is a software technique to "burn in" (or pull back) detail in an overexposed area of the image. In Photoshop (for instance) there are specific tools for burning and dodging, the later having the opposite effect, i.e. lightening the area.

    So does Adobe Lightroom 2. BTW the technique is not limited to digital photography! I've done a lot of dodging and burning in school darkroom when working on B&W prints.

    I tried to keep it simple.

    As I still have and use a darkroom I'm well aware of dodging and burning prints!

  3. Nice pic, but it would have been better if the boy in light color clothing (and light complexion) could be treated with "burning", if you have a software for it that is. BTW I never liked walking through this gate. A war weapon like .50 caliber machine gun and assault rifles should have no place in a Buddhist temple, let alone pointing at tourists. Good to know it's no longer pointed at people.

    What is "burning"?

    Burning is a software technique to "burn in" (or pull back) detail in an overexposed area of the image. In Photoshop (for instance) there are specific tools for burning and dodging, the later having the opposite effect, i.e. lightening the area.

  4. When I was a kid it was generally accepted that "people make pictures"

    Then I started to adopt the view that "a part is better than the whole" (leave something for the imagination)

    Lately, albeit a stock image view, I'm thinking P=B+P+S+I

    i.e. a good Picture has a Background with a Person a suitable Symbol and are Involved (ie doing something, or interacting).

    What do you think "makes a good picture" ?

    And, more to the point, do you apply your opinion when shooting ?

  5. Shot last night with a GF1 and Contax 90mm f2.8 G lens attached (effectively 180mm)

    It's a bitch to focus manually with this setup and my keeper rate is abysmal at present (it'll improve with practice I hope)

    But I love the tone, contrast and overall IQ of these Zeiss lenses

    400 ISO - 1/30th wide open

  6. I need to try this HDR thing one day, althought +2/-2 is maybe not sufficient to really get HDR photos. The best I can do on the Canon 450D.

    And my daily image is about the people I love most, it is Valentine day.

    Taken 3 years ago but cropped today :)


    That's a wonderful shot - well done - and a lovely looking family

  7. I indeed like this one better than the first one but both are fantastic pictures.

    Your use the 70-200mm, how far were you from them? (by the way,why did you get the 70-200mm f4 instead of the f2.8?)

    30/40 metres I guess

    I had the 2.8 (non IS version) and traded it for the F4 IS - it's lighter and sharper.

  8. With all the threads relating to lenses, cameras etc I started to review my own (expansive) collection of gear and asked myself "do I need all of this or am I just a gear slut?"

    I've got Dslrs, compacts, micro 4/3rds, medium format (film) and 35mm (film) rangefinders

    And the answer is yes - it's "horses for courses"

    In the low light of the theatre we're I'm some distance away my 5DMK11 and 70-200 zoom is invaluable. 3200 ISO is just not on with any other format/configuration. And that's the lowest ISO I need! It's damned dark in a theatre.

    This same camera again comes into it's own for sports and action stuff. Predictive focus is a must.

    But I also shoot editorial, candid and street stuff. DSLRs are intrusive here - along come the rangefinders, especially my GF1 and fast lenses. For Black and White film my Contax G2 or Leica M6 are superlative. (let's not discuss digital v film eh? - some hate it - I love it, and so do my libraries!)

    And then I like to shoot landscapes - Medium format for me here. The detail is the key. My Rollei and Hasselblad stuff murders my MK11. (I just wish I could afford a digital back - maybe one day :) )

    The compact (Canon G10) - well, in between carrying my stuff it keeps the GF occupied, and that's a major issue on a shoot! :D


  9. Agree with "Greenside"

    Biggest problem I encounter is that I have TOO many lenses. As such, I always seem to attach the wrong one for the situation! :)

    As I shoot mainly low light and street type stuff I prefer primes i.e. 24 F1.4, 50 F1.4 and 85 F1.8.

    The latter at F1.8 is a bargain lens in the Canon line-up. Sharp, contrasty and cheap and nigh on as good as my 85 F1.2 L

    On a 1.6 cropped sensor this would equate to 136mm - the optimum portrait FL - wonderful OOF (bokeh) as well

    Worth a look I would think

  10. 1% spot reading from Minolta light meter

    I like the lighting on this shot - seems to endorse the power and dominance aura

    Local theatre performance shot today

    Exposure-wise it's so perfect it looks as if the shot was made in studio.

    Where in the subject did you spot the metering?

    Metered off the highlights - obviously I didn't meter from this image (moving too much) but from a reading of the spotlight falling on the stage. I just then applied this exposure.

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