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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. They really are tossers when it comes to putting the boot into foreigners. :o

    When this kind of thing existed in South Africa, it was called Apartheid, was roundly condemned worldwide, South Africa was boycotted, pop songs were written et al. But this is Thailand...

  2. usually on the front of the machine at the bottom there will be a small door/panel for you to open, open it and unscrew the nut, when you unscrew it it releases the excess water, sometimes something such as a coin gets jammed in the works, remove whatever was blocking the machine. it is recommended you check your machine this way at least once a month.

    Been there, done that. Enen shoved a piece of wire up to probe for blockages further up...

    It seems that the 'spin' cycle simply doesn't commence mechanically, even though it shows as having done so on the control panel. :o

  3. yeap, the Japanese - and other investors - are borrowing funds in low-rate jurisdictions such as Japan and reinvesting them in relatively safe markets like NZ. Makes sense. Borrow a million bucks at 0.5%, park it in NZ and earn 7%. Monitor exchange rates carefully. Nice little earner.

    RBNZ is also looking at possible rate hike this week or next.

    I don't think Japanese are borrowing money to buy NZ$.

    An average Japanese household has 120K US$ in savings, sitting in a JP bank and attracting interest that is not worth mentioning.

    If there are 40 million Japanese households, if only 1 million of them reach for NZ$ that makes an impact.

    That's what they do: move their local savings into the same bank's account - actually into the "foreign currency account" that is in NZ$. Then, it goes as if the funds were in NZ.

    There was an article titled "Japanese grannies make NZ$ surge".

    I read a similar article in the FT about them having the same effect on Sterling...

  4. Interesting view,

    Personally, I think we just need to look at Idi Amin and Uganda - replacing Indian/Asians with Farang!

    I don't quite get what your saying, Do you want to explain a bit more?

    I assume he is referring to the mass-expulsions of Asians from Uganda and inferring that felangs could meet a similar fate here...

  5. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Pol. Lt. Gen. Adisorn Nonsee (อดิศร นนทรีย์), affirms that the police will look after the protestors at Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง), and says riots can damage the national image.

    Er, so can coups, corrupt authorites etc. Are the police going to investigate them too? :o

    The coup was smooth as silk. Every news agencies reported on complete absense of violence, so the damage was minimal, and, in fact, cemented Thailand's reputation as peaceful, smiling nation.

    So, if you were offered a position as adviser to TAT, you would encourage them to have a Coup, say twice a year, to further enhance the image of Thailand in the potential tourist's mind? :D

  6. I know day to day is probably not effective analysis, but right now it is slowly creeping back to a higher rate: about 33.69. Day's not over, though. Hopefully it continues back to 36 or so. This is onshore. My previous post I meant (33) and (33.65), respectively.

    It hasn't really begun. London (World's largest Forex market) just opening and New York (2nd largest) not open for another 5 hours... :o

    Note that the USD has now slid another cent to 2.063 to GBP, another new 25-year low...

    Source: xe.com

  7. The Baht seems to be slipping back a little. The GBP is now 69.01 (TT) against 67.4 a few days ago. :D

    Bangkok bank: http://www.bangkokbank.com/Bangkok+Bank/Pe...tes/default.htm

    Well this means that the differential between Onshore and Offshore rate has now widened to an improbable 13.9%, as the xe.com mid-market quote is currently 60.5996 THB = 1 GBP...

    I might start to investigate Dr Naam's theory of the bank that does Baht transfers using the offshore rate out of Thailand :o

  8. Just as a side note.

    In my purchasing process, and trying to find out the "real" property value it became clear that peoples opinions are not important. Prices are based on land office valuations. They physically have a department that decides on property prices in each area. Banks loan against these valuations, not the asking price.

    So my process was (as a cash buyer):-

    . Find a property that I liked.

    . Check the land office valuations.

    . Try to get a price lower than that.

    I posted a couple of links to the banks repo sites, just in case you're interested.




    I hope that's of use / interesting. It's a good time to buy from these sites.

    You'd have to be insane to buy off plan at the moment. (Internationally funded condos are skeleton like close to my condo in Suk 71. Just 4 months ago they were promising completion dates in June - not a days work has been done since, unpaid workers have packed up and gone home. I feel really sorry for the foreign purchasers who were naive enough to believe some of the people on this site...)

    Thanks for a great post. I followed the links and have saved them as they will be of interest when the whole ediface crashes down around our ears...

  9. The baht has gone back a bit since it's quick rise last week. Not much, but perhaps it will begin to stabilise?

    Nope, falling further now London opened:

    Live rates at 2007.07.23 08:48:33 UTC

    Notice: The THB rate shown below is the international rate. Rates used within Thailand may vary.

    1.00 USD = 29.5784 THB United States Dollars Thailand Baht

    1 USD = 29.5784 THB 1 THB = 0.0338085 USD

    Source: xe.com

  10. What have you got to hide? :o


    I'm not wanting to pick on you specifically but your post pretty much typifies the arguement put forth by many people who in my opinion are really naive about life.

    People who talk like this (If you are a law abiding citizen then why would you care if you are being monitored?....stuff like that) seem to think that all governments in existence today and all throughout the future will be kind grandparent like entities who are just wanting to make life better for its citizens by protecting them and channeling them into wholesome behaviors. Fact is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and surveilance systems are one more step to give governments absolute power over their citizens.....remember folks it should be the other way around..i.e. the citizens should have absolute power over the gov't...but when was the last time that a gov't took great pains to place surveilance systems to cover all the activities of gov't officials and politicians and took great pains so that citizens had total and unhindered access to all things going on in that gov't?

    Consider that a truly good gov't (something that many people could exist although few people have ever seen one) could install a really good surveillance system and do only really good things with it and.....then......a really really bad gov't takes over (be either legitimate or illegitamte means...makes no difference how) and starts using the same system to monitor everyone opposed to its continued rule...the surveillance would be a very very very powerful tool for a really really really bad gov't to maintain itself.

    This is not paranoia...look at all of the really really reallly bad gov't's that exist now or have existed in the past.......doesn't look like bad gov't's are going to disappear in the near future...does it.


    You know, I was only joking. I am with you, am a member of Liberty in UK and fully am of the opinion that we live in a surveilance society... Sorry my irony was lost...

  11. Too much drama over semantics here. The incident took place after the landing so is technically not a bad landing. Customer service at Northwest will do nothing as there is no way to see who made the post.

    Incidentally, Northwest has an outstanding safety record, one of the best in the industry actually, so maybe you should think twice before flying into hysterics and switching elsewhere.

    Well, (thank God) I don't have to fly back to US nowadays, so I am unconcerned...

    Captain 000 can continue flying in as haphazard a manner as he wants for all I care!

    Point of order: NW would, I am sure, be interested in negative publicity in the public domain, hence emailing them...

  12. When you hit runway lights, go off the runway and then mire your wheels in the mud, we consider that an incident or accident.

    And you are a nutcase. Thank goodness you have nothing to do with airline safety...

    I am a Captain for Northwest. What's your pedigree? Calling me a nutcase only emphasizes that you haven't a clue when it comes to this topic. Bad landings happen all the time - knocking out runway lights thankfully don't happen often and never in my career have I ever seen anything like that in my flying. He should have gone around for another shot at landing the plane but many companies frown on the go around as it costs several thousand dollars more fuel to execute it, fly to the fix - and then make another approach.

    Bending the airplane is not considered just a "bad" landing.


    Well, I have emailed your post to customer relations at Northwest. I (used) to fly with them quite often. I am glad I don't now...

  13. We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


    Geek talk, eh?

    Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.


    I guess your single then? :o

    Actually, I was sharing my best pickup line with y'all! :D Are you not impressed?

    Hahahahaha, the funniest thing is I'm barely joking (I'm actually a math major at uni, but this isn't my own homework -- it's someone writing about a math problem people tried to solve for 300 years). It seems like every time I sit down in a cafe to do my homework, random guys try to chat me up, when all I want is some peace and quiet to study! :D

    I know, it surprises me too.

    You know, I was quite the guy on mathmatics (sorry an English pedant), but never considered using formulae to use as a chat-up line, either then, or now. Whatever floats your boat I guess..

    PS - I am reminded of the Scene in 'Fierce Creatures', when Jamie Lee Curtis wants John Cleese to recite Russian to enhance her sexual excitement... You don't get suiters to recite algorithems in similar situations per chance??

  14. We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


    Geek talk, eh?

    Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.

    In effect, the conjecture says that every rational elliptic curve is a modular form in disguise. Or, more formally, the conjecture suggests that, for every elliptic curve inline10.gif over the rationals, there exist nonconstant modular functions inline11.gif and inline12.gif of the same level inline13.gif such that

    equation1.gif Equivalently, for every elliptic curve, there is a modular form with the same Dirichlet L-series.


    I guess your single then? :o

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