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Posts posted by aussiestyle1983

  1. In this world, especially Thailand, it's "Kill or be Killed"

    I am not meaning "kill her" and my original comment wasn't ment to be taken word for word (I can understand that a non native English speaker might take it word for word) but it was meant to mean, you do whatever you have to do to protect your asetts. You know what some Thais are capable of, and you should use this to your advantage and use this knowledge to help you determine how you will deal with the situation. As I said before, "When in Rome..............."

    If the girl wants out or has any clue that the relationship is going to end, you have to do whatever you can to protect your asetts. If they have lied in the past, it will only get worse when it's comming to the end. But at no cost, should you just walk away! Why give them the pleasure? If you have to, burn down the house, trash it! (similar situation was mentioned in another thread) If you cant live in it or sell it, destroy it! Why give others the pleasure of using your money? It doesn't matter if the house only cost you a weeks or a months salary in your home country, you paid for it, don't let take a bunch of bludgers that didn't earn it take it from you.

    In my relationship both my wife and I couldn't be happier (with everything, including in-laws) and so on. My attitude for this comes from the hundreds of stories I read about stupid farangs getting ripped of, and to be honest, no one deserves to get ripped off, but the ones who just walk away and don't do anything about it should keep their mouths shut and not complain (not refering to the OP, refering to the previous posters of horror stories)

    Torito is right, there are a lot more success stories than bad stories, but this is the internet, 90% of the stories you hear will be the bad ones not the good ones because its the bad ones who ask for advice and make an interesting read.

    Good luck to the OP and do what ever you have to do, to protect you interest in the house.

  2. Only once. This is still my first time to come to Thailand and I have been here about 20 months now, but a month after I first arrived, we went to Phuket and I ate some small western style hamburgers from a market stand at the Phuket festival. The grated carrot on the burgers drove my stomach insane! I felt like I was gonna die and I had to ride the 12 hours bus trip back to BKK in 3 hours! The family here took me to the hospital and the Doc gave me some good medicine that blocked me for 3 weeks! Nevertheless, I have never eaten carrots in Thailand since and I never will again and that bus ride back to BKK was the longest and most painfull 12 hours of my life.

    worst thing you can do is take meds to bung yourself up. only a good idea if its necessary to travel.

    best thing to do is let the good time's roll ( in the dunny) and keep very well hydrated. :D

    tends to build a bit of resistance getting a dose of the squirts every now and then. :o

    I agree with you 100%

    But I had to go back with the family, on a 12 hours bus trip (the bus toilet is usually not equipt to handle #2, especially hundered of doses of it) so I had no option. If I was at home, I would have let the good times (and the bad smells) roll............... :D

  3. I notice a constant trend in Thailand from Westerners that don't know about food hygiene that they are eager and quick to blame anyone but the real local places.

    I've never met a Thai more knowledgeable on hygenic food & eating practises than a Westerner.

    The thai cooking staff at the school I work at believe it is in best practise to not rinse of the dish washing liquid after washing the dishes. After tying to talk to them several times, they don't change their practises. They believe that "By leaving the dishwashing liquid on the plates after washing them, it will help clean the food"

    I could not stop laughing after hearing that and they still don't understand why I never use their plates, cups, etc. I always bring my own or buy food outside of the school.

  4. What about Malaysia Airlines? Does anyone know how flexible they are on this issue or alternative ways to deal with them?

    My wife and I are only allowed 20KG free check-in luggage. Over that its 750 THB per KG. Once the bag is 30kg, they will not accept it! We have over 2 years of things to take back, mainly new clothes, but the 20 KG is a joke, especially when SOME other airlines let you take 2 check in items each weighing 34 KG each! One item weighing 20KG is a joke and we need to find another solution.

  5. Does this only apply to carry on luggage?

    We are going back to Oz soon and my wife has spent a lot of money stocking up on her fav makeup. Some of these things include creams and sorts of liquids, so we are just wondering if we will be able to take it with us or not? We plan to put it all in the check-in luggage, we will be carrying NO liquids in our carry on. But, we will have a lot of make up and other liquids such as camera lense cleaning liquids as well. If they are gonna throw it away we would rather leave it here, this will especially stop me from being arrested for making a scene at the airport if they try to bin the stuff. So can we still bring things such as mentioned above in the checked in luggege?

  6. Only once. This is still my first time to come to Thailand and I have been here about 20 months now, but a month after I first arrived, we went to Phuket and I ate some small western style hamburgers from a market stand at the Phuket festival. The grated carrot on the burgers drove my stomach insane! I felt like I was gonna die and I had to ride the 12 hours bus trip back to BKK in 3 hours! The family here took me to the hospital and the Doc gave me some good medicine that blocked me for 3 weeks! Nevertheless, I have never eaten carrots in Thailand since and I never will again and that bus ride back to BKK was the longest and most painfull 12 hours of my life.

  7. Pay someone to make her go away before the situation becomes too public and too nasty. Thai's have done this in the past and when in rome...................

    not only you look like an aZZhole but you have just proved you are indeed one!

    edited to "clarify"

    You bet I am, thanks for agreeing! :D

    I'd rather be an azzhole than a soft cock who lets himself get ripped off and just accepts the fact that he's going to get walked all over :o

    No wonder why we hear so many sotries of Farangs being ripped off by their Thai partners. If all the soft cocks out there stoped letting themselves get walked over and actually stood up for themselves, rather than just turning their back and running away, Thais wouldn't think we are all as stupid as they say we are! As long as people just walk away keep letting the Thai partner take away the house, stories like this will continue to appear on here and throughout Thailand.

    My first post was ment to be a smart azzed comment, but after reading all the softcock replies that followed, I know why so many Thais think they can rip us off, and now, I don't blame them for doing so!

    If you just walk away from a situation like this, there is no point in crying.

  8. Are you refering to a high salary paid in Thai Baht that would be similar to a good salary back home, or are you refering to a salary being paid in a foriegn currency?

    There are many many schools that pay good salaries, but these jobs are harder to get and are available to the most qualified teachers with the most experience, unless you know someone. But you can earn over 200,000THB per month, it is very rare, but if you are the right person, it is doable.

    If you want you salary paid in foriegn (English) currency then you should just learn how to spend your money more wisely. As they say "A fool and his money are soon parted"

  9. I look forward to my flights with them in two weeks. I fly from BKK to LAX on two 777's which I really look forward to. On the return, From LAX to TPE its a 777 but its one of the old 747 Combi's from TPE back to BKK. Oh well, its only 3 hours or so and I believe the Combi 747's have personal TV's in economy class but the other full passenger version 747's dont have PTV's in economy. Can anyone confirm this? To the OP, did the old 747 you flew have a personal TV? Was it the half cargo/ half pasenger version?

    I made sure we were scheduled on the leg with the combi 747 just to get the personal TV, so I hope we have not risked our safety for nothing! I look forward to hearing the cargo containers bang around in the back of the cabin!

  10. Just a reaction for how my flights went.I did not know how Eva air was when I was posting this topic before and got many useful reactions back then,thanks all.

    Now have been and come back from my flights.The flight to A'dam and back to Bkk were with mixed configuration.

    I found the food dissapointing ,and I don't know why I felt for the first time in my life in a plane not to safe also,I thought the plane was getting a bit overused,It just gave me this impression.Overall the service and all was very satisfying.But in the cheaper price classes I think China airlines is better,bigger seats.The service from the crew I thought were very friendly,next time i will try Cathay airline(next year) and look how they make me feel.

    Were you on one of their boeing 747's?

    I would hope their 777's still feel safe :o

  11. In my first post, I gave a description of a teacher I knew for the OP's info. I actually got a PM from another member today who knew a similar person and when they named the person to check if it was the same person, guess what it was! I feel sorry for the school this guy is teaching at now, I only knew him for 2 weeks, but from story one I knew everything was a lie, nevertheless, he was a non native speaker, dark skined and he was earning a decent salary for who he claimed to be. I am just making two points in this thread, yes, a lot of Thais are racist and they want white people who are native speakers, because they are looked at as money makers for the school (I am a walking billboard at me school, I spend more time in front of the school than in the classroom!). This is not always the case and anyone with two eyes will eventually find a job, but this is how is works most of the time. I work with some excellent Filippinos, some ofthe best teachers and best people I have known, but it is sad to see how they get treated and have to work harder because of their background. So OP, you will need to face these race issues here, but know that you will get a job. The other point I have tried to make is that it is a small world. Just by posting a brief description of a teacher to give you an example of what is available, I have allready had the guy named! Maybe this guy gets around or is well know for his record and lies, nevertheless, I was quite surprised that someone else figured out who this guy was that I was talking about. So it is a small world, and this applies to schools here as well. They might gossip with each other if you make problems, so juts be carefull what you say and to whom. Good luck.

  12. There is also a DELTA. D is for Diploma and the C in CELTA is for Certificate. The DELTA is also offered through Cambridge (or however you spell it) and it like trying to escape from hel_l, or so I've been told. The manager at the language school I work at has a DELTA and I have seen it so I know they exist. I will try to find out more, but I believe it is very very very very...................... difficult and takes a long time to complete. He believes this is the holy grail of TEFL courses and he is the best TEFL teacher I have ever seen, by a long shot. So yes, the DELTA is above the CELTA and in a real TEFL world, would be better to have than ANY degree. I don't know why I have gone about the DELTA if you just want a follow up course, but yes, the CELTA has a follow up module to teach childern, a lot of other TEFL providers also have follow up modules. But if you got the DELTA, that would basically cover you to teach whatever you want, forever................... anywhere in the world!

  13. Well ! I do not think what you said is right . In todays world we are all citizens of the world first. If we start narrowing down our vision then definately one cannot hope for widening horizons and learning and sharing and contributing for the cause of quality education. I am possitive that very soon I will make it to Thailand with the help of well wishers and teaching fraternity at large.

    <deleted>! Or however you spell that word!

    Why do you ask our advice and opinion if you don't think it's right? If you knew what was right or what goes on here you wouldn't need to ask the question! Just come here for yourself and see, we are just trying to warn you what to expect, but if you are to blind or naieve to want to accept it, up to you. I will also inform you, if you are with a bar girl and she says she needs money to feed the sick buffalo, it is a lie! Wheather or not you believe it.

    Anyway, what do I know, I have only been teaching here 18 months, Im sure someone who has never taught here before has a lot more experience to comment on you original post, after all what do I know? :o

  14. Why do you want to be a teacher in Thailand?

    Most places are very racist here, and unless you're white and a native speaker or a not too dark native speaker, it will be hard to find good paying decent work here, and if you do, you will be subjct to more rules. Of course with your qualifications something will eventually come up, but you will have to look harder and make an effort to find work. If you're white and a degreed native English speaker, work will find you. I never even palnned to be a teacher here, but one day I was walking down the street and got approached/ stalked by someone who worked for some place.............and now, I have been teaching for over a year. Good luck and just be prepaired to fight a long battle before you get a good job. If it helps, I knew a non native English speaking Australian passport holder originally from Sri Lanka, very dark skin, a bad accent and a lying son of a bitch, but he managed to lie his way into a job paying 55K per month with no experience as a grade 12 (M6) Chemistry teacher at a private school. There will always be a way.

  15. I do not know what it happens with Australians now. They use to be very friendly with pomms until this November day in 2003, when the pommy b$#@&* won the Rugby World Championship :o

    Seems you have overlooked the recent five-nill ashes whitewash, any memories of the rugby world cup lost would have been forgotten, even for those who hate cricket!

  16. I know they have tightened up a bit in Brisbane but that is his best shot. Send me a PM and I will give you the name of the guy to call in Brisbane, he was very helpfull to me and gave me my first Non O based on having a Thai fiance. He is married to a Thai and knows what we go through, so they will help out if the can, but if they want to see money in the bank, your mate could be screwed anyway......................

  17. The 400K that needs to be shown, I believe, has just been a requirement introduced a few months ago. I got one last October with just the marrage cert. After the new visa exempt entry rules tightened up, the Sing Embassy also tightened up the requirements of issuing 1 year Non O visas, and I believe the new 400K requirement was a result of this.

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